Config file
Config = {}
--[[ Language ]]--
Config.Locale = 'en' -- en, de, es, cs.
--[[ Default Settings ]]
Config.Framework = {
autoDetect = true, -- Automatically finds and sets supported framework on your server.
type = 'esx', -- ESX = 'esx' / QBCore = 'qbcore'.
export = 'es_extended', -- ESX = 'es_extended' / QBCore = 'qb-core'.
--[[ Inventory ]]--
Config.Inventory = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported inventory on your server.
-- ox -
-- qb -
-- qs -
-- ps -
-- codem -
-- core -
-- origen -
-- tgiann -
--[[ Menu ]]--
Config.Name = 'playerid' -- Displayed name in UI (steamname, playerid).
Config.EnableUILabel = true -- Enable UI label (for script UI).
Config.Menu = 'ui' -- commands - No menu - Only Commands.
-- ui - Script UI.
-- ox -
-- esx -
-- qb -
--[[ ProgressBar ]]--
Config.ProgressBarDuration = 1 -- Duration of the progressbar [in seconds].
Config.ProgressBar = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported progressbar on your server.
-- none - No ProgressBar.
-- ox -
-- progressbars -
-- qb -
-- qs -
--[[ Skin Selector ]]--
Config.SkinSelector = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported skin selector on your server.
-- esx -,
-- qb -
-- fivem -
-- illenium -
-- bl -
-- rcore -
-- tgiann -
--[[ Notifications ]]--
Config.Notify = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect, ox, esx, qb.
Config.NotifyType = {success = 'success', info = 'info', error = 'error'}
Config.Sounds = true
--[[ Fivecode Armor Support ]]--
Config.FivecodeArmor = false -- Enable this setting if you're using our armor script.
--[[ Main ]]--
Config.ClothingTheft = {
distance = 5.0, -- Maximum distance for stealing another player's clothing.
canBeRobbed = {male = true, female = false}, -- If false, players wont be able to steal clothing from the gender.
Config.ClothingTheftDistance = 5.0 -- Maximum distance for stealing another player's clothing
Config.ItemNames = {outfit = 'outfit', top = 'top'} -- Item names for outfit and top for easier customization.
Config.Animations = {
OutfitAnimation = {
dict = 're@construction',
anim = 'out_of_breath',
StealAnimation = {
dict = 'anim@amb@clubhouse@tutorial@bkr_tut_ig3@',
anim = 'machinic_loop_mechandplayer',
--[[ Commands and Default Clothing ]]--
Config.ClothingMenu = {
keybind = {enable = true, keyCode = 9}, -- Keybind to open the clothing menu (works only if enable is true). Examples 9, 'a', 'b'...
command = 'clothingmenu' -- Command to open the clothing menu.
Config.Commands = {
Enable = true, -- If false these commands will be disabled.
GiveClothing = {Enable = true, Command = 'giveclothing'}, -- example: /giveclothing mask[type] 1[number] 1[color].
Clothing = {
Mask = {Command = 'mask', DefaultClothing = {male = 0, female = 0}, Disabled = false},
Helmet = {Command = 'helmet', DefaultClothing = {male = -1, female = -1}, Disabled = false},
Glasses = {Command = 'glasses', DefaultClothing = {male = -1, female = -1}, Disabled = false},
Ear = {Command = 'ear', DefaultClothing = {male = -1, female = -1}, Disabled = false},
Chain = {Command = 'chain', DefaultClothing = {male = 0, female = 0}, Disabled = false},
Watches = {Command = 'watches', DefaultClothing = {male = -1, female = -1}, Disabled = false},
Bracelet = {Command = 'bracelet', DefaultClothing = {male = -1, female = -1}, Disabled = false},
Tshirt = {Command = 'tshirt', DefaultClothing = {male = 15, female = 15}, Disabled = false},
Vest = {Command = 'vest', DefaultClothing = {male = 0, female = 0}, Disabled = false},
Jacket = {Command = 'jacket', DefaultClothing = {male = -1, female = 15}, Disabled = false},
Decals = {Command = 'decals', DefaultClothing = {male = 0, female = 0}, Disabled = false},
Bag = {Command = 'bag', DefaultClothing = {male = 0, female = 0}, Disabled = false},
Gloves = {Command = 'gloves', DefaultClothing = {male = 15, female = 15}, Disabled = false},
Pants = {Command = 'pants', DefaultClothing = {male = 14, female = 15}, Disabled = false},
Shoes = {Command = 'shoes', DefaultClothing = {male = 34, female = 35}, Disabled = false},
Top = {Command = 'top', Disabled = false},
Outfit = {Command = 'outfit', Disabled = false},
--[[ Set custom name and image to specific clothing ]]--
Config.CustomName = {
Label = 'Gucci Pants', -- Name of the clothing item displayed in-game.
Image = 'gucci_p', -- Image of the clothing item displayed in-game.
Type = 'pants', -- Type of clothing (e.g., pants, shirt).
Ped = 'mp_m_freemode_01', -- Ped model (male = 'mp_m_freemode_01', female = 'mp_f_freemode_01').
Clothing = {
Type = 17, -- Clothing type ID (e.g., pants).
Color = 3 -- Color ID for the clothing item.
Label = 'Pig mask',
Image = false,
Type = 'mask',
Ped = 'mp_m_freemode_01',
Clothing = {
Type = 1,
Color = 2
Locales['en'] = {
['player'] = '%s',
['put_down'] = 'Remove %s',
['all'] = 'all',
['menu_title'] = 'Clothing menu',
['owned_clothes'] = 'Manage your outfit',
['steal_clothes'] = 'Steal nearby players clothes',
['steal_can_be_robbed_male'] = 'male',
['steal_can_be_robbed_female'] = 'female',
['steal_can_be_robbed_notif'] = 'You cannot steal clothing from %s players.',
['naked'] = 'Nothing to remove',
['yes'] = 'Yes',
['no'] = 'No',
['steal_menu'] = 'Steal clothing: %s',
['clothing_menu'] = 'Clothing menu',
['whole_cloth'] = 'Outfit',
['take_off'] = 'Removing %s',
['take_on'] = 'Putting on %s',
['invalid_item'] = 'Item doesnt exist',
['description_cloth'] = 'Number: %s\n\n Color: %s',
['player_outfit'] = 'Player outfit',
['player_top'] = 'Player top',
['helmet'] = 'helmet',
['mask'] = 'mask',
['glasses'] = 'glasses',
['ears'] = 'ears',
['gloves'] = 'gloves',
['pants'] = 'pants',
['bag'] = 'bag',
['shoes'] = 'shoes',
['watches'] = 'watches',
['chain'] = 'chain',
['bracelet'] = 'bracelet',
['tshirt'] = 'tshirt',
['vest'] = 'vest',
['decals'] = 'decals',
['jacket'] = 'jacket',
['top'] = 'top',
['outfit'] = 'Outfit',
['not_fitting'] = 'This does not fit you!',
['already_wearing'] = 'You are already wearing %s',
['player_is_not_nearby'] = 'Move closer to do this.',
['cannot_undress_without_anim'] = 'This player\'s clothes cannot be taken because he is not afraid of you!',
['you_are_busy'] = 'You are already busy',
['no_players'] = 'There is nobody nearby.',
['player_is_busy'] = 'They are too busy for that.',
['successful'] = 'Success.',
['command_help'] = 'Help command',
['command_example'] = 'Example: %s',
Locales['de'] = {
['player'] = '%s',
['put_down'] = 'Ablegen von %s',
['all'] = 'alle',
['menu_title'] = 'Kleidermenü',
['owned_clothes'] = 'Eigene Kleidung ablegen',
['steal_clothes'] = 'Spieler kleiden',
['steal_can_be_robbed_male'] = 'männlichen',
['steal_can_be_robbed_female'] = 'weiblichen',
['steal_can_be_robbed_notif'] = 'Sie können keine Kleidung von %s Spielern stehlen.',
['naked'] = 'Nichts zum Ablegen',
['yes'] = 'Ja',
['no'] = 'Nein',
['steal_menu'] = 'Spieler kleiden: %s',
['clothing_menu'] = 'Kleidungsmenü',
['whole_cloth'] = 'Komplettes Outfit',
['take_off'] = 'Ablegen von %s',
['take_on'] = 'Anziehen von %s',
['invalid_item'] = 'Ungültiger Gegenstand',
['description_cloth'] = 'Nummer: %s\n\nFarbe: %s',
['player_outfit'] = 'Spieler Outfit',
['player_top'] = 'Spieleroberteil',
['helmet'] = 'Helm',
['mask'] = 'Maske',
['glasses'] = 'Brille',
['ears'] = 'Ohren',
['gloves'] = 'Handschuhe',
['pants'] = 'Hose',
['bag'] = 'Tasche',
['shoes'] = 'Schuhe',
['watches'] = 'Uhr',
['chain'] = 'Kette',
['bracelet'] = 'Armband',
['tshirt'] = 'T-Shirt',
['vest'] = 'Weste',
['decals'] = 'Aufkleber',
['jacket'] = 'Jacke',
['top'] = 'Spitze',
['outfit'] = 'Outfit',
['not_fitting'] = 'Diese Kleidung passt dir nicht!',
['already_wearing'] = 'Du trägst bereits %s',
['player_is_not_nearby'] = 'Der Spieler ist zu weit entfernt.',
['cannot_undress_without_anim'] = 'Dieser Spieler kann nicht ausgezogen werden, da er keine Angst vor dir hat.',
['you_are_busy'] = 'Du bist bereits beschäftigt.',
['no_players'] = 'In der Nähe befinden sich keine Spieler.',
['player_is_busy'] = 'Spieler ist in einer Animation.',
['successful'] = 'Erfolgreich.',
['command_help'] = 'Hilfe-Befehl',
['command_example'] = 'Beispiel: %s',
Locales['es'] = {
['player'] = '%s',
['put_down'] = 'Quitar %s',
['all'] = 'todo',
['menu_title'] = 'Menú de ropa',
['owned_clothes'] = 'Quitarse la ropa propia',
['steal_clothes'] = 'Quitar ropa al jugador',
['steal_can_be_robbed_male'] = 'masculinos',
['steal_can_be_robbed_female'] = 'femeninos',
['steal_can_be_robbed_notif'] = 'No puedes robar ropa a jugadores %s.',
['naked'] = 'No tienes nada que quitarte',
['yes'] = 'Sí',
['no'] = 'No',
['steal_menu'] = 'Quitar ropa al jugador: %s',
['clothing_menu'] = 'Menú de ropa',
['whole_cloth'] = 'conjunto',
['take_off'] = 'Quitando %s',
['take_on'] = 'Vistiendo %s',
['invalid_item'] = 'Objeto no válido',
['description_cloth'] = 'Número: %s\n\nColor: %s',
['player_outfit'] = 'Conjunto del jugador',
['player_top'] = 'Parte superior del jugador',
['helmet'] = 'casco',
['mask'] = 'máscara',
['glasses'] = 'gafas',
['ears'] = 'orejas',
['gloves'] = 'guantes',
['pants'] = 'pantalones',
['bag'] = 'mochila',
['shoes'] = 'zapatos',
['watches'] = 'relojes',
['chain'] = 'cadena',
['bracelet'] = 'pulsera',
['tshirt'] = 'camiseta',
['vest'] = 'chaleco',
['decals'] = 'calcomanías',
['jacket'] = 'chaqueta',
['top'] = 'arriba',
['outfit'] = 'conjunto',
['not_fitting'] = 'Esta ropa no te queda bien.',
['already_wearing'] = 'Ya estás usando %s',
['player_is_not_nearby'] = 'El jugador está demasiado lejos.',
['cannot_undress_without_anim'] = 'Este jugador no puede ser desvestido, ya que no te tiene miedo.',
['you_are_busy'] = 'Ya estás ocupado.',
['no_players'] = 'No hay jugadores cerca.',
['player_is_busy'] = 'El jugador está en una animación.',
['successful'] = 'Éxito.',
['command_help'] = 'Comando de ayuda',
['command_example'] = 'Ejemplo: %s',
Locales['cs'] = {
['player'] = '%s',
['put_down'] = 'Vysléct %s',
['all'] = 'vše',
['menu_title'] = 'Menu oblečení',
['owned_clothes'] = 'Vysléct se',
['steal_clothes'] = 'Vysléct hráče',
['steal_can_be_robbed_male'] = 'mužských',
['steal_can_be_robbed_female'] = 'ženských',
['steal_can_be_robbed_notif'] = 'Nemůžete krást oblečení od %s hráčů.',
['naked'] = 'Nic co by šlo svléct',
['yes'] = 'Ano',
['no'] = 'Ne',
['steal_menu'] = 'Vysléct hráče: %s',
['clothing_menu'] = 'Menu oblečení',
['whole_cloth'] = 'celý oděv',
['take_off'] = 'Vyslékání %s',
['take_on'] = 'Oblékání %s',
['invalid_item'] = 'Neplatná položka',
['description_cloth'] = 'Číslo: %s\n\nBarva: %s',
['player_outfit'] = 'Outfit hráče',
['player_top'] = 'Vrch hráče',
['helmet'] = 'helma',
['mask'] = 'maska',
['glasses'] = 'brýle',
['ears'] = 'uši',
['gloves'] = 'rukavice',
['pants'] = 'kalhoty',
['bag'] = 'taška',
['shoes'] = 'boty',
['watches'] = 'hodinky',
['chain'] = 'řetěz',
['bracelet'] = 'náramek',
['tshirt'] = 'tričko',
['vest'] = 'vesta',
['decals'] = 'nálepy',
['jacket'] = 'bunda',
['top'] = 'Vrch',
['outfit'] = 'outfit',
['not_fitting'] = 'Toto oblečení ti nesedí!',
['already_wearing'] = 'Už máš na sobě %s',
['player_is_not_nearby'] = 'Hráč je příliš daleko.',
['cannot_undress_without_anim'] = 'Tento hráč nemůže být svléknut, jelikož se tě nebojí.',
['you_are_busy'] = 'Již jsi zaneprázdněn.',
['no_players'] = 'V okolí nejsou žádní hráči.',
['player_is_busy'] = 'Hráč je již v animaci.',
['successful'] = 'Úspěch.',
['command_help'] = 'Nápověda k příkazu',
['command_example'] = 'Příklad: %s',
If you need help with anything, do not hesitate and open a support ticket in our discord.
Last updated
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