Config file

Config = {}

--[[ Language ]]--
Config.Locale = 'en'

--[[ Framework ]]--
Config.Framework = {
    type = 'esx',    -- esx, qbcore.
    export = 'es_extended', -- Default exports - esx: [es_extended], qbcore: [qb-core].

--[[ Inventory ]]--
Config.Inventory = 'ox' -- ox                     -
                        -- qb                     -
                        -- qs                     -
                        -- prisma                 -

--[[ ProgressBar ]]--
Config.ProgressBarDuration = 1  -- Duration of the progressbar [in seconds].
Config.ProgressBar = 'ox'       -- none           - No ProgressBar.
                                -- ox             -
                                -- qb             -
                                -- qs             -
                                -- progressBars   -

--[[ Notifications ]]--
Config.Notify = 'ox' -- ox, esx, qb.
Config.NotifyType = {success = 'success', info = 'info', error = 'error'}
Config.Sounds = false

--[[ Commands/Keybinds ]]--
Config.GiveVest = {enable = true, permissions = 'admin', command = 'givevest'} -- Command for giving yourself vests - /givevest [id] [item] [name].
Config.RemoveVest = {enable = true, command = 'removevest'} -- Command for removing your vest.
-- ↑ !!! If you are using fivecode_clothing, WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND SETTING Config.RemoveVest TO FALSE !!! ↑ --

Config.EnableKeyBind = false -- Keybind for removing your vest.
Config.KeyBindToRemove = 9 -- Keybind key -

--[[ Bulletproof vest settings ]]--
Config.PlateItem = 'plate' -- Name of plate item.
Config.DefaultStrengthPlate = 5 -- Default plate strenght.
Config.DestroyBrokenVest = false -- Do you want to destroy player vest upon it being destroyed ?
Config.TakeOffBrokenVest = false -- Do you want to undress player vest upon it being destroyed ?
Config.VestControlTime = 5 -- Check player vest status [In seconds].
Config.IntervalSavingToDb = 5 -- Saving player vest status to database [In minutes] - (For consistency, it is recommended to perform a minimal database update every 5 minutes. [min: 1 min]).

--[[ Animations ]]--
Config.Anim = {
    takeOn = {anim = 'clothingtie', clip = 'try_tie_negative_a'},
    takeOff = {anim = 'clothingtie', clip = 'try_tie_negative_a'},

--[[ Set multiple vests ]]--
Config.UseClothing = true -- If true player will get clothing[clothNumber - clothColor] when using armor.

-- !!! QB and QS Inventories can only have one 'item' and are not able to change 'image' and 'weight' !!!
Config.Vests = {
--  ['item']
    ['bulletproofvest'] = {
--      ['name']
        police = {label = 'Police Vest', weight = 3000, clothNumber = 1, clothColor = 1, image = 'armor', maxArmor = 100},
        vest = {label = 'Bulletproof Vest', weight = 4000, clothNumber = 1, clothColor = 1,  image = 'carokit', maxArmor = 80}
    ['armor'] = {
        test = {label = 'Vest', description = 'Test vest', weight = 4000, clothNumber = 1, clothColor = 1, image = 'armour', maxArmor = 50}

--[[ Debug ]]--
Config.Debug = false

If you need help with anything, do not hesitate and open a support ticket in our discord.

Last updated