Config file
Config = {}
--[[ Language ]]--
Config.Locale = 'en' -- en, de, es, cs.
--[[ Framework ]]--
Config.Framework = {
autoDetect = true, -- Automatically finds and sets supported framework on your server.
type = 'esx', -- ESX = 'esx' / QBCore = 'qbcore'.
export = 'es_extended', -- ESX = 'es_extended' / QBCore = 'qb-core'.
--[[ Inventory ]]--
Config.Inventory = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported inventory on your server.
-- ox -
-- qb/qb-new -
-- qs -
-- ps -
-- codem -
-- core -
-- origen -
-- tgiann -
-- esx -
Config.Images = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported inventory images on your server.
-- ox - ox_inventory/web/images/.
-- qb/qb-new - qb-inventory/html/images/.
-- qs - qs-inventory/html/images/.
-- ps - ps-inventory/html/images/.
-- codem - codem-inventory/html/itemimages/.
-- core - core_inventory/html/img/.
-- origen - origen_inventory/html/images/.
-- tgiann - tgiann-inventory/inventory_images/images/.
-- esx - esx_inventory/html/img/items/.
--[[ Menu ]]--
Config.Menu = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported menu on your server.
-- ox -
-- esx -
-- qb -
Config.DialogMenu = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported dialog menu on your server.
-- ox -
-- esx -
-- qb -
--[[ Action Menu ]]--
Config.Use3dText = false -- Does not work when Config.ActionMenu is set to [ox, qb, q].
Config.ActionMenu = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported action menu on your server.
-- ox -
-- qb -
-- q -
-- helpox -
-- helpqb -
-- helpesx -
--[[ ProgressBar ]]--
Config.ProgressBar = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported progressbar on your server.
-- none - No ProgressBar.
-- ox -
-- qb -
-- qs -
-- progressBars -
--[[ Skin Selector ]]--
Config.SkinSelector = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported skin selector on your server.
-- esx -,
-- qb -
-- fivem -
-- ox -
-- illenium -
-- bl -
-- rcore -
-- tgiann -
--[[ Boss Menu/Society ]]--
Config.BossMenuSociety = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported help notify on your server.
-- esx_society -
-- renewed-banking -
-- okokBanking -
-- qb-management -
-- qb-banking -
--[[ MLO ]]--
Config.MLO = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported MLO on your server.
-- gabz -
-- smallo -
-- uniqx -
-- gn -
-- king -
--[[ Notifications ]]--
Config.HelpNotify = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported help notify on your server.
-- esx -
-- ox -
-- qb -
Config.Notify = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect, ox, esx, qb.
Config.NotifyType = {success = 'success', info = 'info', error = 'error'}
Config.Sounds = true
--[[ Logs ]]--
Config.TimeFormat = '%H:%M' -- Time format used in discord logs -
Config.DiscordLogs = {
Icon = '', -- Icon that will appear in discord logs.
ServerName = 'Fivecode Scripts', -- Name that will appear in discord logs.
-- You can set discord webhooks in sv_utils.lua.
--[[ Main ]]--
Config.JobName = 'burgershot' -- Name of the job. Example: /setjob [name].
Config.UI = {cashRegister = true, foodMenu = true} -- Enables custom UI for cash register and food menu if true.
Config.UseCustomSounds = true -- Plays custom sounds during cooking, paying, etc., if true.
Config.NpcEmployeeStock = true -- NPCs sell only stocked food items if true.
Config.RemoveTrayUponUse = false -- Remove tray object upon opening it and getting tray items.
Config.DeliveryItem = true -- Requires delivering specific items and amount to customers if true.
Config.CustomBilling = false -- Allows billing menu customization in 'cl_utils.lua' (not for orders).
Config.MaxCookingQuantity = 10 -- Maximum items a player can cook at once.
Config.Keys = {
exit = 38, -- [E] Exit chair, toilet or sink.
openTable = 74, -- [H] Open table while sitting on a chair.
openTray = 249, -- [N] Open tray while sitting on a chair.
placingTray = {
place = 38, -- [E] Place tray on the ground.
exit = 348, -- [SCROLLPRESS] Exit placing tray.
rotateL = 181, -- [SCROLLUP] Rotate position of the tray to left side.
rotateR = 180, -- [SCROLLDOWN] Rotate position of the tray to right side.
Config.CustomSoundsVolume = { -- Volume of sound effects while cooking, paying etc.
-- Cooking
turningOn = 0.55,
taking_knife = 0.55,
cutting_table_cut = 0.55,
frying = 0.55,
grilling = 0.55,
drinks = 0.55,
ice = 0.55,
-- Paying
cash_register = 0.55,
Config.Functions = {
Use = {
duty = true,
lockerRoom = true,
cashRegisters = true,
menuList = true,
crafting = {
fryer = true,
grill = true,
cuttingTable = true,
drinks = true,
packingTable = true,
iceMachine = true,
slushieMachine = true,
Blip = {
use = true,
info = {id = 438, color = 64, size = 0.8},
title = 'Burger Shot',
BossMenu = {
use = true,
washMoney = true, -- Allow money laundering through the boss menu.
hireDistance = 5, -- Maximum distance (in meters) to hire employees.
grades = {'boss', 'underboss', 'ceo'}, -- Ranks with access to boss functions.
manage = {
job = 'unemployed', -- Default job for fired employees.
jobLabel = 'Unemployed', -- Label for the default job.
grade = 0, -- Starting job grade.
maxGrade = 4, -- Maximum job grade.
SupplyShop = {
use = true,
payment = {cash = true, bank = true}, -- Allowed payment methods (cash and/or bank).
Blip = { -- Only visible to Burger Shot employees.
use = true,
info = {id = 59, color = 25, size = 0.8},
title = '%s Supplies',
Garage = {
use = true,
putPlayerIntoVehicle = true, -- Automatically place the player into the vehicle upon retrieval.
saveDistance = 5, -- Maximum distance (in meters) from the garage to save/store a vehicle.
vehicles = {
['Speedo'] = {
grade = 1,
spawnName = 'speedo4',
vehicleType = 'Delivery Van',
image = 'speedo4.png',
LockerRoom = {
use = true,
outfits = {
['Work outfit'] = { -- Name of the outfit.
grade = 0, -- Minimum job grade required to use this outfit.
male = {
tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0,
torso_1 = 281, torso_2 = 1,
bproof_1 = 0, bproof_2 = 0,
decals_1 = 0, decals_2 = 0,
arms = 6,
pants_1 = 10, pants_2 = 2,
shoes_1 = 27, shoes_2 = 0,
helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0,
mask_1 = -1, mask_2 = 0,
chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0,
ears_1 = -1, ears_2 = 0
female = {
tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0,
torso_1 = 294, torso_2 = 1,
bproof_1 = 0, bproof_2 = 0,
decals_1 = 0, decals_2 = 0,
arms = 1,
pants_1 = 1, pants_2 = 1,
shoes_1 = 26, shoes_2 = 0,
helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0,
mask_1 = -1, mask_2 = 0,
chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0,
ears_1 = -1, ears_2 = 0
PoliceAlerts = {
use = true,
cooldown = 2, -- Cooldown time (in minutes) before the alert can be triggered again.
NpcEmployee = {
use = true,
payment = {cash = true, bank = true}, -- Allowed payment methods (cash and/or bank).
playersOnDuty = 0, -- If the number of players on duty exceeds this value, the NPC employee will stop taking orders.
Delivery = {
use = true,
reward = {min = 250, max = 500}, -- Delivery reward (50% to player, 50% to society account).
tip = {min = 50, max = 100}, -- Customer tip (100% to player, based on delivery location).
cooldown = 5, -- Cooldown time (in minutes) before the player can start a new delivery mission.
Missions = {
use = true,
reward = {min = 50, max = 200}, -- Set reward range, or disable rewards by setting this to false [reward = false].
cooldown = 2, -- Time (in minutes) a player must wait before starting a new mission.
playerCount = 3, -- Maximum number of players that can do a mission at the same time.
Trash = {
use = true,
delete = true, -- Automatically delete all items in the trash when the script stops or restarts.
TrashInfo = {slots = 25, weight = 100000},
Storage = {
use = true,
company = {use = true, slots = 50, weight = 100000},
personal = {use = true, slots = 15, weight = 15000},
HotTables = {use = true, HotTableInfo = {slots = 25, weight = 100000}},
TablesAndChairs = {use = true, TableInfo = {slots = 20, weight = 20000}},
BathRoom = {use = true, pants = {check = true, male = 14, female = 15}},
Dog = {use = true, removeStress = true},
The following files are located in:
--[[ Gabz Burger Shot MLO - ]]--
return {
Blip = {
coords = vec3(-1184.79, -885.14, 14.03),
DutySystem = {
coords = vec4(-1177.74, -897.53, 14.20, 124.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-hand',
size = {x = 0.2, y = 1.2, z = 1.2},
BossMenu = {
coords = vec4(-1198.65, -898.48, 13.60, 35.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-hand',
size = {x = 1.2, y = 2.45, z = 0.5},
LockerRoom = {
coords = vector4(-1180.54, -892.85, 13.79, 125.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-tshirt',
size = {x = 0.8, y = 3.3, z = 1.85},
Storage = {
coords = vec4(-1196.44, -899.98, 13.79, 125.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-box',
size = {x = 0.8, y = 2.8, z = 1.85},
Garage = {
spawn = {
vec4(-1169.12, -894.24, 13.68, 34.20),
vec4(-1163.80, -891.09, 13.71, 124.18),
vec4(-1166.15, -888.30, 13.69, 122.15),
coords = vec4(-1175.89, -896.11, 13.84, 125.00),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-car',
size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.5, z = 1.85},
BathRooms = {
Toilets = {
{coords = vec4(-1203.80, -888.92, 13.35, 215.0), pedPos = vec4(-1203.45, -889.39, 13.79, 215.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1206.91, -891.03, 13.35, 215.0), pedPos = vec4(-1206.51, -891.51, 13.99, 220.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1205.56, -890.15, 13.35, 215.0), pedPos = vec4(-1205.18, -890.57, 13.99, 220.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1184.22, -894.95, 13.35, 215.0), pedPos = vec4(-1183.92, -895.41, 13.99, 220.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.75, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1205.10, -894.69, 13.55, 214.0), pedPos = vec4(-1204.79, -894.43, 13.79, 303.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}, poop = true},
{coords = vec4(-1204.56, -895.52, 13.55, 215.0), pedPos = vec4(-1204.26, -895.19, 13.79, 303.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}, poop = true},
Skinks = {
-- Bathroom
{coords = vec4(-1200.25, -889.58, 13.55, 303.0), pedPos = vec4(-1200.58, -889.82, 13.79, 303.0), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.7, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.95, -896.65, 13.55, 125.0), pedPos = vec4(-1183.60, -896.37, 13.79, 125.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.7, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1202.88, -896.42, 13.55, 125.0), pedPos = vec4(-1203.20, -895.94, 13.79, 220.0), size = {x = 0.65, y = 0.7, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1202.12, -895.91, 13.55, 125.0), pedPos = vec4(-1202.39, -895.51, 13.79, 220.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.7, z = 1.05}},
-- Kitchen
{coords = vec4(-1186.65, -903.05, 13.55, 214.0), pedPos = vec4(-1187.05, -902.50, 13.99, 214.0), size = {x = 1.20, y = 0.8, z = 1.05}, job = true},
TablesAndChairs = {
Tables = {
{coords = vec4(-1193.75, -896.27, 13.62, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.75, -894.67, 13.62, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1195.89, -893.14, 13.62, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1198.83, -888.65, 13.62, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1199.99, -887.12, 13.62, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.40, -887.40, 13.62, 124.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.61, -886.24, 13.62, 124.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.91, -884.99, 13.62, 124.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.52, -881.19, 13.62, 124.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.29, -882.27, 13.62, 124.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.95, -883.50, 13.62, 124.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.52, -879.54, 13.62, 34.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.35, -881.24, 13.62, 34.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.14, -882.87, 13.62, 34.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.44, -887.20, 13.62, 34.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.12, -888.85, 13.62, 34.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1180.94, -890.63, 13.62, 34.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.61, -891.66, 13.62, 34.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.07, -890.11, 13.62, 124.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.31, -888.99, 13.62, 124.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.90, -897.85, 13.92, 34.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.27, -894.08, 13.92, 34.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.72, -895.05, 13.92, 34.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.29, -896.10, 13.92, 34.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.6, z = 0.25}},
Chairs = {
{coords = vec4(-1200.70, -887.12, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1198.75, -890.24, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1200.26, -887.76, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1198.75, -890.24, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1199.54, -888.83, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1198.75, -890.24, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1199.07, -889.53, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1198.75, -890.24, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.09, -896.90, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1197.0, -892.53, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.50, -896.30, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1197.0, -892.53, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1195.08, -895.43, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1197.0, -892.53, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1195.50, -894.81, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1197.0, -892.53, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1196.12, -893.89, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1197.0, -892.53, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1196.59, -893.13, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1197.0, -892.53, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1195.68, -883.64, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1194.93, -884.77, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1195.28, -884.23, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1194.93, -884.77, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.73, -888.02, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.53, -886.95, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.11, -887.45, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.53, -886.95, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.96, -882.46, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.25, -883.58, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.55, -883.07, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.25, -883.58, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.03, -886.78, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.80, -885.77, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.41, -886.23, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.80, -885.77, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.25, -881.26, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.53, -882.41, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.89, -881.82, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.53, -882.41, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.30, -885.61, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1190.03, -884.59, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.65, -885.13, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1190.03, -884.59, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.77, -890.08, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.00, -891.27, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.38, -890.73, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.00, -891.27, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.98, -889.08, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.35, -890.15, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.66, -889.56, 13.31, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.35, -890.15, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1199.44, -886.26, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1198.89, -885.82, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.8, z = 1.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1199.01, -886.93, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1198.34, -886.74, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.8, z = 1.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1198.39, -887.82, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1197.76, -887.46, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.8, z = 1.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1197.87, -888.58, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1197.39, -888.15, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.8, z = 1.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.63, -887.39, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1192.43, -886.21, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.04, -886.82, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1192.43, -886.21, 13.79, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.76, -896.15, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1192.25, -895.75, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.8, z = 1.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.30, -895.46, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1192.67, -895.026, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.8, z = 1.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.85, -894.53, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.16, -894.18, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.8, z = 1.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.31, -893.85, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.64, -893.49, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.8, z = 1.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.85, -893.05, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1194.24, -892.68, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.8, z = 1.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1195.36, -892.35, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1194.73, -891.96, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.8, z = 1.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.67, -882.94, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.84, -883.96, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.30, -883.45, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.84, -883.96, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.87, -881.87, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1192.07, -882.85, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.51, -882.42, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1192.07, -882.85, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.89, -886.25, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1190.70, -884.96, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.29, -885.67, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1190.70, -884.96, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.23, -880.55, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1190.30, -881.68, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.82, -881.16, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1190.30, -881.68, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.24, -884.98, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.93, -883.85, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.62, -884.40, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.93, -883.85, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.75, -889.43, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.88, -890.51, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.40, -890.00, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.88, -890.51, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.05, -888.23, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1185.04, -889.36, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.70, -888.74, 13.31, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1185.04, -889.36, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1180.98, -889.82, 13.31, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.81, -889.95, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.8, z = 1.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1181.60, -890.25, 13.31, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.81, -889.95, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.8, z = 1.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.74, -890.90, 13.31, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.81, -889.95, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.8, z = 1.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.36, -891.31, 13.31, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.87, -890.73, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.8, z = 1.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.52, -878.78, 13.31, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.75, -879.48, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.07, -879.12, 13.31, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.75, -879.48, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.32, -880.47, 13.31, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.68, -881.26, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.00, -880.92, 13.31, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.68, -881.26, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.14, -882.18, 13.31, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.42, -882.99, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.73, -882.59, 13.31, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.42, -882.99, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.30, -886.36, 13.31, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1184.71, -887.10, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.80, -886.77, 13.31, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1184.71, -887.10, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.12, -888.12, 13.31, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.40, -888.87, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.75, -888.50, 13.31, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.40, -888.87, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.98, -879.90, 13.31, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.90, -880.73, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.46, -880.20, 13.31, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.90, -880.73, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.70, -881.55, 13.31, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.76, -882.52, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.29, -881.95, 13.31, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.76, -882.52, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.50, -883.25, 13.31, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.62, -884.12, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.15, -883.69, 13.31, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.62, -884.12, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.67, -887.45, 13.31, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.87, -888.31, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.28, -887.83, 13.31, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.87, -888.31, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1181.49, -889.16, 13.31, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.74, -889.92, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.10, -889.53, 13.31, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.74, -889.92, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1180.32, -890.89, 13.31, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.55, -892.43, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1180.95, -891.25, 13.31, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.55, -892.43, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.00, -892.02, 13.31, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.55, -892.43, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.53, -892.37, 13.31, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.55, -892.43, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
Crafting = {
Fryer = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1187.41, -899.79, 13.55, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1187.548, -898.8691, 13.95, 215.0), size = {x =1.13, y = 1.5, z = 1.2}},
Food = {
label = 'Fries',
item = 'friedfries',
prop = 'prop_food_bs_chips',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedfries.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Frozen fries', amount = 1},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Onion Ring',
item = 'friedonionring',
prop = 'fivecode_onionring',
amount = 5,
image = 'friedonionring.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced Onion', amount = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Mozzarella Stick',
item = 'friedmozzarellastick',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 5,
image = 'friedmozzarellastick.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Chicken',
item = 'friedchickenstrip',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedchickenstrip.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawchickenstrip', label = 'Raw Chicken', amount = 1},
label = 'Fish',
item = 'friedfishstrip',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedfishstrip.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawfishstrip', label = 'Raw Fish', amount = 1},
Grill = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1186.90, -900.57, 13.55, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1186.50, -901.17, 13.95, 33.0), size = {x =1.13, y = 1.5, z = 1.2}},
Food = {
label = 'Burger Meat',
item = 'grilledburgermeat',
amount = 1,
image = 'grilledburgermeat.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'frozenburgermeat', label = 'Frozen burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Steak',
item = 'grilledsteak',
amount = 1,
image = 'grilledsteak.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsteak', label = 'Raw Steak', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Fried Egg',
item = 'friedegg',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedegg.png',
cookingTime = 10, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawegg', label = 'Raw Egg', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Bacon',
item = 'grilledbacon',
amount = 5,
image = 'grilledbacon.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedbacon', label = 'Sliced Bacon', amount = 5},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Burger Buns',
item = 'grilledburgerbun',
amount = 2,
image = 'grilledburgerbun.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedburgerbun', label = 'Sliced Burger Bun', amount = 5},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
CuttingTable = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1185.25, -902.12, 13.55, 124.00), pedPos = vec4(-1185.65, -901.57, 13.99, 225.0), size = {x =1.13, y = 1.5, z = 1.2}},
Food = {
label = 'Sliced Tomato',
item = 'slicedtomato',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedtomato.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawtomato', label = 'Tomato', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Salad',
item = 'slicedsalad',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedsalad.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsalad', label = 'Salad', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Cucumber',
item = 'slicedcucumber',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedcucumber.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawcucumber', label = 'Cucumber', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Onion',
item = 'slicedonion',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedonion.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawonion', label = 'Onion', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Chilli Pepper',
item = 'slicedchillipepper',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedchillipepper.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawchillipepper', label = 'Chilli Pepper', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Cheese',
item = 'slicedcheese',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedcheese.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawcheese', label = 'Cheese', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Ham',
item = 'slicedham',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedham.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawham', label = 'Ham', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Bacon',
item = 'slicedbacon',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedbacon.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawbacon', label = 'Bacon', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Burger Buns',
item = 'slicedburgerbun',
amount = 2,
image = 'slicedburgerbun.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawburgerbun', label = 'Burger Bun', amount = 1},
label = 'Sandwich Bread',
item = 'slicedsandwichbread',
amount = 2,
image = 'slicedsandwichbread.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', amount = 1},
Drinks = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1191.42, -898.03, 14.15, 124.00), pedPos = vec4(-1190.85, -897.63, 13.59, 124.0), size = {x = 0.65, y = 0.65, z = 0.65}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.88, -897.50, 14.15, 124.00), pedPos = vec4(-1191.18, -897.00, 13.59, 124.0), size = {x = 0.65, y = 0.65, z = 0.65}},
Food = {
label = 'eCola',
item = 'burgershotcola',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotcola.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'eCola Light',
item = 'burgershotcolalight',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotcolalight.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Light Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'Sprunk',
item = 'burgershotsprunk',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotsprunk.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'Orang O Tang',
item = 'burgershotorang_o_tang',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotorang_o_tang.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Orang O Tang Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
PackingTable = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1188.12, -901.14, 13.80, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1188.56, -901.54, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 1.2, y = 0.75, z = 0.85}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.84, -899.59, 13.80, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1185.34, -899.29, 13.99, 124.0), size = {x = 1.2, y = 0.75, z = 0.85}},
Food = {
label = 'Food Tray',
item = 'burgershotfoodtray',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotfoodtray.png',
cookingTime = 10, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty', label = 'Empty food tray', amount = 1},
{item = 'classicburger', label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger', amount = 1},
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Fries', amount = 1},
{item = 'burgershotcola', label = 'eCola', amount = 1},
label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger',
item = 'classicburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'classicburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 1},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'GrillMaster Spicy Classic Burger',
item = 'classicburgerspicy',
amount = 1,
image = 'classicburgerspicy.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedchillipepper', label = 'Sliced chilli pepper', amount = 5},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 1},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Loaded Chicken Avenger',
item = 'chickenburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'chickenburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedchickenstrip', label = 'Chicken', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Loaded Spicy Chicken Avenger',
item = 'chickenburgerspicy',
amount = 1,
image = 'chickenburgerspicy.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedchickenstrip', label = 'Chicken', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedchillipepper', label = 'Sliced chilli pepper', amount = 5},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Ocean Catch Burger',
item = 'fishburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'fishburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedfishstrip', label = 'Fish', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'The Cardiac Crusher',
item = 'obeseburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'obeseburger.png',
cookingTime = 22, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 10},
{item = 'grilledbacon', label = 'Grilled bacon', amount = 15},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 5},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Steakhouse Supreme Burger',
item = 'steakburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'steakburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledsteak', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'grilledbacon', label = 'Grilled bacon', amount = 4},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Reverse Burger',
item = 'reverseburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'reverseburger.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcucumber', label = 'Sliced cucumber', amount = 2},
label = 'Sunrise Ham Melt',
item = 'burgershotsandwich',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotsandwich.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedegg', label = 'Fried egg', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedham', label = 'Sliced Ham', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcucumber', label = 'Sliced cucumber', amount = 2},
IceMachine = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1190.31, -899.41, 13.55, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1189.79, -900.15, 13.99, 35.0), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1190.25, -899.50, 12.79), xRot = 0.0, yRot = 0.0, zRot = 35.0}, size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.75, z = 0.85}},
Food = {
label = 'Ice Cube',
item = 'ice',
amount = 5,
image = 'ice.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
SlushieMachine = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1190.92, -898.45, 14.35, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1190.52, -898.04, 13.99, 135.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.45, z = 0.85}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.02, -896.853, 14.35, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1191.26, -896.85, 13.99, 100.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.45, z = 0.85}},
Food = {
label = 'eCola Shushie',
item = 'burgershotcolaslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotcolaslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'eCola Light Shushie',
item = 'burgershotcolalightslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotcolalightslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'Sprunk Shushie',
item = 'burgershotsprunkslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotsprunkslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'Orang O Tang Shushie',
item = 'burgershotorang_o_tangslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotorang_o_tangslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
CashRegisters = {
Registers = {
{coords = vec4(-1190.60, -895.65, 14.15, 35.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 0.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.10, -894.65, 14.15, 35.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 0.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.62, -893.55, 14.15, 35.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 0.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.71, -905.25, 13.95, 170.0), size = {x = 0.95, y = 1.25, z = 0.55}},
PoliceAlerts = {
Alerts = {
{coords = vec4(-1191.51, -896.53, 13.55, 35.0), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1191.54, -896.55, 13.53), xRot = 0.211, yRot = -0.262, zRot = 34.565}, size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.35}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.30, -893.72, 13.55, 35.0), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1187.25, -893.64, 13.45), xRot = 0.211, yRot = -0.262, zRot = 34.565}, size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.35}},
Delivery = {
StartDelivery = {
{coords = vec4(-1180.95, -895.28, 14.25, 35.0), pedPos = vec4(-1180.59, -894.94, 13.99, 125.0), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1180.98, -895.32, 14.25), xRot = 90.0, yRot = 127.0, zRot = -3.0}, size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.45}},
Missions = {
StartMission = {
{coords = vec4(-1181.50, -895.95, 14.25, 33.0), pedPos = vec4(-1181.30, -896.24, 13.99, 33.0), storagePos = vec4(-1181.23, -898.89, 13.99, 125.0), size = {x = 0.95, y = 0.25, z = 0.95}},
DirtySpots = {
Ground = {
vec4(-1198.36, -892.05, 13.80, 111.88),
vec4(-1192.05, -891.91, 13.80, 259.07),
vec4(-1189.39, -888.12, 13.80, 309.43),
vec4(-1188.54, -882.80, 13.80, 50.07),
vec4(-1190.38, -883.41, 13.80, 123.94),
vec4(-1193.73, -885.68, 13.80, 123.96),
vec4(-1197.09, -884.83, 13.80, 74.05),
vec4(-1196.24, -890.11, 13.80, 80.85),
vec4(-1190.04, -891.16, 13.80, 95.94),
vec4(-1189.05, -893.09, 13.80, 228.19),
vec4(-1190.55, -894.00, 13.80, 122.83),
vec4(-1191.54, -894.77, 13.80, 129.67),
vec4(-1188.23, -895.74, 13.80, 135.75),
vec4(-1186.89, -897.88, 13.80, 151.37),
vec4(-1189.30, -902.75, 13.80, 186.06),
Tables = {
vec4(-1183.44, -892.28, 13.80, 307.66),
vec4(-1183.08, -889.56, 13.80, 302.73),
vec4(-1184.26, -887.82, 13.80, 304.06),
vec4(-1187.43, -890.91, 13.80, 29.07),
vec4(-1185.73, -889.76, 13.80, 27.89),
vec4(-1187.02, -883.63, 13.80, 295.14),
vec4(-1188.13, -881.91, 13.80, 302.29),
vec4(-1189.35, -880.12, 13.80, 298.14),
vec4(-1190.91, -882.12, 13.80, 28.94),
vec4(-1189.55, -884.14, 13.80, 214.81),
vec4(-1192.61, -883.26, 13.80, 39.49),
vec4(-1191.30, -885.32, 13.80, 209.47),
vec4(-1194.25, -884.37, 13.80, 39.39),
vec4(-1192.98, -886.42, 13.80, 205.97),
vec4(-1198.24, -889.47, 13.80, 38.27),
Trash = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1199.65, -890.85, 13.55, 34.0), size = {x = 1.30, y = 0.60, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.7, -888.10, 13.55, 303.0), size = {x = 1.30, y = 0.60, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.25, -891.06, 13.55, 303.0), size = {x = 1.30, y = 0.60, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.57, -893.35, 13.55, 34.0), size = {x = 1.32, y = 0.60, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1202.2, -896.9, 13.25, 34.0), size = {x = 0.40, y = 0.40, z = 0.55}},
HotTables = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1187.67, -896.94, 14.00, 124.00), size = {x = 0.70, y = 1.40, z = 1.50}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.26, -903.80, 14.00, 33.00), size = {x = 0.90, y = 1.40, z = 1.50}},
SupplyShop = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-332.59, -2790.60, 5.00, 110.0), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
Items = {
{item = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty', label = 'Empty food tray', icon = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty.png', price = 10},
-- Other
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Normal Ketchup', icon = 'ketchup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking Salt', icon = 'salt.png', price = 2},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', icon = 'burgershotdrinkcup.png', price = 2},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', icon = 'butter.png', price = 2},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', icon = 'colasyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Light Syrup', icon = 'colalightsyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', icon = 'sprunksyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Orang O Tang Syrup', icon = 'orang_o_tangsyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', icon = 'water.png', price = 5},
{item = 'cleansponge', label = 'Clean Sponge', icon = 'cleansponge.png', price = 2},
-- Cutting Table Items
{item = 'rawtomato', label = 'Tomato', icon = 'rawtomato.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawsalad', label = 'Salad', icon = 'rawsalad.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawcucumber', label = 'Cucumber', icon = 'rawcucumber.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawonion', label = 'Onion', icon = 'rawonion.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawchillipepper', label = 'Chilli Pepper', icon = 'rawchillipepper.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawcheese', label = 'Cheese', icon = 'rawcheese.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawham', label = 'Ham', icon = 'rawham.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawbacon', label = 'Bacon', icon = 'rawbacon.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawburgerbun', label = 'Burger Buns', icon = 'rawburgerbun.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', icon = 'rawsandwichbread.png', price = 8},
-- Frier Items
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Frozen Fries', icon = 'frozenfries.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawchickenstrip', label = 'Raw Chicken', icon = 'rawchickenstrip.png', price = 20},
{item = 'rawfishstrip', label = 'Raw Fish', icon = 'rawfishstrip.png', price = 20},
-- Grill Items
{item = 'frozenburgermeat', label = 'Frozen Burger Meat', icon = 'frozenburgermeat.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawsteak', label = 'Raw Steak', icon = 'rawsteak.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawegg', label = 'Raw Egg', icon = 'rawegg.png', price = 5},
Dog = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1180.96, -884.283, 13.78, 320.0), pedPos = vec4(-1180.55, -883.91, 13.78, 130.0), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
NpcEmployee = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1190.25, -896.11, 13.80, 33.0), hotTablePos = vec4(-1188.21, -896.24, 13.80, 210.0), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
MenuList = { -- Items displayed in food menu + npc employee menu.
Items = {
-- Drinks
{category = 'Drinks', items = {
{item = 'burgershotcola', label = 'eCola', icon = 'burgershotcola.png', price = 5},
{item = 'burgershotcolalight', label = 'eCola Light', icon = 'burgershotcolalight.png', price = 5},
{item = 'burgershotsprunk', label = 'Sprunk', icon = 'burgershotsprunk.png', price = 5},
{item = 'burgershotorang_o_tang', label = 'Orang O Tang', icon = 'burgershotorang_o_tang.png', price = 5},
-- Sides
{category = 'Sides', items = {
{item = 'friedfries', label = 'Fries', icon = 'friedfries.png', price = 5},
{item = 'friedonionring', label = 'Onion Ring', icon = 'friedonionring.png', price = 8},
{item = 'friedmozzarellastick', label = 'Mozzarella Stick', icon = 'friedmozzarellastick.png', price = 8},
{item = 'burgershotfoodtray', label = 'Food Tray', icon = 'burgershotfoodtray.png', price = 45},
-- Burgers
{category = 'Burgers', items = {
{item = 'classicBurger', label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger', icon = 'classicBurger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'classicburgerspicy', label = 'GrillMaster Spicy Classic Burger', icon = 'classicburgerspicy.png', price = 25},
{item = 'chickenburger', label = 'Loaded Chicken Avenger', icon = 'chickenburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'chickenburgerspicy', label = 'Loaded Spicy Chicken Avenger', icon = 'chickenburgerspicy.png', price = 25},
{item = 'fishburger', label = 'Ocean Catch Burger', icon = 'fishburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'obeseburger', label = 'The Cardiac Crusher', icon = 'obeseburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'steakburger', label = 'Steakhouse Supreme Burger', icon = 'steakburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'reverseburger', label = 'Reverse Burger', icon = 'reverseburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'burgershotsandwich', label = 'Sunrise Ham Melt', icon = 'burgershotsandwich.png', price = 25},
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1186.95, -893.05, 13.99, 125.0), size = {x = 0.45, y = 0.8, z = 1.50}},
--[[ Smallo Burger Shot MLO - ]]--
return {
Blip = {
coords = vec3(-1184.79, -885.14, 14.03),
DutySystem = {
coords = vec4(-1194.07, -898.5, 14.79, 125.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-hand',
size = {x = 0.2, y = 1.2, z = 1.2},
BossMenu = {
coords = vec4(-1192.65, -897.5, 14.79, 125.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-hand',
size = {x = 0.2, y = 1.2, z = 1.2},
LockerRoom = {
coords = vector4(-1187.89, -899.13, 13.99, 125.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-tshirt',
size = {x = 0.4, y = 3.9, z = 1.85},
Storage = {
coords = vec4(-1205.01, -893.73, 13.99, 214.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-box',
size = {x = 0.4, y = 2.8, z = 1.85},
Garage = {
spawn = {
vec4(-1169.12, -894.24, 13.68, 34.20),
vec4(-1163.80, -891.09, 13.71, 124.18),
vec4(-1166.15, -888.30, 13.69, 122.15),
coords = vec4(-1178.26, -893.01, 13.90, 214.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-car',
size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.7, z = 1.85},
BathRooms = {
Toilets = {
{coords = vec4(-1199.88, -886.32, 13.55, 34.56), pedPos = vec4(-1199.58, -886.81, 13.99, 220.0), size = {x = 0.45, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1202.12, -887.83, 13.55, 34.56), pedPos = vec4(-1201.85, -888.34, 13.99, 220.0), size = {x = 0.45, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}},
Skinks = {
-- Bathroom
{coords = vec4(-1200.77, -889.02, 13.55, 34.0), pedPos = vec4(-1201.20, -889.34, 13.99, 309.0), size = {x = 0.48, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1198.53, -887.50, 13.55, 34.0), pedPos = vec4(-1198.99, -887.84, 13.99, 309.0), size = {x = 0.48, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
-- Kitchen
{coords = vec4(-1196.99, -902.20, 13.55, 214.0), pedPos = vec4(-1197.37, -901.71, 13.99, 214.0), size = {x = 0.68, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}, job = true},
{coords = vec4(-1198.14, -902.97, 13.55, 214.0), pedPos = vec4(-1198.50, -902.46, 13.99, 214.0), size = {x = 0.68, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}, job = true},
TablesAndChairs = {
Tables = {
{coords = vec4(-1195.17, -892.43, 14.05, 124.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.97, -894.23, 14.05, 124.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.91, -891.92, 13.85, 124.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.37, -888.28, 13.85, 124.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.37, -883.55, 13.85, 124.0), size = {x = 1.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.76, -881.79, 13.85, 124.0), size = {x = 1.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.02, -882.47, 13.85, 124.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 1.8, z = 0.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.73, -886.52, 13.85, 124.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.99, -880.66, 13.85, 124.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.60, -885.68, 13.85, 124.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.16, -888.22, 13.85, 124.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 1.8, z = 0.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.99, -889.35, 13.85, 124.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1184.31, -892.90, 13.85, 124.0), size = {x = 1.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.25, -890.65, 13.85, 124.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.90, -894.62, 13.85, 124.0), size = {x = 1.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.63, -891.22, 13.85, 124.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.15}},
Chairs = {
{coords = vec4(-1190.40, -892.66, 13.55, 35.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.00, -892.97, 13.99, 127.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.39, -891.22, 13.55, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.88, -891.58, 13.99, 127.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.90, -887.52, 13.55, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1194.43, -887.95, 13.99, 127.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.89, -888.94, 13.55, 35.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.37, -889.23, 13.99, 127.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.59, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1195.43, -883.46, 13.48, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1194.62, -884.96, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.85, -884.32, 13.48, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1194.62, -884.96, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.91, -882.47, 13.48, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1192.99, -883.82, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.39, -883.26, 13.48, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1192.99, -883.82, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.85, -881.84, 13.48, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.96, -883.18, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.36, -882.71, 13.48, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.96, -883.18, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.37, -880.83, 13.48, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1190.31, -882.24, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.82, -881.63, 13.48, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1190.31, -882.24, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.80, -886.79, 13.48, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.71, -886.12, 13.99, 30.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.47, -887.49, 13.48, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.71, -886.12, 13.99, 30.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.29, -887.21, 13.48, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.71, -886.12, 13.99, 30.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.13, -885.53, 13.48, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.47, -884.80, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.67, -886.15, 13.48, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.47, -884.80, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.09, -884.98, 13.48, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.41, -884.59, 13.99, 312.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.07, -886.36, 13.48, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.63, -886.023, 13.99, 301.51), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.63, -879.79, 13.52, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.72, -881.51, 13.99, 192.63), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.75, -879.24, 13.52, 165.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.72, -881.51, 13.99, 192.63), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.94, -880.15, 13.52, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.72, -881.51, 13.99, 192.63), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.06, -881.45, 13.52, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.57, -882.28, 13.99, 136.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.84, -881.93, 13.52, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.57, -882.28, 13.99, 136.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.96, -882.85, 13.52, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.291, -883.93, 13.99, 119.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.86, -883.38, 13.52, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.291, -883.93, 13.99, 119.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.55, -890.04, 13.48, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.10, -889.82, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.51, -888.72, 13.48, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.08, -888.41, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.25, -887.15, 13.48, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1184.52, -887.98, 13.99, 120.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.96, -887.67, 13.48, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1184.52, -887.98, 13.99, 120.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.26, -888.76, 13.48, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.43, -889.53, 13.99, 125.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.88, -889.13, 13.48, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.43, -889.53, 13.99, 125.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1181.30, -889.98, 13.48, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.03, -890.15, 13.99, 125.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1180.68, -890.88, 13.48, 80.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.03, -890.15, 13.99, 125.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1181.54, -891.58, 13.48, 33.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.03, -890.15, 13.99, 125.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.25, -892.83, 13.48, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1184.18, -891.37, 13.99, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.77, -892.03, 13.48, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1184.18, -891.37, 13.99, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1184.81, -893.78, 13.48, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1185.77, -892.47, 13.99, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.36, -893.02, 13.48, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1185.77, -892.47, 13.99, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.76, -894.47, 13.48, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.61, -893.08, 13.99, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.35, -893.70, 13.48, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.61, -893.08, 13.99, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.25, -895.53, 13.48, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.25, -894.19, 13.99, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.84, -894.75, 13.48, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.25, -894.19, 13.99, 33.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.23, -890.37, 13.48, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.03, -891.44, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.54, -890.87, 13.48, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.03, -891.44, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.00, -890.11, 13.48, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.03, -891.44, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.33, -892.14, 13.48, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.16, -892.80, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.80, -891.46, 13.48, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.16, -892.80, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
Crafting = {
Fryer = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1201.25, -899.81, 13.55, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1200.68, -899.43, 13.95, 124.0), size = {x = 0.83, y = 0.8, z = 0.85}},
{coords = vec4(-1201.69, -899.11, 13.55, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1201.18, -898.72, 13.95, 124.0), size = {x = 0.83, y = 0.8, z = 0.85}},
{coords = vec4(-1202.18, -898.40, 13.55, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1201.50, -898.21, 13.95, 124.0), size = {x = 0.83, y = 0.8, z = 0.85}},
Food = {
label = 'Fries',
item = 'friedfries',
prop = 'prop_food_bs_chips',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedfries.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Frozen fries', amount = 1},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Onion Ring',
item = 'friedonionring',
prop = 'fivecode_onionring',
amount = 5,
image = 'friedonionring.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced Onion', amount = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Mozzarella Stick',
item = 'friedmozzarellastick',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 5,
image = 'friedmozzarellastick.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Chicken',
item = 'friedchickenstrip',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedchickenstrip.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawchickenstrip', label = 'Raw Chicken', amount = 1},
label = 'Fish',
item = 'friedfishstrip',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedfishstrip.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawfishstrip', label = 'Raw Fish', amount = 1},
Grill = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1200.28, -901.27, 13.95, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1199.73, -900.83, 13.95, 124.0), size = {x = 0.7, y = 0.5, z = 0.35}},
{coords = vec4(-1200.76, -900.68, 13.95, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1200.14, -900.19, 13.95, 124.0), size = {x = 0.72, y = 0.5, z = 0.35}},
{coords = vec4(-1202.69, -897.62, 13.95, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1202.16, -897.23, 13.95, 124.0), size = {x = 0.72, y = 0.5, z = 0.35}},
{coords = vec4(-1203.15, -897.04, 13.95, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1202.58, -896.64, 13.95, 124.0), size = {x = 0.72, y = 0.52, z = 0.35}},
Food = {
label = 'Burger Meat',
item = 'grilledburgermeat',
amount = 1,
image = 'grilledburgermeat.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'frozenburgermeat', label = 'Frozen burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Steak',
item = 'grilledsteak',
amount = 1,
image = 'grilledsteak.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsteak', label = 'Raw Steak', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Fried Egg',
item = 'friedegg',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedegg.png',
cookingTime = 10, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawegg', label = 'Raw Egg', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Bacon',
item = 'grilledbacon',
amount = 5,
image = 'grilledbacon.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedbacon', label = 'Sliced Bacon', amount = 5},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Burger Buns',
item = 'grilledburgerbun',
amount = 2,
image = 'grilledburgerbun.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedburgerbun', label = 'Sliced Burger Bun', amount = 5},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
CuttingTable = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1199.55, -902.28, 13.95, 124.00), pedPos = vec4(-1199.01, -901.86, 13.99, 124.0), size = {x = 1.2, y = 0.77, z = 0.35}},
Food = {
label = 'Sliced Tomato',
item = 'slicedtomato',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedtomato.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawtomato', label = 'Tomato', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Salad',
item = 'slicedsalad',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedsalad.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsalad', label = 'Salad', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Cucumber',
item = 'slicedcucumber',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedcucumber.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawcucumber', label = 'Cucumber', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Onion',
item = 'slicedonion',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedonion.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawonion', label = 'Onion', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Chilli Pepper',
item = 'slicedchillipepper',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedchillipepper.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawchillipepper', label = 'Chilli Pepper', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Cheese',
item = 'slicedcheese',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedcheese.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawcheese', label = 'Cheese', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Ham',
item = 'slicedham',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedham.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawham', label = 'Ham', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Bacon',
item = 'slicedbacon',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedbacon.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawbacon', label = 'Bacon', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Burger Buns',
item = 'slicedburgerbun',
amount = 2,
image = 'slicedburgerbun.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawburgerbun', label = 'Burger Bun', amount = 1},
label = 'Sandwich Bread',
item = 'slicedsandwichbread',
amount = 2,
image = 'slicedsandwichbread.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', amount = 1},
Drinks = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1199.96, -895.07, 14.35, 124.00), pedPos = vec4(-1199.30, -894.62, 13.99, 124.0), size = {x = 1.10, y = 1.15, z = 0.85}},
{coords = vec4(-1199.25, -895.95, 14.35, 124.00), pedPos = vec4(-1198.64, -895.58, 13.99, 124.0), size = {x = 1.10, y = 1.15, z = 0.85}},
{coords = vec4(-1197.83, -898.48, 14.15, 124.00), pedPos = vec4(-1197.19, -898.16, 13.99, 124.0), size = {x = 0.75, y = 0.7, z = 0.75}},
Food = {
label = 'eCola',
item = 'burgershotcola',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotcola.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'eCola Light',
item = 'burgershotcolalight',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotcolalight.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Light Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'Sprunk',
item = 'burgershotsprunk',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotsprunk.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'Orang O Tang',
item = 'burgershotorang_o_tang',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotorang_o_tang.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Orang O Tang Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
PackingTable = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1200.36, -896.19, 13.90, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1200.90, -896.54, 13.99, 310.0), size = {x = 1.8, y = 0.75, z = 0.35}},
{coords = vec4(-1199.00, -898.25, 13.90, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1199.49, -898.65, 13.90, 310.0), size = {x = 1.8, y = 0.72, z = 0.35}},
{coords = vec4(-1197.53, -899.37, 13.90, 34.0), pedPos = vec4(-1197.28, -899.92, 13.99, 34.0), size = {x = 1.4, y = 0.72, z = 0.35}},
Food = {
label = 'Food Tray',
item = 'burgershotfoodtray',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotfoodtray.png',
cookingTime = 10, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty', label = 'Empty food tray', amount = 1},
{item = 'classicburger', label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger', amount = 1},
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Fries', amount = 1},
{item = 'burgershotcola', label = 'eCola', amount = 1},
label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger',
item = 'classicburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'classicburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 1},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'GrillMaster Spicy Classic Burger',
item = 'classicburgerspicy',
amount = 1,
image = 'classicburgerspicy.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedchillipepper', label = 'Sliced chilli pepper', amount = 5},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 1},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Loaded Chicken Avenger',
item = 'chickenburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'chickenburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedchickenstrip', label = 'Chicken', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Loaded Spicy Chicken Avenger',
item = 'chickenburgerspicy',
amount = 1,
image = 'chickenburgerspicy.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedchickenstrip', label = 'Chicken', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedchillipepper', label = 'Sliced chilli pepper', amount = 5},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Ocean Catch Burger',
item = 'fishburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'fishburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedfishstrip', label = 'Fish', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'The Cardiac Crusher',
item = 'obeseburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'obeseburger.png',
cookingTime = 22, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 10},
{item = 'grilledbacon', label = 'Grilled bacon', amount = 15},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 5},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Steakhouse Supreme Burger',
item = 'steakburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'steakburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledsteak', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'grilledbacon', label = 'Grilled bacon', amount = 4},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Reverse Burger',
item = 'reverseburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'reverseburger.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcucumber', label = 'Sliced cucumber', amount = 2},
label = 'Sunrise Ham Melt',
item = 'burgershotsandwich',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotsandwich.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedegg', label = 'Fried egg', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedham', label = 'Sliced Ham', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcucumber', label = 'Sliced cucumber', amount = 2},
IceMachine = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1195.94, -901.35, 13.55, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1196.36, -900.70, 13.99, 215.0), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1195.94, -901.35, 12.99), xRot = -0.34, yRot = -0.07, zRot = -146.20}, size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.75, z = 0.95}},
Food = {
label = 'Ice Cube',
item = 'ice',
amount = 5,
image = 'ice.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
SlushieMachine = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1193.253, -892.2784, 0.0, 0.0), pedPos = vec4(-1190.52, -898.04, 0.0, 0.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.45, z = 0.85}},
Food = {
label = 'eCola Shushie',
item = 'burgershotcolaslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotcolaslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'eCola Light Shushie',
item = 'burgershotcolalightslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotcolalightslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'Sprunk Shushie',
item = 'burgershotsprunkslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotsprunkslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'Orang O Tang Shushie',
item = 'burgershotorang_o_tangslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotorang_o_tangslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
CashRegisters = {
Registers = {
{coords = vec4(-1196.01, -891.29, 14.15, 35.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.4, z = 0.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.65, -893.29, 14.15, 35.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.4, z = 0.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.41, -895.19, 14.15, 35.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.4, z = 0.55}},
PoliceAlerts = {
Alerts = {
{coords = vec4(-1193.12, -896.17, 13.85, 35.0), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1193.07, -896.17, 13.77), xRot = 0.211, yRot = -0.262, zRot = -55.60}, size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1196.87, -890.66, 13.85, 35.0), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1196.81, -890.62, 13.76), xRot = 0.211, yRot = -0.262, zRot = -55.60}, size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.25}},
Delivery = {
StartDelivery = {
{coords = vec4(-1198.21, -891.17, 14.45, 35.0), pedPos = vec4(-1197.89, -891.58, 13.99, 35.0), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1198.23, -891.165, 14.45), xRot = 90.0, yRot = 34.0, zRot = -3.0}, size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.45}},
Missions = {
StartMission = {
{coords = vec4(-1188.95, -897.35, 14.45, 35.0), pedPos = vec4(-1189.18, -896.95, 13.99, 35.0), storagePos = vec4(-1201.44, -891.80, 13.99, 125.0), size = {x = 0.95, y = 0.25, z = 0.95}},
DirtySpots = {
Ground = {
vec4(-1194.32, -890.06, 14.00, 212.83),
vec4(-1192.48, -893.17, 14.00, 213.02),
vec4(-1190.03, -894.16, 14.00, 272.56),
vec4(-1187.53, -892.91, 14.00, 298.81),
vec4(-1184.53, -890.67, 14.00, 320.49),
vec4(-1186.28, -887.59, 14.00, 30.68),
vec4(-1188.55, -883.79, 14.00, 29.73),
vec4(-1191.52, -883.88, 14.00, 116.27),
vec4(-1194.71, -885.77, 14.00, 126.97),
vec4(-1197.78, -886.07, 14.02, 112.36),
vec4(-1192.23, -890.11, 14.00, 289.67),
vec4(-1190.02, -888.66, 14.00, 300.91),
vec4(-1187.62, -887.11, 14.00, 301.21),
vec4(-1198.37, -889.65, 14.00, 123.83),
vec4(-1189.43, -895.75, 14.00, 224.65),
Tables = {
vec4(-1193.57, -884.52, 14.00, 30.76),
vec4(-1192.30, -885.92, 14.00, 211.19),
vec4(-1191.06, -882.93, 14.00, 28.63),
vec4(-1189.27, -881.66, 14.00, 349.67),
vec4(-1188.08, -883.12, 14.00, 301.29),
vec4(-1188.95, -885.21, 14.00, 118.22),
vec4(-1194.10, -888.78, 14.00, 299.75),
vec4(-1191.53, -892.47, 14.00, 309.60),
vec4(-1187.97, -891.89, 14.00, 37.94),
vec4(-1187.65, -893.62, 14.00, 219.79),
vec4(-1185.07, -891.85, 14.00, 203.12),
vec4(-1184.15, -888.98, 14.00, 313.55),
vec4(-1186.44, -888.93, 14.00, 125.72),
vec4(-1183.22, -890.49, 14.00, 262.77),
vec4(-1194.74, -891.87, 14.00, 123.18),
Trash = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1203.42, -887.23, 12.75, 34.0), size = {x = 0.80, y = 0.80, z = 1.00}},
{coords = vec4(-1197.42, -887.22, 13.85, 34.0), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.60, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.01, -896.78, 13.85, 34.0), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.60, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.77, -890.31, 13.85, 34.0), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.60, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.05, -884.13, 13.85, 34.0), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.60, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.64, -897.22, 13.85, 39.0), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.60, z = 0.95}},
HotTables = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1196.90, -895.50, 14.00, 124.00), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
{coords = vec4(-1197.74, -894.3, 14.00, 124.00), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
{coords = vec4(-1198.65, -893.1, 14.00, 124.00), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
SupplyShop = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-332.59, -2790.60, 5.00, 110.0), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
Items = {
{item = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty', label = 'Empty food tray', icon = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty.png', price = 10},
-- Other
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Normal Ketchup', icon = 'ketchup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking Salt', icon = 'salt.png', price = 2},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', icon = 'burgershotdrinkcup.png', price = 2},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', icon = 'butter.png', price = 2},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', icon = 'colasyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Light Syrup', icon = 'colalightsyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', icon = 'sprunksyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Orang O Tang Syrup', icon = 'orang_o_tangsyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', icon = 'water.png', price = 5},
{item = 'cleansponge', label = 'Clean Soonge', icon = 'cleansponge.png', price = 2},
-- Cutting Table Items
{item = 'rawtomato', label = 'Tomato', icon = 'rawtomato.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawsalad', label = 'Salad', icon = 'rawsalad.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawcucumber', label = 'Cucumber', icon = 'rawcucumber.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawonion', label = 'Onion', icon = 'rawonion.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawchillipepper', label = 'Chilli Pepper', icon = 'rawchillipepper.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawcheese', label = 'Cheese', icon = 'rawcheese.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawham', label = 'Ham', icon = 'rawham.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawbacon', label = 'Bacon', icon = 'rawbacon.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawburgerbun', label = 'Burger Buns', icon = 'rawburgerbun.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', icon = 'rawsandwichbread.png', price = 8},
-- Frier Items
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Frozen Fries', icon = 'frozenfries.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawchickenstrip', label = 'Raw Chicken', icon = 'rawchickenstrip.png', price = 20},
{item = 'rawfishstrip', label = 'Raw Fish', icon = 'rawfishstrip.png', price = 20},
-- Grill Items
{item = 'frozenburgermeat', label = 'Frozen Burger Meat', icon = 'frozenburgermeat.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawsteak', label = 'Raw Steak', icon = 'rawsteak.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawegg', label = 'Raw Egg', icon = 'rawegg.png', price = 5},
Dog = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1180.96, -884.283, 13.78, 320.0), pedPos = vec4(-1180.55, -883.91, 13.78, 130.0), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
NpcEmployee = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1196.47, -891.69, 13.99, 305.0), hotTablePos = vec4(-1197.88, -892.65, 13.99, 125.0), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
MenuList = { -- Items displayed in food menu + npc employee menu.
Items = {
-- Drinks
{category = 'Drinks', items = {
{item = 'burgershotcola', label = 'eCola', icon = 'burgershotcola.png', price = 5},
{item = 'burgershotcolalight', label = 'eCola Light', icon = 'burgershotcolalight.png', price = 5},
{item = 'burgershotsprunk', label = 'Sprunk', icon = 'burgershotsprunk.png', price = 5},
{item = 'burgershotorang_o_tang', label = 'Orang O Tang', icon = 'burgershotorang_o_tang.png', price = 5},
-- Sides
{category = 'Sides', items = {
{item = 'friedfries', label = 'Fries', icon = 'friedfries.png', price = 5},
{item = 'friedonionring', label = 'Onion Ring', icon = 'friedonionring.png', price = 8},
{item = 'friedmozzarellastick', label = 'Mozzarella Stick', icon = 'friedmozzarellastick.png', price = 8},
{item = 'burgershotfoodtray', label = 'Food Tray', icon = 'burgershotfoodtray.png', price = 45},
-- Burgers
{category = 'Burgers', items = {
{item = 'classicBurger', label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger', icon = 'classicBurger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'classicburgerspicy', label = 'GrillMaster Spicy Classic Burger', icon = 'classicburgerspicy.png', price = 25},
{item = 'chickenburger', label = 'Loaded Chicken Avenger', icon = 'chickenburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'chickenburgerspicy', label = 'Loaded Spicy Chicken Avenger', icon = 'chickenburgerspicy.png', price = 25},
{item = 'fishburger', label = 'Ocean Catch Burger', icon = 'fishburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'obeseburger', label = 'The Cardiac Crusher', icon = 'obeseburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'steakburger', label = 'Steakhouse Supreme Burger', icon = 'steakburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'reverseburger', label = 'Reverse Burger', icon = 'reverseburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'burgershotsandwich', label = 'Sunrise Ham Melt', icon = 'burgershotsandwich.png', price = 25},
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1196.27, -889.70, 13.99, 125.0), size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 1.50}},
--[[ uNiqx Burger Shot MLO - ]]--
return {
Blip = {
coords = vec3(-1184.79, -885.14, 14.03),
DutySystem = {
coords = vec4(-1200.0, -903.1, 14.8, 35.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-hand',
size = {x = 0.15, y = 1.0, z = 1.8},
BossMenu = {
coords = vec4(-1200.7, -902.0, 14.8, 35.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-hand',
size = {x = 0.15, y = 1.0, z = 1.8},
LockerRoom = {
coords = vec4(-1200.4, -902.6, 13.5, 35.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-tshirt',
size = {x = 0.15, y = 2.5, z = 0.8},
Storage = {
coords = vec4(-1195.55, -902.5, 14.0, 303.5),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-box',
size = {x = 0.6, y = 2.7, z = 2.1},
Garage = {
spawn = {
vec4(-1169.12, -894.24, 13.68, 34.20),
vec4(-1163.80, -891.09, 13.71, 124.18),
vec4(-1166.15, -888.30, 13.69, 122.15),
coords = vec4(-1177.01, -890.52, 13.84, 125.00),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-car',
size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.5, z = 1.85},
BathRooms = {
Toilets = {
{coords = vec4(-1200.29, -892.32, 13.35, 35.0), pedPos = vec4(-1200.52, -891.81, 13.79, 35.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1204.22, -894.98, 13.35, 35.0), pedPos = vec4(-1204.59, -894.55, 13.79, 35.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}},
Skinks = {
-- Bathroom
{coords = vec4(-1201.18, -890.95, 13.95, 35.0), pedPos = vec4(-1200.88, -891.33, 13.79, 35.0), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.7, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1205.12, -893.69, 13.95, 35.0), pedPos = vec4(-1204.86, -894.04, 13.79, 35.0), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.7, z = 1.05}},
TablesAndChairs = {
Tables = {
{coords = vec4(-1178.16, -895.00, 13.72, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1181.19, -896.80, 13.72, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1184.12, -898.73, 13.72, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1181.42, -892.62, 13.72, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1184.35, -894.67, 13.72, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.10, -880.32, 13.72, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.94, -882.29, 13.72, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.84, -884.20, 13.72, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1196.81, -886.14, 13.72, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.12, -886.09, 13.72, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.25, -884.03, 13.72, 124.0), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.51, -893.91, 13.95, 345.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.30, -893.49, 13.95, 345.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1196.44, -892.82, 13.95, 345.0), size = {x = 1.15, y = 0.9, z = 0.25}},
Chairs = {
{coords = vec4(-1177.10, -894.64, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1178.26, -893.35, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1177.64, -893.99, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1178.26, -893.35, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1179.97, -896.63, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1180.92, -895.24, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1180.41, -895.97, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1180.92, -895.24, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.89, -898.56, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.85, -897.25, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.31, -897.93, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.85, -897.25, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1180.80, -891.67, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1180.02, -892.98, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1180.44, -892.32, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1180.02, -892.98, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.70, -893.73, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.87, -894.87, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.37, -894.22, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.87, -894.87, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.56, -879.29, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.68, -880.76, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.18, -879.98, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.68, -880.76, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.42, -881.32, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.49, -882.48, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.06, -881.80, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.49, -882.48, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.25, -883.28, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1192.38, -884.50, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.95, -883.77, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1192.38, -884.50, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1196.29, -885.19, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1195.24, -886.56, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1195.80, -885.84, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1195.24, -886.56, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.16, -883.84, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.08, -882.54, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.55, -883.26, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.08, -882.54, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.08, -885.78, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.98, -884.52, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.37, -885.24, 13.42, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.98, -884.52, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1178.96, -895.94, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1179.79, -894.49, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1179.33, -895.27, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1179.79, -894.49, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1181.88, -897.86, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.70, -896.56, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.22, -897.23, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.70, -896.56, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1184.77, -899.80, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1185.68, -898.45, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.07, -899.22, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1185.68, -898.45, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.62, -892.86, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1181.73, -894.29, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.24, -893.53, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1181.73, -894.29, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.54, -894.84, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1184.61, -896.15, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.12, -895.46, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1184.61, -896.15, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.23, -880.63, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.37, -881.86, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.88, -881.12, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.37, -881.86, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.07, -882.60, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.16, -883.96, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.81, -883.10, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.16, -883.96, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1195.05, -884.44, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1194.21, -885.69, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.64, -885.03, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1194.21, -885.69, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1198.00, -886.34, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1197.15, -887.84, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1197.48, -886.97, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1197.15, -887.84, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.74, -887.02, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.69, -885.64, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.23, -886.34, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.69, -885.64, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.90, -885.04, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.79, -883.72, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.29, -884.43, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.79, -883.72, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.63, -902.98, 13.42, 210.0), leavePos = vec4(-1194.34, -903.49, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1195.39, -903.44, 13.42, 210.0), leavePos = vec4(-1195.12, -903.93, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1196.11, -903.86, 13.42, 210.0), leavePos = vec4(-1195.90, -904.34, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.40, -882.55, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.99, -882.44, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.94, -883.36, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.45, -883.10, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.45, -884.18, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1181.98, -883.93, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1179.92, -887.91, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1179.43, -887.59, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1179.32, -888.71, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1178.87, -888.41, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1178.84, -889.41, 13.42, 302.0), leavePos = vec4(-1178.44, -889.13, 13.99, 210.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
Crafting = {
Fryer = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1195.25, -900.15, 13.55, 165.0), pedPos = vec4(-1195.16, -899.54, 13.95, 165.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 1.2}},
{coords = vec4(-1196.12, -900.05, 13.55, 165.0), pedPos = vec4(-1195.97, -899.35, 13.95, 165.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 1.2}},
{coords = vec4(-1196.90, -899.75, 13.55, 165.0), pedPos = vec4(-1196.74, -899.11, 13.95, 165.0), size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 1.2}},
Food = {
label = 'Fries',
item = 'friedfries',
prop = 'prop_food_bs_chips',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedfries.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Frozen fries', amount = 1},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Onion Ring',
item = 'friedonionring',
prop = 'fivecode_onionring',
amount = 5,
image = 'friedonionring.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced Onion', amount = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Mozzarella Stick',
item = 'friedmozzarellastick',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 5,
image = 'friedmozzarellastick.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Chicken',
item = 'friedchickenstrip',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedchickenstrip.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawchickenstrip', label = 'Raw Chicken', amount = 1},
label = 'Fish',
item = 'friedfishstrip',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedfishstrip.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawfishstrip', label = 'Raw Fish', amount = 1},
Grill = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1195.82, -897.17, 13.55, 165.0), pedPos = vec4(-1195.95, -897.99, 13.95, 345.0), size = {x = 0.85, y = 0.85, z = 1.2}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.95, -897.47, 13.55, 165.0), pedPos = vec4(-1195.18, -898.31, 13.95, 345.0), size = {x = 0.85, y = 0.85, z = 1.2}},
Food = {
label = 'Burger Meat',
item = 'grilledburgermeat',
amount = 1,
image = 'grilledburgermeat.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'frozenburgermeat', label = 'Frozen burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Steak',
item = 'grilledsteak',
amount = 1,
image = 'grilledsteak.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsteak', label = 'Raw Steak', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Fried Egg',
item = 'friedegg',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedegg.png',
cookingTime = 10, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawegg', label = 'Raw Egg', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Bacon',
item = 'grilledbacon',
amount = 5,
image = 'grilledbacon.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedbacon', label = 'Sliced Bacon', amount = 5},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Burger Buns',
item = 'grilledburgerbun',
amount = 2,
image = 'grilledburgerbun.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedburgerbun', label = 'Sliced Burger Bun', amount = 5},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
CuttingTable = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1200.84, -894.87, 13.55, 215.00), pedPos = vec4(-1200.30, -894.57, 13.99, 124.0), size = {x = 0.95, y = 1.5, z = 1.2}},
Food = {
label = 'Sliced Tomato',
item = 'slicedtomato',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedtomato.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawtomato', label = 'Tomato', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Salad',
item = 'slicedsalad',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedsalad.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsalad', label = 'Salad', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Cucumber',
item = 'slicedcucumber',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedcucumber.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawcucumber', label = 'Cucumber', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Onion',
item = 'slicedonion',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedonion.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawonion', label = 'Onion', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Chilli Pepper',
item = 'slicedchillipepper',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedchillipepper.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawchillipepper', label = 'Chilli Pepper', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Cheese',
item = 'slicedcheese',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedcheese.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawcheese', label = 'Cheese', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Ham',
item = 'slicedham',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedham.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawham', label = 'Ham', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Bacon',
item = 'slicedbacon',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedbacon.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawbacon', label = 'Bacon', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Burger Buns',
item = 'slicedburgerbun',
amount = 2,
image = 'slicedburgerbun.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawburgerbun', label = 'Burger Bun', amount = 1},
label = 'Sandwich Bread',
item = 'slicedsandwichbread',
amount = 2,
image = 'slicedsandwichbread.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', amount = 1},
Drinks = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1197.17, -896.13, 14.15, 165.00), pedPos = vec4(-1196.94, -895.31, 13.59, 165.0), size = {x = 0.65, y = 0.65, z = 0.65}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.19, -897.28, 14.15, 165.00), pedPos = vec4(-1193.00, -896.34, 13.59, 165.0), size = {x = 0.65, y = 0.65, z = 0.65}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.22, -899.28, 14.15, 215.00), pedPos = vec4(-1191.70, -898.82, 13.59, 215.0), size = {x = 0.95, y = 0.95, z = 0.65}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.36, -898.72, 14.15, 215.00), pedPos = vec4(-1190.72, -898.15, 13.59, 215.0), size = {x = 0.95, y = 0.95, z = 0.65}},
Food = {
label = 'eCola',
item = 'burgershotcola',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotcola.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'eCola Light',
item = 'burgershotcolalight',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotcolalight.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Light Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'Sprunk',
item = 'burgershotsprunk',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotsprunk.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'Orang O Tang',
item = 'burgershotorang_o_tang',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotorang_o_tang.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Orang O Tang Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
PackingTable = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1201.54, -895.37, 13.55, 215.00), pedPos = vec4(-1202.17, -895.77, 13.99, 305.0), size = {x = 0.95, y = 1.5, z = 1.2}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.95, -900.54, 13.55, 75.00), pedPos = vec4(-1193.86, -899.93, 13.99, 165.0), size = {x = 0.95, y = 1.5, z = 1.2}},
{coords = vec4(-1197.85, -899.46, 13.55, 75.00), pedPos = vec4(-1197.69, -898.81, 13.99, 165.0), size = {x = 0.95, y = 0.85, z = 1.2}},
Food = {
label = 'Food Tray',
item = 'burgershotfoodtray',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotfoodtray.png',
cookingTime = 10, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty', label = 'Empty food tray', amount = 1},
{item = 'classicburger', label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger', amount = 1},
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Fries', amount = 1},
{item = 'burgershotcola', label = 'eCola', amount = 1},
label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger',
item = 'classicburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'classicburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 1},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'GrillMaster Spicy Classic Burger',
item = 'classicburgerspicy',
amount = 1,
image = 'classicburgerspicy.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedchillipepper', label = 'Sliced chilli pepper', amount = 5},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 1},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Loaded Chicken Avenger',
item = 'chickenburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'chickenburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedchickenstrip', label = 'Chicken', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Loaded Spicy Chicken Avenger',
item = 'chickenburgerspicy',
amount = 1,
image = 'chickenburgerspicy.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedchickenstrip', label = 'Chicken', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedchillipepper', label = 'Sliced chilli pepper', amount = 5},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Ocean Catch Burger',
item = 'fishburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'fishburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedfishstrip', label = 'Fish', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'The Cardiac Crusher',
item = 'obeseburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'obeseburger.png',
cookingTime = 22, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 10},
{item = 'grilledbacon', label = 'Grilled bacon', amount = 15},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 5},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Steakhouse Supreme Burger',
item = 'steakburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'steakburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledsteak', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'grilledbacon', label = 'Grilled bacon', amount = 4},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Reverse Burger',
item = 'reverseburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'reverseburger.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcucumber', label = 'Sliced cucumber', amount = 2},
label = 'Sunrise Ham Melt',
item = 'burgershotsandwich',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotsandwich.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedegg', label = 'Fried egg', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedham', label = 'Sliced Ham', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcucumber', label = 'Sliced cucumber', amount = 2},
IceMachine = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1202.15, -898.65, 13.55, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1201.69, -898.41, 13.99, 124.0), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1202.36, -898.77, 12.85), xRot = 0.0, yRot = 0.0, zRot = 124.0}, size = {x = 0.75, y = 0.75, z = 0.85}},
Food = {
label = 'Ice Cube',
item = 'ice',
amount = 5,
image = 'ice.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
SlushieMachine = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1199.91, -896.15, 14.35, 35.0), pedPos = vec4(-1199.54, -896.78, 13.99, 35.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.45, z = 0.85}},
Food = {
label = 'eCola Shushie',
item = 'burgershotcolaslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotcolaslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'eCola Light Shushie',
item = 'burgershotcolalightslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotcolalightslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'Sprunk Shushie',
item = 'burgershotsprunkslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotsprunkslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'Orang O Tang Shushie',
item = 'burgershotorang_o_tangslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotorang_o_tangslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
CashRegisters = {
Registers = {
{coords = vec4(-1197.53, -892.61, 14.15, 345.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 0.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1195.47, -893.09, 14.15, 345.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 0.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.44, -893.70, 14.15, 345.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 0.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.50, -894.26, 13.95, 345.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 0.55}},
PoliceAlerts = {
Alerts = {
{coords = vec4(-1198.48, -892.352, 14.25, -14.37), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1198.48, -892.35, 14.25), xRot = 0.211, yRot = -0.262, zRot = -14.375}, size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.35}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.083, -894.692, 14.250, -14.37), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1190.083, -894.692, 14.250), xRot = 0.211, yRot = -0.262, zRot = -14.375}, size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.35}},
Delivery = {
StartDelivery = {
{coords = vec4(-1200.19, -892.86, 14.25, 35.0), pedPos = vec4(-1200.05, -893.12, 13.99, 35.0), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1200.19, -892.86, 14.25), xRot = 90.0, yRot = 0.0, zRot = 33.628}, size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.45}},
Missions = {
StartMission = {
{coords = vec4(-1200.80, -893.26, 14.25, 33.0), pedPos = vec4(-1181.30, -896.24, 13.99, 33.0), storagePos = vec4(-1181.23, -898.89, 13.99, 125.0), size = {x = 0.95, y = 0.25, z = 0.95}},
DirtySpots = {
Ground = {
vec4(-1194.58, -894.97, 13.88, 269.06),
vec4(-1198.94, -901.95, 13.88, 213.00),
vec4(-1182.75, -895.86, 13.88, 307.59),
vec4(-1191.91, -898.08, 13.88, 148.30),
vec4(-1179.65, -891.08, 13.88, 40.33),
vec4(-1183.11, -889.36, 13.88, 71.70),
vec4(-1187.73, -889.26, 13.88, 99.25),
vec4(-1193.97, -890.23, 13.88, 97.88),
vec4(-1194.05, -886.55, 13.88, 327.98),
vec4(-1189.32, -883.43, 13.88, 302.83),
vec4(-1184.78, -883.00, 13.88, 225.79),
vec4(-1203.28, -894.05, 13.88, 39.82),
vec4(-1203.50, -890.41, 13.88, 109.41),
vec4(-1201.48, -892.74, 13.88, 151.25),
vec4(-1182.53, -886.90, 13.88, 206.60),
Tables = {
vec4(-1196.14, -887.00, 13.88, 42.15),
vec4(-1193.21, -885.11, 13.88, 37.24),
vec4(-1190.26, -883.13, 13.88, 37.10),
vec4(-1187.40, -881.19, 13.88, 37.08),
vec4(-1187.82, -883.07, 13.88, 219.08),
vec4(-1190.85, -885.12, 13.88, 220.43),
vec4(-1184.75, -897.85, 13.88, 211.34),
vec4(-1181.84, -895.89, 13.88, 218.02),
vec4(-1178.89, -893.90, 13.88, 212.17),
vec4(-1180.77, -893.56, 13.88, 39.97),
vec4(-1183.64, -895.50, 13.88, 29.74),
vec4(-1192.21, -893.19, 13.88, 151.79),
vec4(-1194.08, -892.67, 13.88, 159.06),
vec4(-1196.28, -892.06, 13.88, 157.54),
vec4(-1194.46, -894.19, 13.88, 350.62),
Trash = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1183.98, -892.42, 13.55, 34.0), size = {x = 1.30, y = 0.60, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.78, -886.36, 13.55, 34.0), size = {x = 1.30, y = 0.60, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.42, -901.38, 13.55, 34.0), size = {x = 1.75, y = 1.30, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.35, -899.78, 13.55, 34.0), size = {x = 1.75, y = 1.30, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.95, -881.63, 13.75, 34.0), size = {x = 0.62, y = 0.62, z = 0.75}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.81, -902.32, 13.75, 34.0), size = {x = 0.75, y = 0.75, z = 0.75}},
HotTables = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1195.95, -896.38, 14.00, 75.00), size = {x = 0.90, y = 1.40, z = 1.50}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.39, -896.66, 14.00, 75.00), size = {x = 0.90, y = 1.40, z = 1.50}},
SupplyShop = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-332.59, -2790.60, 5.00, 110.0), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
Items = {
{item = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty', label = 'Empty food tray', icon = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty.png', price = 10},
-- Other
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Normal Ketchup', icon = 'ketchup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking Salt', icon = 'salt.png', price = 2},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', icon = 'burgershotdrinkcup.png', price = 2},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', icon = 'butter.png', price = 2},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', icon = 'colasyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Light Syrup', icon = 'colalightsyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', icon = 'sprunksyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Orang O Tang Syrup', icon = 'orang_o_tangsyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', icon = 'water.png', price = 5},
{item = 'cleansponge', label = 'Clean Sponge', icon = 'cleansponge.png', price = 2},
-- Cutting Table Items
{item = 'rawtomato', label = 'Tomato', icon = 'rawtomato.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawsalad', label = 'Salad', icon = 'rawsalad.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawcucumber', label = 'Cucumber', icon = 'rawcucumber.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawonion', label = 'Onion', icon = 'rawonion.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawchillipepper', label = 'Chilli Pepper', icon = 'rawchillipepper.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawcheese', label = 'Cheese', icon = 'rawcheese.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawham', label = 'Ham', icon = 'rawham.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawbacon', label = 'Bacon', icon = 'rawbacon.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawburgerbun', label = 'Burger Buns', icon = 'rawburgerbun.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', icon = 'rawsandwichbread.png', price = 8},
-- Frier Items
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Frozen Fries', icon = 'frozenfries.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawchickenstrip', label = 'Raw Chicken', icon = 'rawchickenstrip.png', price = 20},
{item = 'rawfishstrip', label = 'Raw Fish', icon = 'rawfishstrip.png', price = 20},
-- Grill Items
{item = 'frozenburgermeat', label = 'Frozen Burger Meat', icon = 'frozenburgermeat.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawsteak', label = 'Raw Steak', icon = 'rawsteak.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawegg', label = 'Raw Egg', icon = 'rawegg.png', price = 5},
Dog = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1177.44, -889.26, 13.78, 355.0), pedPos = vec4(-1177.35, -888.74, 13.78, 175.0), size = {x = 0.85, y = 0.85, z = 1.50}},
NpcEmployee = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1197.78, -893.25, 13.80, 355.0), hotTablePos = vec4(-1195.81, -895.74, 13.80, 170.0), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
MenuList = { -- Items displayed in food menu + npc employee menu.
Items = {
-- Drinks
{category = 'Drinks', items = {
{item = 'burgershotcola', label = 'eCola', icon = 'burgershotcola.png', price = 5},
{item = 'burgershotcolalight', label = 'eCola Light', icon = 'burgershotcolalight.png', price = 5},
{item = 'burgershotsprunk', label = 'Sprunk', icon = 'burgershotsprunk.png', price = 5},
{item = 'burgershotorang_o_tang', label = 'Orang O Tang', icon = 'burgershotorang_o_tang.png', price = 5},
-- Sides
{category = 'Sides', items = {
{item = 'friedfries', label = 'Fries', icon = 'friedfries.png', price = 5},
{item = 'friedonionring', label = 'Onion Ring', icon = 'friedonionring.png', price = 8},
{item = 'friedmozzarellastick', label = 'Mozzarella Stick', icon = 'friedmozzarellastick.png', price = 8},
{item = 'burgershotfoodtray', label = 'Food Tray', icon = 'burgershotfoodtray.png', price = 45},
-- Burgers
{category = 'Burgers', items = {
{item = 'classicBurger', label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger', icon = 'classicBurger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'classicburgerspicy', label = 'GrillMaster Spicy Classic Burger', icon = 'classicburgerspicy.png', price = 25},
{item = 'chickenburger', label = 'Loaded Chicken Avenger', icon = 'chickenburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'chickenburgerspicy', label = 'Loaded Spicy Chicken Avenger', icon = 'chickenburgerspicy.png', price = 25},
{item = 'fishburger', label = 'Ocean Catch Burger', icon = 'fishburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'obeseburger', label = 'The Cardiac Crusher', icon = 'obeseburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'steakburger', label = 'Steakhouse Supreme Burger', icon = 'steakburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'reverseburger', label = 'Reverse Burger', icon = 'reverseburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'burgershotsandwich', label = 'Sunrise Ham Melt', icon = 'burgershotsandwich.png', price = 25},
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1186.54, -885.20, 14.22, 125.0), size = {x = 0.45, y = 0.8, z = 1.50}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.36, -887.11, 14.22, 125.0), size = {x = 0.45, y = 0.8, z = 1.50}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.25, -891.56, 14.22, 125.0), size = {x = 0.45, y = 0.8, z = 1.50}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.08, -893.46, 14.22, 125.0), size = {x = 0.45, y = 0.8, z = 1.50}},
--[[ GN Burger Shot MLO - ]]--
return {
Blip = {
coords = vec3(-1184.79, -885.14, 14.03),
DutySystem = {
coords = vec4(-1183.63, -896.54, 14.35, 125.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-hand',
size = {x = 0.2, y = 1.2, z = 1.2},
BossMenu = {
coords = vec4(-1178.71, -896.90, 13.85, 35.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-hand',
size = {x = 1.2, y = 2.45, z = 0.5},
LockerRoom = {
coords = vector4(-1181.42, -899.65, 13.97, 215.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-tshirt',
size = {x = 0.8, y = 4.3, z = 2.15},
Storage = {
coords = vec4(-1201.15, -901.74, 13.97, 215.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-box',
size = {x = 0.8, y = 3.55, z = 2.15},
Garage = {
spawn = {
vec4(-1169.12, -894.24, 13.68, 34.20),
vec4(-1163.80, -891.09, 13.71, 124.18),
vec4(-1166.15, -888.30, 13.69, 122.15),
coords = vec4(-1178.15, -892.94, 13.84, 125.00),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-car',
size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.5, z = 1.85},
BathRooms = {
Toilets = {
{coords = vec4(-1205.90, -890.46, 13.35, 215.0), pedPos = vec4(-1205.66, -890.86, 13.79, 215.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1204.53, -889.52, 13.35, 215.0), pedPos = vec4(-1204.29, -889.89, 13.79, 215.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1201.86, -887.71, 13.35, 215.0), pedPos = vec4(-1201.66, -888.14, 13.79, 215.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1200.48, -886.76, 13.35, 215.0), pedPos = vec4(-1200.15, -887.11, 13.79, 215.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1202.42, -891.18, 13.67, 303.0), pedPos = vec4(-1202.83, -891.48, 13.97, -240.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}, poop = true},
{coords = vec4(-1201.67, -891.98, 13.67, 303.0), pedPos = vec4(-1202.22, -892.26, 13.79, -240.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.7, z = 0.95}, poop = true},
Skinks = {
-- Bathroom
{coords = vec4(-1201.23, -891.15, 13.55, 303.0), pedPos = vec4(-1200.72, -890.79, 13.79, 120.0), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.7, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1201.97, -890.08, 13.55, 303.0), pedPos = vec4(-1201.50, -889.79, 13.79, 120.0), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.7, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1205.24, -893.93, 13.55, 303.0), pedPos = vec4(-1204.83, -893.56, 13.79, 120.0), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.7, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1206.01, -892.83, 13.55, 303.0), pedPos = vec4(-1205.58, -892.50, 13.79, 120.0), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.7, z = 1.05}},
-- Kitchen
{coords = vec4(-1197.49, -902.72, 13.55, 214.0), pedPos = vec4(-1197.92, -902.17, 13.99, 214.0), size = {x = 1.20, y = 0.8, z = 1.05}, job = true},
TablesAndChairs = {
Tables = {
{coords = vec4(-1191.97, -886.80, 13.72, 304.00), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.98, -885.51, 13.72, 304.00), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.15, -882.50, 13.72, 304.00), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.25, -881.15, 13.72, 304.00), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.95, -882.02, 13.72, 33.00), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.82, -879.95, 13.72, 304.00), size = {x = 0.75, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.72, -901.88, 13.72, 304.00), size = {x = 0.75, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.36, -901.07, 13.72, 304.00), size = {x = 0.75, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.63, -878.77, 13.92, 304.00), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.55, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1184.43, -889.77, 13.72, 33.00), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.02, -891.73, 13.72, 33.00), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1181.64, -888.84, 14.08, 304.00), size = {x = 5.35, y = 0.50, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.11, -889.68, 13.72, 304.00), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.04, -890.98, 13.72, 304.00), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1184.66, -893.32, 13.72, 304.00), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.60, -894.63, 13.72, 304.00), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.49, -895.83, 13.72, 304.00), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.13, -897.52, 13.72, 33.00), size = {x = 1.35, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.35, -896.92, 14.10, 304.00), size = {x = 0.95, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.41, -895.37, 14.10, 304.00), size = {x = 0.75, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.43, -893.85, 14.10, 304.00), size = {x = 0.95, y = 0.70, z = 0.25}},
Chairs = {
{coords = vec4(-1192.36, -887.55, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.15, -886.41, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.72, -886.93, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.15, -886.41, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.35, -886.27, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.20, -885.02, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.83, -885.57, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.20, -885.02, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.12, -882.54, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.27, -883.65, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.71, -883.07, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1193.27, -883.65, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.08, -881.25, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.32, -882.36, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.65, -881.87, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.32, -882.36, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.88, -891.23, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.01, -892.35, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.55, -891.73, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.01, -892.35, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.96, -889.84, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.02, -890.89, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.58, -890.35, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.02, -890.89, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.04, -893.97, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1185.874, -892.8782, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.49, -893.29, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1185.874, -892.8782, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.938, -895.3461, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.837, -894.2255, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.369, -894.8286, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.837, -894.2255, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.826, -896.4906, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.79, -895.4911, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.728, -881.8166, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.916, -882.8183, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.473, -882.3937, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.916, -882.8183, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.835, -880.5061, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1190.077, -881.5326, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.505, -880.9645, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1190.077, -881.5326, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.157, -886.656, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.993, -885.5432, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.491, -886.1347, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1191.993, -885.5432, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.266, -885.2455, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.96, -884.2488, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.571, -884.7816, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.96, -884.2488, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.592, -890.3468, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.778, -891.4947, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.306, -890.8557, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.778, -891.4947, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.618, -889.0687, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1185.934, -890.1367, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.372, -889.6767, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1185.934, -890.1367, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.848, -893.2245, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1184.641, -892.0114, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1184.226, -892.621, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1184.641, -892.0114, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.875, -894.4136, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.702, -893.459, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.197, -893.9126, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.702, -893.459, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.776, -895.7803, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.511, -894.7147, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.075, -895.2184, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.511, -894.7147, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1184.21, -890.6669, 13.51, 35.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.138, -889.8774, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.661, -890.2379, 13.51, 35.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.138, -889.8774, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.246, -882.2925, 13.51, 35.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.31, -883.1843, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.813, -882.7258, 13.51, 35.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.31, -883.1843, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.936, -892.5873, 13.51, 35.0), leavePos = vec4(-1181.779, -891.8553, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.452, -892.2589, 13.51, 35.0), leavePos = vec4(-1181.779, -891.8553, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.147, -889.4383, 13.51, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1184.002, -888.6013, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1184.525, -889.0256, 13.51, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1184.002, -888.6013, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.995, -881.173, 13.51, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.185, -881.9173, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.623, -881.5104, 13.51, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.185, -881.9173, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.22, -879.2394, 13.51, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.503, -880.303, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.752, -879.6539, 13.51, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1189.503, -880.303, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.809, -891.3115, 13.51, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.67, -890.5416, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.207, -890.9308, 13.51, 215.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.67, -890.5416, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.342, -879.3268, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.271, -880.5804, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.889, -879.8872, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1188.271, -880.5804, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.223, -887.2845, 13.81, -55.0), leavePos = vec4(-1183.515, -887.5861, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.544, -888.2347, 13.81, -55.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.984, -888.448, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1181.779, -889.2723, 13.81, -55.0), leavePos = vec4(-1182.112, -889.4961, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1181.211, -890.0652, 13.81, -55.0), leavePos = vec4(-1181.519, -890.2595, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1180.604, -891.0006, 13.81, -55.0), leavePos = vec4(-1180.934, -891.248, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1177.85, -896.32, 13.51, -260.0), leavePos = vec4(-1178.105, -895.4908, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.72, y = 0.72, z = 1.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1179.418, -898.167, 13.51, 320.0), leavePos = vec4(-1179.973, -898.5982, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.72, y = 0.72, z = 1.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1180.042, -897.1981, 13.51, 295.0), leavePos = vec4(-1180.654, -897.4776, 13.99, 290.0), size = {x = 0.72, y = 0.72, z = 1.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1184.998, -901.5357, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.176, -899.9038, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.72, y = 0.72, z = 1.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1185.675, -900.6625, 13.51, 125.0), leavePos = vec4(-1186.176, -899.9038, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.72, y = 0.72, z = 1.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.606, -902.6122, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.728, -900.9241, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.72, y = 0.72, z = 1.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.261, -901.6512, 13.51, 303.0), leavePos = vec4(-1187.728, -900.9241, 13.99, 280.0), size = {x = 0.72, y = 0.72, z = 1.55}},
Crafting = {
Fryer = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1200.87, -896.85, 13.55, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1200.57, -897.34, 13.95, 33.0), size = {x =1.13, y = 1.5, z = 1.2}},
Food = {
label = 'Fries',
item = 'friedfries',
prop = 'prop_food_bs_chips',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedfries.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Frozen fries', amount = 1},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Onion Ring',
item = 'friedonionring',
prop = 'fivecode_onionring',
amount = 5,
image = 'friedonionring.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced Onion', amount = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Mozzarella Stick',
item = 'friedmozzarellastick',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 5,
image = 'friedmozzarellastick.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Chicken',
item = 'friedchickenstrip',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedchickenstrip.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawchickenstrip', label = 'Raw Chicken', amount = 1},
label = 'Fish',
item = 'friedfishstrip',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedfishstrip.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawfishstrip', label = 'Raw Fish', amount = 1},
Grill = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1198.29, -895.06, 13.55, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1197.81, -895.67, 13.95, 33.0), size = {x = 1.13, y = 1.5, z = 1.2}},
{coords = vec4(-1199.20, -895.65, 13.55, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1198.83, -896.18, 13.95, 33.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.55, z = 1.2}},
Food = {
label = 'Burger Meat',
item = 'grilledburgermeat',
amount = 1,
image = 'grilledburgermeat.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'frozenburgermeat', label = 'Frozen burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Steak',
item = 'grilledsteak',
amount = 1,
image = 'grilledsteak.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsteak', label = 'Raw Steak', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Fried Egg',
item = 'friedegg',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedegg.png',
cookingTime = 10, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawegg', label = 'Raw Egg', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Bacon',
item = 'grilledbacon',
amount = 5,
image = 'grilledbacon.png',
cookingTime = 15, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedbacon', label = 'Sliced Bacon', amount = 5},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Burger Buns',
item = 'grilledburgerbun',
amount = 2,
image = 'grilledburgerbun.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedburgerbun', label = 'Sliced Burger Bun', amount = 5},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
CuttingTable = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1197.33, -898.26, 13.55, 124.00), pedPos = vec4(-1197.68, -897.74, 13.99, 225.0), size = {x =1.13, y = 1.5, z = 1.2}},
{coords = vec4(-1196.82, -899.24, 13.55, 124.00), pedPos = vec4(-1196.40, -899.92, 13.99, 33.0), size = {x =1.13, y = 1.5, z = 1.2}},
Food = {
label = 'Sliced Tomato',
item = 'slicedtomato',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedtomato.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawtomato', label = 'Tomato', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Salad',
item = 'slicedsalad',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedsalad.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsalad', label = 'Salad', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Cucumber',
item = 'slicedcucumber',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedcucumber.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawcucumber', label = 'Cucumber', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Onion',
item = 'slicedonion',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedonion.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawonion', label = 'Onion', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Chilli Pepper',
item = 'slicedchillipepper',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedchillipepper.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawchillipepper', label = 'Chilli Pepper', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Cheese',
item = 'slicedcheese',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedcheese.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawcheese', label = 'Cheese', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Ham',
item = 'slicedham',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedham.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawham', label = 'Ham', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Bacon',
item = 'slicedbacon',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedbacon.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawbacon', label = 'Bacon', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Burger Buns',
item = 'slicedburgerbun',
amount = 2,
image = 'slicedburgerbun.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawburgerbun', label = 'Burger Bun', amount = 1},
label = 'Sandwich Bread',
item = 'slicedsandwichbread',
amount = 2,
image = 'slicedsandwichbread.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', amount = 1},
Drinks = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1196.93, -894.99, 14.45, 124.00), pedPos = vec4(-1196.24, -894.49, 13.59, 124.0), size = {x = 0.65, y = 0.65, z = 0.65}},
Food = {
label = 'eCola',
item = 'burgershotcola',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotcola.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'eCola Light',
item = 'burgershotcolalight',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotcolalight.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Light Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'Sprunk',
item = 'burgershotsprunk',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotsprunk.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'Orang O Tang',
item = 'burgershotorang_o_tang',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotorang_o_tang.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Orang O Tang Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
PackingTable = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1197.99, -899.48, 13.80, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1198.55, -899.84, 13.99, 303.0), size = {x = 1.2, y = 0.75, z = 0.85}},
{coords = vec4(-1196.35, -902.01, 13.80, 33.0), pedPos = vec4(-1196.68, -901.47, 13.99, 215.0), size = {x = 1.2, y = 0.75, z = 0.85}},
Food = {
label = 'Food Tray',
item = 'burgershotfoodtray',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotfoodtray.png',
cookingTime = 10, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty', label = 'Empty food tray', amount = 1},
{item = 'classicburger', label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger', amount = 1},
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Fries', amount = 1},
{item = 'burgershotcola', label = 'eCola', amount = 1},
label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger',
item = 'classicburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'classicburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 1},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'GrillMaster Spicy Classic Burger',
item = 'classicburgerspicy',
amount = 1,
image = 'classicburgerspicy.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedchillipepper', label = 'Sliced chilli pepper', amount = 5},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 1},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Loaded Chicken Avenger',
item = 'chickenburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'chickenburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedchickenstrip', label = 'Chicken', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Loaded Spicy Chicken Avenger',
item = 'chickenburgerspicy',
amount = 1,
image = 'chickenburgerspicy.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedchickenstrip', label = 'Chicken', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedchillipepper', label = 'Sliced chilli pepper', amount = 5},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Ocean Catch Burger',
item = 'fishburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'fishburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedfishstrip', label = 'Fish', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'The Cardiac Crusher',
item = 'obeseburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'obeseburger.png',
cookingTime = 22, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 10},
{item = 'grilledbacon', label = 'Grilled bacon', amount = 15},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 5},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Steakhouse Supreme Burger',
item = 'steakburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'steakburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledsteak', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'grilledbacon', label = 'Grilled bacon', amount = 4},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Reverse Burger',
item = 'reverseburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'reverseburger.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcucumber', label = 'Sliced cucumber', amount = 2},
label = 'Sunrise Ham Melt',
item = 'burgershotsandwich',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotsandwich.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedegg', label = 'Fried egg', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedham', label = 'Sliced Ham', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcucumber', label = 'Sliced cucumber', amount = 2},
IceMachine = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1197.35, -893.772, 13.55, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1196.83, -893.42, 13.99, 124.0), object = {use = false, coords = vec3(-1190.25, -899.50, 12.79), xRot = 0.0, yRot = 0.0, zRot = 35.0}, size = {x = 0.65, y = 0.65, z = 0.85}},
Food = {
label = 'Ice Cube',
item = 'ice',
amount = 5,
image = 'ice.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
SlushieMachine = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1197.55, -893.772, 14.55, 124.0), pedPos = vec4(-1196.83, -893.42, 13.99, 124.0), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.45, z = 0.85}},
Food = {
label = 'eCola Shushie',
item = 'burgershotcolaslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotcolaslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'eCola Light Shushie',
item = 'burgershotcolalightslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotcolalightslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'Sprunk Shushie',
item = 'burgershotsprunkslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotsprunkslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'Orang O Tang Shushie',
item = 'burgershotorang_o_tangslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotorang_o_tangslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
CashRegisters = {
Registers = {
{coords = vec4(-1194.90, -893.17, 14.15, 35.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 0.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.95, -894.75, 14.15, 35.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 0.55}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.85, -896.20, 14.15, 35.0), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 0.55}},
PoliceAlerts = {
Alerts = {
{coords = vec4(-1195.69, -892.54, 13.830, 35.0), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1195.69, -892.54, 13.830), xRot = 0.211, yRot = -0.262, zRot = -56.586}, size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.35}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.90, -898.12, 13.83, 35.0), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1191.90, -898.12, 13.83), xRot = 0.211, yRot = -0.262, zRot = -56.586}, size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.35}},
Delivery = {
StartDelivery = {
{coords = vec4(-1196.64, -892.86, 14.34, 35.0), pedPos = vec4(-1196.40, -893.28, 14.34, 33.0), object = {use = true, coords = vec3(-1196.64, -892.86, 14.34), xRot = 90.0, yRot = 0.0, zRot = 33.56}, size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.45}},
Missions = {
StartMission = {
{coords = vec4(-1186.50, -898.49, 14.35, 35.0), pedPos = vec4(-1186.50, -898.19, 13.99, 33.0), storagePos = vec4(-1191.17, -902.32, 13.99, 125.0), size = {x = 0.95, y = 0.25, z = 0.95}},
DirtySpots = {
Ground = {
vec4(-1190.52, -900.00, 13.97, 311.75),
vec4(-1193.72, -902.45, 13.97, 134.65),
vec4(-1199.64, -900.31, 13.97, 31.92),
vec4(-1202.06, -894.75, 13.97, 303.65),
vec4(-1194.16, -890.80, 13.97, 254.27),
vec4(-1191.60, -893.35, 13.97, 236.77),
vec4(-1186.57, -891.94, 13.97, 327.81),
vec4(-1191.35, -889.38, 13.97, 312.13),
vec4(-1188.12, -884.16, 13.97, 15.32),
vec4(-1193.14, -885.03, 13.97, 115.26),
vec4(-1196.74, -885.26, 13.97, 79.18),
vec4(-1185.32, -884.76, 13.97, 248.76),
vec4(-1184.27, -895.93, 13.97, 299.97),
vec4(-1179.87, -892.65, 13.85, 306.63),
vec4(-1188.36, -883.52, 13.97, 40.01),
Tables = {
vec4(-1190.60, -896.95, 13.97, 215.57),
vec4(-1189.16, -894.98, 13.97, 213.50),
vec4(-1187.24, -893.57, 13.97, 214.79),
vec4(-1185.38, -892.41, 13.98, 222.95),
vec4(-1186.43, -890.75, 13.97, 26.82),
vec4(-1188.40, -892.06, 13.97, 32.70),
vec4(-1192.63, -885.91, 13.97, 212.75),
vec4(-1192.54, -883.32, 13.97, 38.64),
vec4(-1190.65, -884.50, 13.97, 210.50),
vec4(-1190.58, -882.08, 13.97, 33.00),
vec4(-1188.99, -880.74, 13.97, 345.52),
vec4(-1187.88, -882.66, 13.97, 307.08),
vec4(-1183.51, -889.08, 13.97, 130.53),
vec4(-1182.13, -891.03, 13.97, 128.77),
vec4(-1192.77, -895.08, 13.97, 124.01),
Trash = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1185.42, -888.32, 13.55, 215.0), size = {x = 1.30, y = 0.60, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.55, -892.09, 13.55, 125.0), size = {x = 1.30, y = 0.60, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.32, -887.85, 13.55, 125.0), size = {x = 1.30, y = 0.60, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.60, -883.43, 13.55, 125.0), size = {x = 1.30, y = 0.60, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1203.38, -887.27, 12.95, 125.0), size = {x = 0.85, y = 0.85, z = 1.15}},
HotTables = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1194.85, -898.15, 14.00, 33.00), size = {x = 1.15, y = 1.40, z = 1.50}},
{coords = vec4(-1195.83, -896.93, 14.00, 33.00), size = {x = 1.15, y = 1.40, z = 1.50}},
SupplyShop = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-332.59, -2790.60, 5.00, 110.0), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
Items = {
{item = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty', label = 'Empty food tray', icon = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty.png', price = 10},
-- Other
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Normal Ketchup', icon = 'ketchup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking Salt', icon = 'salt.png', price = 2},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', icon = 'burgershotdrinkcup.png', price = 2},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', icon = 'butter.png', price = 2},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', icon = 'colasyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Light Syrup', icon = 'colalightsyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', icon = 'sprunksyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Orang O Tang Syrup', icon = 'orang_o_tangsyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', icon = 'water.png', price = 5},
{item = 'cleansponge', label = 'Clean Sponge', icon = 'cleansponge.png', price = 2},
-- Cutting Table Items
{item = 'rawtomato', label = 'Tomato', icon = 'rawtomato.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawsalad', label = 'Salad', icon = 'rawsalad.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawcucumber', label = 'Cucumber', icon = 'rawcucumber.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawonion', label = 'Onion', icon = 'rawonion.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawchillipepper', label = 'Chilli Pepper', icon = 'rawchillipepper.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawcheese', label = 'Cheese', icon = 'rawcheese.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawham', label = 'Ham', icon = 'rawham.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawbacon', label = 'Bacon', icon = 'rawbacon.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawburgerbun', label = 'Burger Buns', icon = 'rawburgerbun.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', icon = 'rawsandwichbread.png', price = 8},
-- Frier Items
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Frozen Fries', icon = 'frozenfries.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawchickenstrip', label = 'Raw Chicken', icon = 'rawchickenstrip.png', price = 20},
{item = 'rawfishstrip', label = 'Raw Fish', icon = 'rawfishstrip.png', price = 20},
-- Grill Items
{item = 'frozenburgermeat', label = 'Frozen Burger Meat', icon = 'frozenburgermeat.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawsteak', label = 'Raw Steak', icon = 'rawsteak.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawegg', label = 'Raw Egg', icon = 'rawegg.png', price = 5},
Dog = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1180.96, -884.283, 13.78, 320.0), pedPos = vec4(-1180.55, -883.91, 13.78, 130.0), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
NpcEmployee = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1195.47, -893.61, 13.97, 303.0), hotTablePos = vec4(-1195.06, -896.35, 13.97, 115.0), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
MenuList = { -- Items displayed in food menu + npc employee menu.
Items = {
-- Drinks
{category = 'Drinks', items = {
{item = 'burgershotcola', label = 'eCola', icon = 'burgershotcola.png', price = 5},
{item = 'burgershotcolalight', label = 'eCola Light', icon = 'burgershotcolalight.png', price = 5},
{item = 'burgershotsprunk', label = 'Sprunk', icon = 'burgershotsprunk.png', price = 5},
{item = 'burgershotorang_o_tang', label = 'Orang O Tang', icon = 'burgershotorang_o_tang.png', price = 5},
-- Sides
{category = 'Sides', items = {
{item = 'friedfries', label = 'Fries', icon = 'friedfries.png', price = 5},
{item = 'friedonionring', label = 'Onion Ring', icon = 'friedonionring.png', price = 8},
{item = 'friedmozzarellastick', label = 'Mozzarella Stick', icon = 'friedmozzarellastick.png', price = 8},
{item = 'burgershotfoodtray', label = 'Food Tray', icon = 'burgershotfoodtray.png', price = 45},
-- Burgers
{category = 'Burgers', items = {
{item = 'classicBurger', label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger', icon = 'classicBurger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'classicburgerspicy', label = 'GrillMaster Spicy Classic Burger', icon = 'classicburgerspicy.png', price = 25},
{item = 'chickenburger', label = 'Loaded Chicken Avenger', icon = 'chickenburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'chickenburgerspicy', label = 'Loaded Spicy Chicken Avenger', icon = 'chickenburgerspicy.png', price = 25},
{item = 'fishburger', label = 'Ocean Catch Burger', icon = 'fishburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'obeseburger', label = 'The Cardiac Crusher', icon = 'obeseburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'steakburger', label = 'Steakhouse Supreme Burger', icon = 'steakburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'reverseburger', label = 'Reverse Burger', icon = 'reverseburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'burgershotsandwich', label = 'Sunrise Ham Melt', icon = 'burgershotsandwich.png', price = 25},
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1195.32, -891.87, 13.99, 125.0), size = {x = 0.45, y = 0.45, z = 1.50}},
--[[ Kingmaps Burger Shot MLO - ]]--
return {
Blip = {
coords = vec3(-1184.79, -885.14, 14.03),
DutySystem = {
coords = vec4(-1190.42, -907.04, 14.39, 235.00),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-hand',
size = {x = 0.45, y = 0.4, z = 1.2},
BossMenu = {
coords = vec4(-1200.9, -894.62, 13.72, 180.0),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-hand',
size = {x = 0.3, y = 1.2, z = 1.2},
LockerRoom = {
coords = vec4(-1187.21, -899.0, 13.98, 180.00),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-tshirt',
size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.5, z = 1.0},
Storage = {
coords = vec4(-1198.87, -896.64, 13.71, 180.00),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-box',
size = {x = 0.5, y = 2.8, z = 1.85},
Garage = {
spawn = {
vec4(-1169.12, -894.24, 13.68, 34.20),
vec4(-1163.80, -891.09, 13.71, 124.18),
vec4(-1166.15, -888.30, 13.69, 122.15),
coords = vec4(-1169.82, -900.52, 14.18, 180.00),
target = {
icon = 'fas fa-car',
size = {x = 0.8, y = 0.7, z = 1.85},
BathRooms = {
Toilets = {
-- Female
{coords = vec4(-1183.35, -901.33, 13.39, 142.00), pedPos = vec4(-1182.92, -901.07, 13.91, 301.71), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.70, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1184.13, -900.2, 13.39, 122.00), pedPos = vec4(-1183.68, -899.97, 13.91, 302.22), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.70, z = 0.95}},
-- Male
{coords = vec4(-1178.89, -896.7, 13.39, 311.00), pedPos = vec4(-1179.35, -896.99, 13.91, 124.38), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.70, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1178.16, -897.85, 13.39, 313.00), pedPos = vec4(-1178.62, -898.10, 13.91, 128.22), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.70, z = 0.95}},
{coords = vec4(-1180.21, -894.32, 13.75, 312.35), pedPos = vec4(-1180.61, -894.64, 13.91, 132.35), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.70, z = 0.95}, poop = true},
{coords = vec4(-1179.79, -894.98, 13.74, 312.00), pedPos = vec4(-1180.18, -895.38, 13.91, 132.35), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.70, z = 0.95}, poop = true},
{coords = vec4(-1179.29, -895.67, 13.76, 312.00), pedPos = vec4(-1179.73, -895.96, 13.91, 132.35), size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.70, z = 0.95}, poop = true},
Skinks = {
-- Bathroom
-- Female
{coords = vec4(-1183.5, -896.52, 13.85, 310.00), pedPos = vec4(-1184.03, -896.87, 13.91, 300.00), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.70, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.01, -897.23, 13.85, 310.00), pedPos = vec4(-1183.45, -897.60, 13.91, 305.00), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.70, z = 1.05}},
-- Male
{coords = vec4(-1182.31, -896.72, 13.85, 132.34), pedPos = vec4(-1181.78, -896.65, 13.91, 123.00), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.70, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.99, -897.24, 13.85, 132.34), pedPos = vec4(-1183.59, -897.51, 13.91, 305.00), size = {x = 0.60, y = 0.70, z = 1.05}},
-- Kitchen
{coords = vec4(-1193.45, -903.0, 13.91, 45.00), pedPos = vec4(-1193.13, -903.61, 13.91, 28.52), size = {x = 1.20, y = 0.80, z = 1.05}, job = true},
TablesAndChairs = {
Tables = {
-- Northern Door Wall
{coords = vec4(-1188.81, -883.73, 13.71, 30.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.4, -885.23, 13.71, 30.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.84, -886.91, 13.71, 30.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
-- Northern Center Row
{coords = vec4(-1188.25, -889.04, 13.71, 212.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.92, -889.5, 13.71, 212.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.76, -889.99, 13.71, 212.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.36, -890.5, 13.71, 212.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.05, -890.95, 13.71, 212.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.68, -891.39, 13.71, 212.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
-- Southern Center Row
{coords = vec4(-1186.62, -891.52, 13.71, 32.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.28, -891.92, 13.71, 32.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.12, -892.46, 13.71, 32.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.74, -892.88, 13.71, 32.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.74, -892.88, 13.71, 32.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.46, -893.41, 13.71, 32.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.06, -893.83, 13.71, 32.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.7, z = 0.25}},
-- Eastern Door Wall
{coords = vec4(-1186.49, -885.37, 13.96, 305.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.5, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.98, -890.58, 13.96, 305.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.5, z = 0.25}},
{coords = vec4(-1181.92, -892.18, 13.96, 305.00), size = {x = 1.0, y = 0.5, z = 0.25}},
Chairs = {
-- Northern Wall
--Booth 1
{coords = vec4(-1194.49, -887.91, 13.40, 305.81), leavePos = vec4(-1194.11, -888.44, 13.91, 216.86), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1195.10, -887.09, 13.43, 305.89), leavePos = vec4(-1194.10, -888.47, 13.91, 216.51), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.00, -886.63, 13.42, 124.88), leavePos = vec4(-1192.49, -887.31, 13.91, 215.21), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.50, -885.83, 13.43, 127.01), leavePos = vec4(-1192.50, -887.31, 13.91, 214.11), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
--Booth 2
{coords = vec4(-1192.03, -886.15, 13.42, 305.87), leavePos = vec4(-1191.54, -886.77, 13.91, 34.72), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.62, -885.38, 13.43, 303.90), leavePos = vec4(-1191.54, -886.77, 13.91, 34.72), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.49, -885.03, 13.42, 125.64), leavePos = vec4(-1190.01, -885.69, 13.91, 219.27), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.01, -884.12, 13.43, 125.99), leavePos = vec4(-1190.01, -885.69, 13.91, 219.27), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
--Booth 3
{coords = vec4(-1189.58, -884.52, 13.42, 304.40), leavePos = vec4(-1189.06, -885.03, 13.91, 36.25), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.12, -883.66, 13.43, 304.26), leavePos = vec4(-1189.06, -885.03, 13.91, 36.25), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.64, -882.47, 13.42, 124.90), leavePos = vec4(-1187.58, -884.12, 13.91, 119.91), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.09, -883.34, 13.43, 125.31), leavePos = vec4(-1187.58, -884.12, 13.91, 119.91), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
-- Eastern Wall
--Table 1
{coords = vec4(-1187.47, -884.96, 13.66, 305.58), leavePos = vec4(-1187.83, -885.18, 13.91, 125.26), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.93, -885.67, 13.66, 303.90), leavePos = vec4(-1187.33, -885.91, 13.89, 123.69), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.46, -886.47, 13.66, 306.76), leavePos = vec4(-1186.76, -886.76, 13.91, 123.81), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
--Table 2
{coords = vec4(-1183.91, -890.16, 13.66, 302.80), leavePos = vec4(-1183.76, -891.22, 13.91, 124.01), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1183.33, -891.03, 13.66, 302.80), leavePos = vec4(-1183.76, -891.22, 13.91, 124.01), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.91, -891.70, 13.66, 305.00), leavePos = vec4(-1183.26, -891.95, 13.91, 124.01), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1182.91, -891.70, 13.66, 305.00), leavePos = vec4(-1183.26, -891.95, 13.91, 124.01), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
-- Northern Central
--Table 1
{coords = vec4(-1187.69, -889.74, 13.37, 34.14), leavePos = vec4(-1184.29, -890.46, 13.91, 124.01), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.64, -888.64, 13.41, 220.60), leavePos = vec4(-1188.19, -888.28, 13.91, 307.09), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.22, -889.01, 13.37, 215.86), leavePos = vec4(-1189.32, -889.06, 14.45, 215.86), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.45, -890.12, 13.38, 35.56), leavePos = vec4(-1187.20, -889.34, 13.91, 304.18), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
--Table 2
{coords = vec4(-1189.26, -890.58, 13.37, 34.43), leavePos = vec4(-1187.23, -889.34, 13.91, 301.75), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.04, -889.60, 13.40, 219.68), leavePos = vec4(-1190.31, -889.13, 13.91, 37.29), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.68, -889.99, 13.37, 213.92), leavePos = vec4(-1191.02, -889.60, 13.91, 33.92), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.87, -891.09, 13.38, 34.55), leavePos = vec4(-1191.91, -892.44, 13.91, 128.58), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
--Table 3
{coords = vec4(-1191.44, -890.53, 13.41, 213.38), leavePos = vec4(-1191.70, -890.08, 13.91, 34.52), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.59, -891.59, 13.38, 35.90), leavePos = vec4(-1191.94, -892.44, 13.91, 127.65), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.14, -891.02, 13.40, 214.00), leavePos = vec4(-1192.43, -890.48, 13.91, 34.55), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1191.23, -891.99, 13.37, 37.15), leavePos = vec4(-1191.91, -892.44, 13.91, 128.58), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
-- Southern Central
--Table 1
{coords = vec4(-1187.09, -890.84, 13.38, 217.36), leavePos = vec4(-1186.43, -890.53, 13.91, 303.88), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.21, -892.06, 13.41, 33.43), leavePos = vec4(-1185.94, -892.56, 13.91, 214.82), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1187.79, -891.36, 13.38, 216.61), leavePos = vec4(-1186.44, -890.47, 13.91, 305.78), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.97, -892.55, 13.37, 36.97), leavePos = vec4(-1186.63, -892.97, 13.91, 215.05), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
--Table 2
{coords = vec4(-1187.73, -893.04, 13.37, 37.79), leavePos = vec4(-1187.36, -893.47, 13.91, 216.18), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.52, -891.81, 13.37, 215.05), leavePos = vec4(-1186.46, -890.44, 13.91, 305.11), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.19, -892.34, 13.3, 216.65), leavePos = vec4(-1191.11, -893.61, 13.91, 125.59), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.37, -893.46, 13.37, 37.79), leavePos = vec4(-1188.07, -893.95, 13.91, 36.09), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
--Table 3
{coords = vec4(-1189.92, -892.83, 13.37, 219.12), leavePos = vec4(-1191.22, -893.63, 13.91, 123.05), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.15, -894.02, 13.37, 36.24), leavePos = vec4(-1188.81, -894.45, 13.91, 216.02), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1189.8, -894.47, 13.37, 33.42), leavePos = vec4(-1189.51, -894.92, 13.91, 215.64), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
{coords = vec4(-1190.56, -893.31, 13.37, 214.91), leavePos = vec4(-1191.14, -893.58, 13.91, 123.36), size = {x = 0.52, y = 0.6, z = 1.05}},
Crafting = {
Fryer = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1193.67, -901.67, 13.77, 228.99), pedPos = vec4(-1193.74, -900.77, 13.91, 214.0), size = {x = 0.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.2}},
Food = {
label = 'Fries',
item = 'friedfries',
prop = 'prop_food_bs_chips',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedfries.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Frozen fries', amount = 1},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Onion Ring',
item = 'friedonionring',
prop = 'fivecode_onionring',
amount = 5,
image = 'friedonionring.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced Onion', amount = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Mozzarella Stick',
item = 'friedmozzarellastick',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 5,
image = 'friedmozzarellastick.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking salt', amount = 1},
label = 'Chicken',
item = 'friedchickenstrip',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedchickenstrip.png',
cookingTime = 10, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawchickenstrip', label = 'Raw Chicken', amount = 1},
label = 'Fish',
item = 'friedfishstrip',
prop = 'ng_proc_food_nana1a',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedfishstrip.png',
cookingTime = 10, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawfishstrip', label = 'Raw Fish', amount = 1},
Grill = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1197.67, -902.37, 14.02, 125.12), pedPos = vec4(-1197.05, -901.99, 13.91, 125.12), size = {x = 1.13, y = 1.5, z = 1.5}},
Food = {
label = 'Burger Meat',
item = 'grilledburgermeat',
amount = 1,
image = 'grilledburgermeat.png',
cookingTime = 10, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'frozenburgermeat', label = 'Frozen burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Steak',
item = 'grilledsteak',
amount = 1,
image = 'grilledsteak.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsteak', label = 'Raw Steak', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Fried Egg',
item = 'friedegg',
amount = 1,
image = 'friedegg.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawegg', label = 'Raw Egg', amount = 1},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Bacon',
item = 'grilledbacon',
amount = 5,
image = 'grilledbacon.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedbacon', label = 'Sliced Bacon', amount = 5},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
label = 'Grilled Burger Buns',
item = 'grilledburgerbun',
amount = 2,
image = 'grilledburgerbun.png',
cookingTime = 3, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedburgerbun', label = 'Sliced Burger Bun', amount = 5},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', amount = 1},
CuttingTable = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1198.54, -901.17, 13.97, 124.96), pedPos = vec4(-1198.12, -900.89, 13.91, 129.75), size = {x = 1.13, y = 1.5, z = 1.2}},
Food = {
label = 'Sliced Tomato',
item = 'slicedtomato',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedtomato.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawtomato', label = 'Tomato', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Salad',
item = 'slicedsalad',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedsalad.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsalad', label = 'Salad', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Cucumber',
item = 'slicedcucumber',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedcucumber.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawcucumber', label = 'Cucumber', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Onion',
item = 'slicedonion',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedonion.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawonion', label = 'Onion', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Chilli Pepper',
item = 'slicedchillipepper',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedchillipepper.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawchillipepper', label = 'Chilli Pepper', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Cheese',
item = 'slicedcheese',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedcheese.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawcheese', label = 'Cheese', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Ham',
item = 'slicedham',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedham.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawham', label = 'Ham', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Bacon',
item = 'slicedbacon',
amount = 5,
image = 'slicedbacon.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawbacon', label = 'Bacon', amount = 1},
label = 'Sliced Burger Buns',
item = 'slicedburgerbun',
amount = 2,
image = 'slicedburgerbun.png',
cookingTime = 3, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawburgerbun', label = 'Burger Bun', amount = 1},
label = 'Sandwich Bread',
item = 'slicedsandwichbread',
amount = 2,
image = 'slicedsandwichbread.png',
cookingTime = 3, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'rawsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', amount = 1},
Drinks = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1190.11, -906.13, 14.51, 306.00), pedPos = vec4(-1190.52, -906.31, 13.91, 302.06), size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.95, z = 0.95}},
Food = {
label = 'eCola',
item = 'burgershotcola',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotcola.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'eCola Light',
item = 'burgershotcolalight',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotcolalight.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Light Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'Sprunk',
item = 'burgershotsprunk',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotsprunk.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
label = 'Orang O Tang',
item = 'burgershotorang_o_tang',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotorang_o_tang.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Orang O Tang Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 5},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', amount = 1},
PackingTable = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1193.88, -898.72, 13.9, 39.29), pedPos = vec4(-1193.15, -898.32, 13.91, 127.26), size = {x = 1.2, y = 1.05, z = 1.05}},
Food = {
label = 'Food Tray',
item = 'burgershotfoodtray',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotfoodtray.png',
cookingTime = 10, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty', label = 'Empty food tray', amount = 1},
{item = 'classicburger', label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger', amount = 1},
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Fries', amount = 1},
{item = 'burgershotcola', label = 'eCola', amount = 1},
label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger',
item = 'classicburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'classicburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 1},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'GrillMaster Spicy Classic Burger',
item = 'classicburgerspicy',
amount = 1,
image = 'classicburgerspicy.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedchillipepper', label = 'Sliced chilli pepper', amount = 5},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 1},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Loaded Chicken Avenger',
item = 'chickenburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'chickenburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedchickenstrip', label = 'Chicken', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Loaded Spicy Chicken Avenger',
item = 'chickenburgerspicy',
amount = 1,
image = 'chickenburgerspicy.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedchickenstrip', label = 'Chicken', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedchillipepper', label = 'Sliced chilli pepper', amount = 5},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Ocean Catch Burger',
item = 'fishburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'fishburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedfishstrip', label = 'Fish', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'The Cardiac Crusher',
item = 'obeseburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'obeseburger.png',
cookingTime = 22, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 10},
{item = 'grilledbacon', label = 'Grilled bacon', amount = 15},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 5},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Steakhouse Supreme Burger',
item = 'steakburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'steakburger.png',
cookingTime = 12, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'grilledburgerbun', label = 'Grilled burger buns', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledsteak', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 1},
{item = 'grilledbacon', label = 'Grilled bacon', amount = 4},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Ketchup', amount = 1},
label = 'Reverse Burger',
item = 'reverseburger',
amount = 1,
image = 'reverseburger.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'grilledburgermeat', label = 'Grilled burger meat', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedonion', label = 'Sliced onion', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcucumber', label = 'Sliced cucumber', amount = 2},
label = 'Sunrise Ham Melt',
item = 'burgershotsandwich',
amount = 1,
image = 'burgershotsandwich.png',
cookingTime = 8, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'slicedsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', amount = 2},
{item = 'friedegg', label = 'Fried egg', amount = 1},
{item = 'slicedcheese', label = 'Sliced Cheese', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedham', label = 'Sliced Ham', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedtomato', label = 'Sliced tomato', amount = 3},
{item = 'slicedsalad', label = 'Sliced salad', amount = 2},
{item = 'slicedcucumber', label = 'Sliced cucumber', amount = 2},
IceMachine = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1196.46, -893.98, 13.63, 36.67), pedPos = vec4(-1196.07, -894.50, 13.91, 36.67), object = {use = true, coords = vector3(-1196.51, -893.88, 12.91), xRot = 0.0, yRot = 0.0, zRot = 35.0}, size = {x = 1.35, y = 1.75, z = 1.85}},
Food = {
label = 'Ice Cube',
item = 'ice',
amount = 5,
image = 'ice.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
SlushieMachine = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1190.47, -905.22, 14.49, 306.00), pedPos = vec4(-1191.1, -905.46, 13.91, 311.58), size = {x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.5}},
Food = {
label = 'eCola Shushie',
item = 'burgershotcolaslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotcolaslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'eCola Light Shushie',
item = 'burgershotcolalightslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotcolalightslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'Sprunk Shushie',
item = 'burgershotsprunkslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotsprunkslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
label = 'Orang O Tang Shushie',
item = 'burgershotorang_o_tangslushie',
amount = 5,
image = 'burgershotorang_o_tangslushie.png',
cookingTime = 5, -- Cooking time [in seconds].
ingredients = {
{item = 'ice', label = 'Ice Cube', amount = 10},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', amount = 1},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', amount = 1},
CashRegisters = {
Registers = {
{coords = vec4(-1191.98, -897.84, 14.07, 32.46), size = {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}},
{coords = vec4(-1192.87, -896.5, 14.07, 33.80), size = {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}},
{coords = vec4(-1193.81, -895.12, 14.07, 34.19), size = {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}},
{coords = vec4(-1194.2, -905.91, 14.38, 107.75), size = {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}},
PoliceAlerts = {
Alerts = {
{coords = vec4(-1197.52, -896.09, 14.23, 124.3), object = {use = true, coords = vector3(-1197.50, -896.08, 14.23), xRot = 0.21, yRot = -0.26, zRot = 124.0}, size = {x = 0.55, y = 0.55, z = 0.55}},
Delivery = {
StartDelivery = {
{coords = vec4(-1190.99, -900.71, 14.27, 34.54), pedPos = vec4(-1190.82, -900.93, 13.91, 34.54), object = {use = true, coords = vector3(-1190.99, -900.72, 14.31), xRot = 90.0, yRot = 127.0, zRot = -93.0}, size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.45}},
Missions = {
StartMission = {
{coords = vec4(-1199.08, -900.35, 13.91, 33.63), pedPos = vec4(-1198.43, -900.26, 13.91, 125.36), storagePos = vec4(-1196.93, -893.69, 14.12, 354.01), size = {x = 0.95, y = 0.25, z = 0.95}},
DirtySpots = {
Ground = {
vec4(-1188.15, -896.02, 13.91, 328.00),
vec4(-1185.72, -894.12, 13.91, 293.62),
vec4(-1184.51, -898.04, 13.91, 200.35),
vec4(-1180.84, -895.70, 13.91, 304.55),
vec4(-1184.46, -891.67, 13.91, 35.45),
vec4(-1186.13, -889.21, 13.91, 34.02),
vec4(-1188.20, -886.75, 13.91, 41.85),
vec4(-1190.43, -887.79, 13.91, 111.16),
vec4(-1192.92, -889.19, 13.91, 119.91),
vec4(-1195.57, -889.91, 13.91, 103.01),
vec4(-1197.70, -890.25, 13.91, 85.94),
vec4(-1193.03, -893.05, 13.91, 137.65),
vec4(-1191.70, -895.76, 13.91, 207.26),
vec4(-1188.20, -900.58, 13.91, 305.98),
vec4(-1198.69, -899.14, 13.91, 223.03),
Tables = {
vec4(-1187.63, -888.68, 13.91, 110.00),
vec4(-1185.99, -891.09, 13.91, 110.00),
vec4(-1190.61, -894.21, 13.91, 300.00),
vec4(-1192.38, -891.76, 13.91, 309.18),
vec4(-1193.21, -888.0, 13.91, 30.00),
vec4(-1190.82, -886.3, 13.91, 30.00),
vec4(-1188.4, -884.58, 13.91, 30.00),
vec4(-1183.61, -890.57, 13.91, 296.00),
vec4(-1182.65, -892.18, 13.91, 296.00),
vec4(-1193.48, -894.25, 13.91, 110.00),
vec4(-1192.72, -895.41, 13.91, 110.00),
vec4(-1191.79, -896.75, 13.91, 110.00),
Trash = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1196.0, -892.31, 14.22, 209.83), size = {x = 1.30, y = 0.60, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1198.0, -889.0, 14.2, 218.33), size = {x = 1.30, y = 0.60, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1186.47, -896.73, 14.21, 27.43), size = {x = 1.30, y = 0.60, z = 1.15}},
{coords = vec4(-1184.0, -895.06, 14.21, 218.42), size = {x = 1.32, y = 0.60, z = 1.15}},
HotTables = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1195.55, -903.27, 13.99, 129.53), size = {x = 1.20, y = 2.20, z = 2.50}},
{coords = vec4(-1196.28, -899.48, 14.45, 129.53), size = {x = 1.20, y = 2.20, z = 2.50}},
{coords = vec4(-1196.33, -900.6, 14.38, 129.53), size = {x = 1.20, y = 2.20, z = 2.50}},
SupplyShop = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-332.59, -2790.60, 5.00, 110.0), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
Items = {
{item = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty', label = 'Empty food tray', icon = 'burgershotfoodtrayempty.png', price = 10},
-- Other
{item = 'ketchup', label = 'Normal Ketchup', icon = 'ketchup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'salt', label = 'Cooking Salt', icon = 'salt.png', price = 2},
{item = 'burgershotdrinkcup', label = 'Drink Cup', icon = 'burgershotdrinkcup.png', price = 2},
{item = 'butter', label = 'Cooking Butter', icon = 'butter.png', price = 2},
{item = 'colasyrup', label = 'eCola Syrup', icon = 'colasyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'colalightsyrup', label = 'eCola Light Syrup', icon = 'colalightsyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'sprunksyrup', label = 'Sprunk Syrup', icon = 'sprunksyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'orang_o_tangsyrup', label = 'Orang O Tang Syrup', icon = 'orang_o_tangsyrup.png', price = 5},
{item = 'water', label = 'Water', icon = 'water.png', price = 5},
{item = 'cleansponge', label = 'Clean Sponge', icon = 'cleansponge.png', price = 2},
-- Cutting Table Items
{item = 'rawtomato', label = 'Tomato', icon = 'rawtomato.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawsalad', label = 'Salad', icon = 'rawsalad.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawcucumber', label = 'Cucumber', icon = 'rawcucumber.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawonion', label = 'Onion', icon = 'rawonion.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawchillipepper', label = 'Chilli Pepper', icon = 'rawchillipepper.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawcheese', label = 'Cheese', icon = 'rawcheese.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawham', label = 'Ham', icon = 'rawham.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawbacon', label = 'Bacon', icon = 'rawbacon.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawburgerbun', label = 'Burger Buns', icon = 'rawburgerbun.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawsandwichbread', label = 'Sandwich Bread', icon = 'rawsandwichbread.png', price = 8},
-- Frier Items
{item = 'frozenfries', label = 'Frozen Fries', icon = 'frozenfries.png', price = 5},
{item = 'rawchickenstrip', label = 'Raw Chicken', icon = 'rawchickenstrip.png', price = 20},
{item = 'rawfishstrip', label = 'Raw Fish', icon = 'rawfishstrip.png', price = 20},
-- Grill Items
{item = 'frozenburgermeat', label = 'Frozen Burger Meat', icon = 'frozenburgermeat.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawsteak', label = 'Raw Steak', icon = 'rawsteak.png', price = 8},
{item = 'rawegg', label = 'Raw Egg', icon = 'rawegg.png', price = 5},
Dog = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1183.96, -885.70, 13.87, 272.11), pedPos = vec4(-1183.39, -885.73, 13.87, 100.09), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
NpcEmployee = {
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1186.91, -897.44, 13.91, 57.77), hotTablePos = vec4(-1196.33, -900.6, 14.38, 129.53), size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20, z = 1.50}},
MenuList = { -- Items displayed in food menu + npc employee menu.
Items = {
-- Drinks
{category = 'Drinks', items = {
{item = 'burgershotcola', label = 'eCola', icon = 'burgershotcola.png', price = 10},
{item = 'burgershotcolalight', label = 'eCola Light', icon = 'burgershotcolalight.png', price = 10},
{item = 'burgershotsprunk', label = 'Sprunk', icon = 'burgershotsprunk.png', price = 10},
{item = 'burgershotorang_o_tang', label = 'Orang O Tang', icon = 'burgershotorang_o_tang.png', price = 10},
-- Sides
{category = 'Sides', items = {
{item = 'friedfries', label = 'Fries', icon = 'friedfries.png', price = 10},
{item = 'friedonionring', label = 'Onion Ring', icon = 'friedonionring.png', price = 12},
{item = 'friedmozzarellastick', label = 'Mozzarella Stick', icon = 'friedmozzarellastick.png', price = 12},
{item = 'burgershotfoodtray', label = 'Food Tray', icon = 'burgershotfoodtray.png', price = 45},
-- Burgers
{category = 'Burgers', items = {
{item = 'classicBurger', label = 'GrillMaster Classic Burger', icon = 'classicBurger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'classicburgerspicy', label = 'GrillMaster Spicy Classic Burger', icon = 'classicburgerspicy.png', price = 25},
{item = 'chickenburger', label = 'Loaded Chicken Avenger', icon = 'chickenburger.png', price = 25},
{item = 'chickenburgerspicy', label = 'Loaded Spicy Chicken Avenger', icon = 'chickenburgerspicy.png', price = 35},
{item = 'fishburger', label = 'Ocean Catch Burger', icon = 'fishburger.png', price = 30},
{item = 'obeseburger', label = 'The Cardiac Crusher', icon = 'obeseburger.png', price = 35},
{item = 'steakburger', label = 'Steakhouse Supreme Burger', icon = 'steakburger.png', price = 45},
{item = 'reverseburger', label = 'Reverse Burger', icon = 'reverseburger.png', price = 20},
{item = 'burgershotsandwich', label = 'Sunrise Ham Melt', icon = 'burgershotsandwich.png', price = 25},
Positions = {
{coords = vec4(-1187.55, -898.07, 14.45, 214.67), size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 1.50}},
{coords = vec4(-1188.84, -898.95, 14.45, 213.77), size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 1.50}},
Locales['en'] = {
-- [[ Interactions ]]--
['interact_control'] = '[E] - ',
['interact_duty'] = 'Duty',
['interact_bossmenu'] = 'Boss Menu',
['interact_lockerroom'] = 'Locker',
['interact_storage'] = 'Storage',
['interact_garage'] = 'Garage',
['interact_fryer'] = 'Use fryer',
['interact_grill'] = 'Use grill',
['interact_cuttingtable'] = 'Use cutting table',
['interact_drinks'] = 'Use drink machine',
['interact_packingtable'] = 'Use packing table',
['interact_icemachine'] = 'Use ice machine',
['interact_slushymachine'] = 'Use Slushi Machine',
['interact_toilet'] = 'Use toilet',
['interact_sink'] = 'Use sink',
['interact_table'] = 'Use table',
['interact_chair'] = 'Use chair',
['interact_cashregister'] = 'Use cash register',
['interact_policealert'] = 'Use police alert',
['interact_delivery'] = 'Get delivery',
['interact_delivery_give_order'] = 'Give order',
['interact_mission'] = 'Get mission',
['interact_trash'] = 'Open trash',
['interact_hottable'] = 'Open hot table',
['interact_shop'] = 'Open shop',
['interact_dog'] = 'Pet Dog',
['interact_npcemployee'] = 'Talk To Employee',
['interact_menulist'] = 'Open Food Menu',
['interact_foodtray'] = 'Interact with food tray',
--[[ Usable Food Items ]]--
['usableitem_progressbar_eating'] = 'Eating',
['usableitem_progressbar_drinking'] = 'Drinking',
--[[ Boss Menu ]]--
['bossmenu_notify_title'] = 'Boss Menu',
['bossmenu_notify_title_jobcenter'] = 'Job Center',
['bossmenu_title'] = '%s - Boss Menu',
['bossmenu_societyaccount'] = 'Society Account',
['bossmenu_societyaccount_desc'] = 'Check status or deposit/withdraw money.',
['bossmenu_employees'] = 'Employees',
['bossmenu_employees_desc'] = 'Promote/Demote/Fire/Hire people.',
['bossmenu_society_deposit'] = 'Deposit',
['bossmenu_society_withdraw'] = 'Withdraw',
['bossmenu_society_wash'] = 'Wash Money',
['bossmenu_society_label'] = 'Society - %s',
['bossmenu_society_balance'] = 'Balance',
['bossmenu_society_amount'] = 'Amount',
['bossmenu_society_status'] = '%s - Society Account',
['bossmenu_society_status_balance'] = 'Balance',
['bossmenu_society_status_balance_desc'] = '$%s \n\nName: "%s"',
['bossmenu_society_status_deposit'] = 'Deposit',
['bossmenu_society_status_deposit_desc'] = 'Deposit money.',
['bossmenu_society_status_withdraw'] = 'Withdraw',
['bossmenu_society_status_withdraw_desc'] = 'Withdraw money.',
['bossmenu_society_status_wash'] = 'Wash',
['bossmenu_society_status_wash_desc'] = 'Clean dirty money.',
['bossmenu_society_manage_title'] = '%s - Employees',
['bossmenu_society_manage'] = 'Manage',
['bossmenu_society_manage_desc'] = 'Manage employees - Promote/Demote/Fire.',
['bossmenu_society_hire'] = 'Hire',
['bossmenu_society_hire_desc'] = 'Hire new employees.',
['bossmenu_society_manage_employees_title'] = '%s - Employees',
['bossmenu_society_manage_employees_you'] = '%s(YOU)',
['bossmenu_society_manage_employees_desc'] = 'Employee info: \n\n Name: %s \n Grade: %s (%s)',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_title'] = '%s - Employees - %s',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_promote'] = 'Promote',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_promote_desc'] = 'Promote employee.',
['bossmenu_society_cannot_promote'] = 'You cannot promote this employee anymore!',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_demote'] = 'Demote',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_demote_desc'] = 'Demote employee.',
['bossmenu_society_cannot_demote'] = 'You cannot demote this employee anymore!',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_fire'] = 'Fire',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_fire_desc'] = 'Fire employee.',
['bossmenu_society_hire_employees_title'] = '%s - Employees',
['bossmenu_society_hire_employees_desc'] = 'Person info: \n\n Name: %s',
['bossmenu_society_hire_employees_nobodynear'] = 'Nobody near by!',
['bossmenu_society_action_hired'] = 'You hired %s.',
['bossmenu_society_action_promote'] = 'You promoted %s.',
['bossmenu_society_action_demote'] = 'You demoted %s.',
['bossmenu_society_action_fired'] = 'You fired %s.',
['bossmenu_society_action_hired_effected_player'] = 'You have been hired to %s job!',
['bossmenu_society_action_promote_effected_player'] = 'You have been promoted in %s job to %s (%s)!',
['bossmenu_society_action_demote_effected_player'] = 'You have been demoted in %s job to %s (%s)!',
['bossmenu_society_action_fired_effected_player'] = 'You have been fired from %s job!',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_withdraw_notenough'] = 'There is not enough money in society account to withdraw your desired amount!',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_deposit_notenough'] = 'You dont have enough money to deposit into this society account!',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_deposited'] = 'You just deposited - $%s',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_withdrew'] = 'You just withdrew - $%s',
['bossmenu_nottheboss'] = 'You are not the boss of this company!',
--[[ Cash Register ]]--
['cashregister_wait_for_employee'] = 'Wait for an employee to set a price to pay!',
['cashregister_title'] = 'Cash Register #%s',
['cashregister_amount_to_pay'] = 'Amount to pay',
['cashregister_pay_balance'] = 'Your balance $%s',
['cashregister_pay_amount'] = 'Total Amount: $',
['cashregister_pay_bank'] = 'Pay $%s with your bank.',
['cashregister_pay_cash'] = 'Pay $%s with your cash.',
['cashregister_pay_clear'] = 'Clear cash register',
['cashregister_paid'] = 'You have paid $%s.',
['cashregister_paid_employee_message'] = 'Customer has paid $%s on cash register #%s.',
--[[ Crafting ]]--
['crafting_notify_title'] = 'Cooking',
['crafting_fryer_title'] = 'Fryer',
['crafting_grill_title'] = 'Grill',
['crafting_cutting_table_title'] = 'Cutting Table',
['crafting_drinks_title'] = 'Drinks',
['crafting_packing_table_title'] = 'Packing Table',
['crafting_ice_machine_title'] = 'Ice Machine',
['crafting_desc'] = 'Amount: %s \n Cooking Time: %ss \n\n Ingredients Needed: \n %s',
['crafting_somebody_using'] = 'Somebody is already using this %s!',
['crafting_progressbar_fryer'] = 'Frying %s',
['crafting_progressbar_grill'] = 'Grilling %s',
['crafting_progressbar_cutting_table_knife'] = 'Taking cutting knife',
['crafting_progressbar_cutting_table'] = 'Making %s',
['crafting_progressbar_drink_starting'] = 'Starting machine',
['crafting_progressbar_drink_filling_cup'] = 'Filling up cup with %s',
['crafting_progressbar_drink_taking'] = 'Taking drink',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_tray'] = 'Placing empty food tray',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_burger'] = 'Placing burger',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_soda'] = 'Placing soda cup',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_fries'] = 'Placing fries',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_taking'] = 'Taking full tray',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_other'] = 'Packing %s',
['crafting_progressbat_ice_machine'] = 'Taking Ice',
['crafting_finished_packing'] = 'You just finished packing %s.',
['crafting_finished_cooking'] = 'You just finished making %s.',
['crafting_amount'] = 'Amount to make',
['crafting_missing'] = 'You are missing: %s.',
['crafting_limit'] = 'You are not able to cook more than %s items at one time!',
--[[ Slushie Machine ]]--
['crafting_slushie_machine_title'] = 'Slushie Machine',
--[[ Delivery ]]--
['delivery_menu_header'] = 'Delivery',
['delivery_menu_call_title'] = 'Accept call',
['delivery_menu_call_desc'] = 'Accept call from a customer.',
['delivery_menu_cancel_title'] = 'Cancel delivery',
['delivery_menu_cancel_desc'] = 'Cancel your order delivery.',
['delivery_phone_occupied'] = 'Somebody is already using this phone!',
['delivery_canceled_order'] = 'You have just canceled your order delivery.',
['delivery_progressbar_getting'] = 'Getting order from an customer',
['delivery_progressbar_giving'] = 'Giving order to customer',
['delivery_reconnect_get_back'] = 'Delivery mission has been set back to you.',
['delivery_location'] = 'Delivery Location',
['delivery_accepted_order'] = 'You have just accepted an order.',
['delivery_customer'] = 'Customer',
['delivery_finished'] = 'Good job! You have just finished your delivery.',
['delivery_customer_angry'] = 'Where are my napkins !!!',
['delivery_customer_happy'] = 'Thank you very much!',
['delivery_cooldown_end'] = 'You can do another %s delivery now.',
['delivery_got_tip'] = 'You got a $%s tip from the customer!',
['delivery_cooldown_need_to_wait'] = 'You need to wait %ss before doing another delivery!',
['delivery_order_info'] = 'Order: %s(%sx).',
['delivery_order_missing'] = 'My order had %s(%sx), where is it ?',
--[[ Dog ]]--
['dog_progressbar_petting'] = 'Petting dog',
['dog_occupied'] = 'This dog is occupied!',
--[[ Duty ]]--
['duty_notify_title'] = 'Duty',
['duty_menu_title'] = 'Duty - %s',
['duty_menu_sign_in'] = 'Sign in',
['duty_menu_sign_in_desc'] = 'Sign in and start working',
['duty_progressbar_sign_in'] = 'Signing in',
['duty_menu_sign_out'] = 'Sign out',
['duty_menu_sign_out_desc'] = 'Sign out and stop working',
['duty_progressbar_sign_out'] = 'Signing out',
['duty_went_on_duty'] = 'You just went on duty.',
['duty_went_off_duty'] = 'You just went off duty.',
['duty_on_duty'] = 'You are on duty.',
['duty_off_duty'] = 'You are not on duty.',
--[[ Garage ]]--
['garage_notify_title'] = 'Garage',
['garage_menu_title_take_out'] = 'Garage - %s - Take Out',
['garage_menu_disc_take_out'] = 'Vehicle info: \n\n\n Type: %s \n Grade: %s',
['garage_menu_title_store'] = 'Garage - %s - Store',
['garage_menu_disc_store'] = 'Vehicle info: \n\n\n Type: %s',
['garage_vehicle_too_far'] = 'Your vehicle is too far away from the garage - %s!',
['garage_vehicle_stored'] = 'You stored a vehicle into garage - %s.',
['garage_not_enough_experience'] = 'You dont have enough experience to take out this vehicle - %s!',
['garage_blocked'] = 'Garage exit is blocked!',
['garage_car_limit'] = 'You can have take out only one vehicle!',
['garage_progressbar_vehicle_loading'] = 'Loading vehicle',
['garage_vehicle_taken_out'] = 'You took a vehicle from garage - %s.',
--[[ Hot Table ]]--
['hottable_stash_name'] = '%s hot table (%s)',
['hottable_stash_label'] = 'Hot table - (%s)',
--[[ Locker Room ]]--
['lockerroom_menu_title'] = 'Locker - %s',
['lockerroom_menu_civil'] = 'Civil outfit',
['lockerroom_menu_civil_desc'] = 'Put on your civil outfit.',
['lockerroom_menu_work_desc'] = 'Outfit info: \n\n Name: %s \n Grade: %s',
['lockerroom_grade_low'] = 'You cannot wear this outfit because your grade is too low!',
['lockerroom_progressbar_changing'] = 'Changing outfit',
--[[ Menu List ]]--
['menulist_menu_title'] = '%s Food Menu',
['menulist_menu_desc'] = 'Price: $%s',
--[[ Missions ]]--
['mission_menu_title'] = 'Missions',
['mission_menu_sweeping_title'] = 'Sweep the ground',
['mission_menu_sweeping_title_desc'] = 'You will sweep the ground with a broom.',
['mission_menu_clean_tables_title'] = 'Clean the tables',
['mission_menu_clean_tables_title_desc'] = 'You will clean the tables with a sponge.',
['mission_finish_message'] = 'Finish your mission in order to claim this reward',
['mission_store_broom_message'] = 'Store your broom in order to claim this reward',
['mission_enjoy_reward_message'] = 'Enjoy your reward',
['mission_menu_current_progress_desc'] = 'Current progress: %s/100 \n\n %s.',
['mission_menu_cancel'] = 'Cancel mission',
['mission_menu_cancel_desc'] = 'You will cancel your current mission.',
['mission_store_broom'] = 'Go store your broom.',
['mission_menu_start_mission_message'] = 'You will start sweeping the floor.',
['mission_menu_start_mission_message2'] = 'You will start cleaning the tables.',
['mission_menu_start_title'] = 'Missions - Confirm',
['mission_menu_start_disc'] = 'Start Working',
['mission_occupied'] = 'You are not able to do this mission because other employees are currently doing it!',
['mission_store_take_broon'] = '[E] -',
['mission_store_broon'] = 'Store broom',
['mission_take_broom'] = 'Take broom',
['mission_spots_left'] = 'Good job! Only %s dirty spots left!',
['mission_spots_finished'] = 'Good job! All dirty spots are cleaned! Store your broom in order to take your reward.',
['mission_spots_only_left'] = 'Good job! Only %s dirty tables left!',
['mission_spots_finished_reward'] = 'Good job! All dirty tables are cleaned! You can take your reward now.',
['mission_clean_sponges'] = 'clean sponges',
['mission_start_clean'] = '[E] - Clean',
['mission_progressbar_sweeping'] = 'Sweeping',
['mission_progressbar_cleaning'] = 'Cleaning',
['mission_progressbar_taking_broom'] = 'Taking broom',
['mission_progressbar_storing_broom'] = 'Storing broom',
['mission_canceled_normal'] = 'You have just canceled your mission!',
['mission_canceled_force'] = 'Your mission was just canceled!',
['mission_can_take_reward'] = 'You can take your reward now!',
['mission_started_mission'] = 'You have just started a mission!',
['mission_cooldown_need_to_wait'] = 'You need to wait %ss before doing missions again!',
['mission_reward_end'] = 'You can do %s missions now.',
['mission_reward_claimed'] = 'You have just claimed your reward!',
--[[ Npc Employee ]]--
['npcemployee_notify_title'] = 'Employee',
['npcemployee_menu_title'] = 'Employee',
['npcemployee_menu_order_title'] = 'Order food',
['npcemployee_menu_order_desc'] = 'Order some delicious food.',
['npcemployee_employees_on_duty'] = 'There are other employees, dont bother me!',
['npcemployee_menu_take_food'] = 'Take food',
['npcemployee_menu_take_food_desc'] = 'Take your food tray.',
['npcemployee_occupied'] = 'This employeee is occupied!',
['npcemployee_order'] = '%s Order',
['npcemployee_order_ready'] = 'Your order is ready.',
['npcemployee_taking_food'] = 'Taking food',
['npcemployee_stock_available'] = 'Available %sx',
['npcemployee_stock_purchase_desc'] = 'Purchase %s for $%s \n\n Available: %sx',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_purchase_desc'] = 'Available: %sx',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_title'] = 'Adjust Stock',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_desc'] = 'Add or remove items from stock.',
['npcemployee_stock_title'] = '%s Stock',
['npcemployee_stock_desc'] = 'Amount to add or remove',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_add_title'] = 'Add',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_add_desc'] = 'Add %s(%sx) into storage.',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_remove_title'] = 'Take',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_remove_desc'] = 'Take %s(%sx) from storage.',
['npcemployee_stock_not_enough'] = 'You dont have enough %s.',
['npcemployee_stock_not_enough_storage'] = 'There is not enough %s in the storage.',
['npcemployee_stock_gone'] = 'Amount you have selected is not in stock anymore!',
['npcemployee_stock_not_enough_stock'] = 'There is not this much %s in stock!',
--[[ Police Alert ]]--
['policealert_menu_title'] = 'Police Alert',
['policealert_menu_activate_title'] = 'Activate',
['policealert_menu_activate_desc'] = 'Activate police alert.',
['policealert_progressbar_activating'] = 'Activating police alert',
['policealert_just_activated'] = 'You have just activated police alert #%s.',
['policealert_cooldown_need_to_wait'] = 'You need to wait %ss before activating this police alert again!',
--[[ Shop ]]--
['shop_menu_title'] = '%s supply shop',
['shop_menu_purchase_desc'] = 'Purchase %s for $%s',
['shop_amount_to_buy'] = 'Amount to buy',
['shop_amount_too_low'] = 'Amount needs to be more than 0!',
['shop_payment_choice_title'] = 'Shop - Payment Choice',
['shop_payment_no_method'] = 'No payment method available',
['shop_payment_bank_title'] = 'Bank',
['shop_payment_bank_desc'] = 'Pay $%s with your bank.',
['shop_payment_cash_title'] = 'Cash',
['shop_payment_cash_desc'] = 'Pay $%s with your cash.',
['shop_menu_purchase_title'] = 'Shop - %s',
['shop_menu_purchase_confirm_title'] = 'Confirm your purchase of $%s',
['shop_menu_purchase_confirm_desc'] = 'Payment: %s. \n Basket: %s - %sx.',
['shop_purchased'] = 'You just purchased %s(%sx) for $%s.',
--[[ Storage ]]--
['storage_menu_title'] = '%s - Storage Menu',
['storage_menu_company_title'] = 'Company Storage',
['storage_menu_company_desc'] = 'Open company storage.',
['storage_menu_personal_title'] = 'Personal Storage',
['storage_menu_personal_desc'] = 'Open personal storage.',
['storage_company_stash_name'] = 'Company(%s)',
['storage_personal_stash_name'] = 'Personal(%s)',
['storage_not_avalible'] = 'Storage not avalible!',
['storage_progressbar_open'] = 'Opening %s storage',
--[[ Tables And Chairs ]]--
['tablechairs_menu_title'] = 'Chair',
['tablechairs_menu_chair_title'] = 'Use',
['tablechairs_menu_chair_desc'] = 'Sit on this chair.',
['tablechairs_chair_occupied'] = 'Somebody is already using this chair!',
['tablechairs_exit'] = '[E] - Exit chair',
['tablechairs_exit_table'] = ', [H] - Open Table',
['tablechairs_exit_tray'] = ', [N] - Open Tray',
['tablechairs_stash_name'] = '%s table (%s)',
['tablechairs_stash_label'] = 'Table - (%s)',
--[[ Toilet And Sink ]]--
['toilet_menu_title'] = 'Toilet',
['toilet_menu_use_title'] = 'Use',
['toilet_menu_normal_desc'] = 'Use this toilet to poop.',
['toilet_menu_hard_desc'] = 'Use this toilet to poop (push hard).',
['toilet_menu_pee_desc'] = 'Use this toilet to pee.',
['toilet_occupied'] = 'Somebody is already using this toilet!',
['toilet_pants_on'] = 'You are not able to poop while you have your pants on!',
['toilet_exit'] = '[E] - Exit Toilet',
['sink_menu_title'] = 'Sink',
['sink_menu_hands_desc'] = 'Wash your hands.',
['sink_menu_face_desc'] = 'Clean your face.',
['sink_occupied'] = 'Somebody is already using this sink!',
['sink_stop_cleaning'] = '[E] - Stop cleaning your %s.',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_title'] = 'Clean',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_desc'] = 'Wash dirty cups, sponges...',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_items_title'] = 'Sink - Clean',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_cup'] = 'Wash',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_cup_desc'] = 'Wash dirty cups.',
['sink_employee_menu_dirty_cup_item_name'] = 'dirty cup',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_sponge'] = 'Wash',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_sponge_desc'] = 'Wash dirty sponges.',
['sink_employee_menu_dirty_sponge_item_name'] = 'dirty sponge',
['sink_employee_progressbar_cleaning'] = 'Cleaning %s',
['sink_finished_cleaning'] = 'You just finished cleaning 1x %s.',
['sink_item_not_have'] = 'You dont have any %s to clean!',
--[[ Trash ]]--
['trash_stash_name'] = '%s trash (%s)',
['trash_stash_label'] = 'Trash - (%s)',
--[[ Trays ]]--
['trays_placing'] = 'Placing %s...',
['trays_placing_controls'] = '[E] - Place food tray, [SCROLLPRESS] - Cancel, [SCROLLUP/SCROLLDOWN] - Rotate',
['trays_label'] = 'food tray',
['trays_cannot_be_placed'] = 'Tray cannot be placed here!',
['trays_menu_title'] = 'Food Tray',
['trays_menu_take_title'] = 'Take',
['trays_menu_take_desc'] = 'Take this food tray.',
['trays_cannot_take'] = 'You are not able to take this food tray!',
['trays_menu_open_title'] = 'Open',
['trays_menu_open_desc'] = 'Open and take burger, fries and soda.',
['trays_cannot_open'] = 'You are not able to open this food tray!',
['trays_progressbar_taking_food'] = 'Taking food',
--[[ Discord Logs ]]--
['discord_logs_message'] = 'Message:',
['discord_logs_player_name'] = 'Player Name:',
['discord_logs_player_discord'] = 'Player Discord:',
['discord_logs_player_char'] = 'Player Char:',
['discord_logs_supply_shop'] = 'Supply shop purchase',
['discord_logs_supply_shop_desc'] = 'Item: **%s** \n Amount: **%s** \n Price **$%s** \n Payment type: **%s**',
['discord_logs_delivery'] = 'Delivery reward',
['discord_logs_delivery_desc'] = 'Player reward: **$%s** \n Society reward: **$%s** \n Tip: **$%s**',
['discord_logs_cashregister'] = 'Cash Register',
['discord_logs_cashregister_desc'] = 'Amount: **$%s**\nSociety: **%s**',
['discord_logs_crafting'] = 'Crafting',
['discord_logs_crafting_desc'] = 'Item: **%s** \n Amount: **%s**',
['discord_logs_missions'] = 'Mission',
['discord_logs_missions_desc'] = 'Reward: **$%s**',
['discord_logs_policealert'] = 'Police Alert',
['discord_logs_policealert_desc'] = 'Player triggered police alert',
--[[ Other ]]--
['busy'] = 'You cannot do this right now!',
['not_allowed'] = 'You are not allowed to do this!',
['amount_not_number'] = 'Amount needs to be a number!',
['amount_too_low'] = 'Amount to pay needs to be greater than $0!',
['not_enough_money'] = 'You dont have enough money, you are missing $%s.',
['not_on_duty'] = 'You are not on duty!',
['canceled'] = 'Action was canceled!',
Locales['de'] = {
-- [[ Interactions ]]--
['interact_control'] = '[E] - ',
['interact_duty'] = 'Dienst',
['interact_bossmenu'] = 'Chefmenü',
['interact_lockerroom'] = 'Spind',
['interact_storage'] = 'Lager',
['interact_garage'] = 'Garage',
['interact_fryer'] = 'Fritteuse benutzen',
['interact_grill'] = 'Grill benutzen',
['interact_cuttingtable'] = 'Schneidetisch benutzen',
['interact_drinks'] = 'Getränkemaschine benutzen',
['interact_packingtable'] = 'Packtisch benutzen',
['interact_icemachine'] = 'Eismaschine benutzen',
['interact_slushymachine'] = 'Slushy-Maschine benutzen',
['interact_toilet'] = 'Toilette benutzen',
['interact_sink'] = 'Waschbecken benutzen',
['interact_table'] = 'Tisch benutzen',
['interact_chair'] = 'Stuhl benutzen',
['interact_cashregister'] = 'Kasse benutzen',
['interact_policealert'] = 'Polizeialarm benutzen',
['interact_delivery'] = 'Lieferung annehmen',
['interact_delivery_give_order'] = 'Bestellung übergeben',
['interact_mission'] = 'Mission annehmen',
['interact_trash'] = 'Müll öffnen',
['interact_hottable'] = 'Heißer Tisch öffnen',
['interact_shop'] = 'Laden öffnen',
['interact_dog'] = 'Hund streicheln',
['interact_npcemployee'] = 'Mit Mitarbeiter sprechen',
['interact_menulist'] = 'Speisekarte öffnen',
['interact_foodtray'] = 'Mit Tablett interagieren',
--[[ Usable Food Items ]]--
['usableitem_progressbar_eating'] = 'Essen',
['usableitem_progressbar_drinking'] = 'Trinken',
--[[ Boss Menu ]]--
['bossmenu_notify_title'] = 'Chefmenü',
['bossmenu_notify_title_jobcenter'] = 'Jobcenter',
['bossmenu_title'] = '%s - Chefmenü',
['bossmenu_societyaccount'] = 'Firmenkonto',
['bossmenu_societyaccount_desc'] = 'Kontostand prüfen oder Geld einzahlen/abheben.',
['bossmenu_employees'] = 'Mitarbeiter',
['bossmenu_employees_desc'] = 'Befördern/Herabstufen/Entlassen/Einstellen.',
['bossmenu_society_deposit'] = 'Einzahlen',
['bossmenu_society_withdraw'] = 'Abheben',
['bossmenu_society_wash'] = 'Geld waschen',
['bossmenu_society_label'] = 'Firma - %s',
['bossmenu_society_balance'] = 'Kontostand',
['bossmenu_society_amount'] = 'Betrag',
['bossmenu_society_status'] = '%s - Firmenkonto',
['bossmenu_society_status_balance'] = 'Kontostand',
['bossmenu_society_status_balance_desc'] = '$%s \n\nName: "%s"',
['bossmenu_society_status_deposit'] = 'Einzahlen',
['bossmenu_society_status_deposit_desc'] = 'Geld einzahlen.',
['bossmenu_society_status_withdraw'] = 'Abheben',
['bossmenu_society_status_withdraw_desc'] = 'Geld abheben.',
['bossmenu_society_status_wash'] = 'Waschen',
['bossmenu_society_status_wash_desc'] = 'Schwarzgeld waschen.',
['bossmenu_society_manage_title'] = '%s - Mitarbeiter',
['bossmenu_society_manage'] = 'Verwalten',
['bossmenu_society_manage_desc'] = 'Mitarbeiter verwalten - Befördern/Herabstufen/Entlassen.',
['bossmenu_society_hire'] = 'Einstellen',
['bossmenu_society_hire_desc'] = 'Neue Mitarbeiter einstellen.',
['bossmenu_society_manage_employees_title'] = '%s - Mitarbeiter',
['bossmenu_society_manage_employees_you'] = '%s(DU)',
['bossmenu_society_manage_employees_desc'] = 'Mitarbeiterinfo: \n\n Name: %s \n Rang: %s (%s)',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_title'] = '%s - Mitarbeiter - %s',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_promote'] = 'Befördern',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_promote_desc'] = 'Mitarbeiter befördern.',
['bossmenu_society_cannot_promote'] = 'Du kannst diesen Mitarbeiter nicht weiter befördern!',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_demote'] = 'Herabstufen',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_demote_desc'] = 'Mitarbeiter herabsetzen.',
['bossmenu_society_cannot_demote'] = 'Du kannst diesen Mitarbeiter nicht weiter herabsetzen!',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_fire'] = 'Entlassen',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_fire_desc'] = 'Mitarbeiter entlassen.',
['bossmenu_society_hire_employees_title'] = '%s - Mitarbeiter',
['bossmenu_society_hire_employees_desc'] = 'Personeninfo: \n\n Name: %s',
['bossmenu_society_hire_employees_nobodynear'] = 'Niemand in der Nähe!',
['bossmenu_society_action_hired'] = 'Du hast %s eingestellt.',
['bossmenu_society_action_promote'] = 'Du hast %s befördert.',
['bossmenu_society_action_demote'] = 'Du hast %s herabgesetzt.',
['bossmenu_society_action_fired'] = 'Du hast %s entlassen.',
['bossmenu_society_action_hired_effected_player'] = 'Du wurdest für den Job %s eingestellt!',
['bossmenu_society_action_promote_effected_player'] = 'Du wurdest im Job %s auf %s (%s) befördert!',
['bossmenu_society_action_demote_effected_player'] = 'Du wurdest im Job %s auf %s (%s) herabgesetzt!',
['bossmenu_society_action_fired_effected_player'] = 'Du wurdest aus dem Job %s entlassen!',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_withdraw_notenough'] = 'Es ist nicht genug Geld auf dem Firmenkonto, um den gewünschten Betrag abzuheben!',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_deposit_notenough'] = 'Du hast nicht genug Geld, um es auf dieses Firmenkonto einzuzahlen!',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_deposited'] = 'Du hast gerade - $%s eingezahlt.',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_withdrew'] = 'Du hast gerade - $%s abgehoben.',
['bossmenu_nottheboss'] = 'Du bist nicht der Chef dieser Firma!',
--[[ Cash Register ]]--
['cashregister_wait_for_employee'] = 'Warte, bis ein Mitarbeiter einen Preis festlegt!',
['cashregister_title'] = 'Kasse #%s',
['cashregister_amount_to_pay'] = 'Zu zahlender Betrag',
['cashregister_pay_balance'] = 'Dein Kontostand $%s',
['cashregister_pay_amount'] = 'Gesamtbetrag: $',
['cashregister_pay_bank'] = 'Bezahle $%s mit deinem Bankkonto.',
['cashregister_pay_cash'] = 'Bezahle $%s bar.',
['cashregister_pay_clear'] = 'Kasse leeren',
['cashregister_paid'] = 'Du hast $%s bezahlt.',
['cashregister_paid_employee_message'] = 'Der Kunde hat $%s an Kasse #%s bezahlt.',
--[[ Crafting ]]--
['crafting_notify_title'] = 'Kochen',
['crafting_fryer_title'] = 'Fritteuse',
['crafting_grill_title'] = 'Grill',
['crafting_cutting_table_title'] = 'Schneidetisch',
['crafting_drinks_title'] = 'Getränke',
['crafting_packing_table_title'] = 'Packtisch',
['crafting_ice_machine_title'] = 'Eismaschine',
['crafting_desc'] = 'Menge: %s \n Kochzeit: %ss \n\n Benötigte Zutaten: \n %s',
['crafting_somebody_using'] = 'Jemand benutzt bereits diesen %s!',
['crafting_progressbar_fryer'] = 'Frittiere %s',
['crafting_progressbar_grill'] = 'Grille %s',
['crafting_progressbar_cutting_table_knife'] = 'Nehme Schneidemesser',
['crafting_progressbar_cutting_table'] = 'Stelle %s her',
['crafting_progressbar_drink_starting'] = 'Starte Maschine',
['crafting_progressbar_drink_filling_cup'] = 'Fülle Becher mit %s',
['crafting_progressbar_drink_taking'] = 'Nehme Getränk',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_tray'] = 'Lege leeres Tablett ab',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_burger'] = 'Lege Burger ab',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_soda'] = 'Lege Sodabecher ab',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_fries'] = 'Lege Pommes ab',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_taking'] = 'Nehme volles Tablett',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_other'] = 'Packe %s',
['crafting_progressbat_ice_machine'] = 'Nehme Eis',
['crafting_finished_packing'] = 'Du hast gerade %s verpackt.',
['crafting_finished_cooking'] = 'Du hast gerade %s zubereitet.',
['crafting_amount'] = 'Menge herstellen',
['crafting_missing'] = 'Dir fehlt: %s.',
['crafting_limit'] = 'Du kannst nicht mehr als %s Gegenstände gleichzeitig kochen!',
--[[ Slushie Machine ]]--
['crafting_slushie_machine_title'] = 'Slushy-Maschine',
--[[ Delivery ]]--
['delivery_menu_header'] = 'Lieferung',
['delivery_menu_call_title'] = 'Anruf annehmen',
['delivery_menu_call_desc'] = 'Anruf eines Kunden annehmen.',
['delivery_menu_cancel_title'] = 'Lieferung stornieren',
['delivery_menu_cancel_desc'] = 'Deine Bestellung stornieren.',
['delivery_phone_occupied'] = 'Jemand benutzt bereits dieses Telefon!',
['delivery_canceled_order'] = 'Du hast gerade deine Lieferung storniert.',
['delivery_progressbar_getting'] = 'Nehme Bestellung entgegen',
['delivery_progressbar_giving'] = 'Übergebe Bestellung an Kunden',
['delivery_reconnect_get_back'] = 'Die Liefermission wurde dir zurückgegeben.',
['delivery_location'] = 'Lieferort',
['delivery_accepted_order'] = 'Du hast gerade eine Bestellung angenommen.',
['delivery_customer'] = 'Kunde',
['delivery_finished'] = 'Gute Arbeit! Du hast gerade deine Lieferung abgeschlossen.',
['delivery_customer_angry'] = 'Wo sind meine Servietten?!',
['delivery_customer_happy'] = 'Vielen Dank!',
['delivery_cooldown_end'] = 'Du kannst jetzt eine weitere %s Lieferung machen.',
['delivery_got_tip'] = 'Du hast ein Trinkgeld von $%s vom Kunden erhalten!',
['delivery_cooldown_need_to_wait'] = 'Du musst %ss warten, bevor du eine weitere Lieferung machen kannst!',
['delivery_order_info'] = 'Bestellung: %s(%sx).',
['delivery_order_missing'] = 'Meine Bestellung hatte %s(%sx), wo ist sie?',
--[[ Dog ]]--
['dog_progressbar_petting'] = 'Streichelst Hund',
['dog_occupied'] = 'Dieser Hund ist beschäftigt!',
--[[ Duty ]]--
['duty_notify_title'] = 'Dienst',
['duty_menu_title'] = 'Dienst - %s',
['duty_menu_sign_in'] = 'Einloggen',
['duty_menu_sign_in_desc'] = 'Einloggen und mit der Arbeit beginnen',
['duty_progressbar_sign_in'] = 'Logge ein',
['duty_menu_sign_out'] = 'Ausloggen',
['duty_menu_sign_out_desc'] = 'Ausloggen und die Arbeit beenden',
['duty_progressbar_sign_out'] = 'Logge aus',
['duty_went_on_duty'] = 'Du bist jetzt im Dienst.',
['duty_went_off_duty'] = 'Du bist jetzt nicht mehr im Dienst.',
['duty_on_duty'] = 'Du bist im Dienst.',
['duty_off_duty'] = 'Du bist nicht im Dienst.',
--[[ Garage ]]--
['garage_notify_title'] = 'Garage',
['garage_menu_title_take_out'] = 'Garage - %s - Fahrzeug nehmen',
['garage_menu_disc_take_out'] = 'Fahrzeuginfo: \n\n\n Typ: %s \n Rang: %s',
['garage_menu_title_store'] = 'Garage - %s - Fahrzeug abstellen',
['garage_menu_disc_store'] = 'Fahrzeuginfo: \n\n\n Typ: %s',
['garage_vehicle_too_far'] = 'Dein Fahrzeug ist zu weit von der Garage entfernt - %s!',
['garage_vehicle_stored'] = 'Du hast ein Fahrzeug in der Garage - %s abgestellt.',
['garage_not_enough_experience'] = 'Du hast nicht genug Erfahrung, um dieses Fahrzeug zu nehmen - %s!',
['garage_blocked'] = 'Der Garagenausgang ist blockiert!',
['garage_car_limit'] = 'Du kannst nur ein Fahrzeug nehmen!',
['garage_progressbar_vehicle_loading'] = 'Lade Fahrzeug',
['garage_vehicle_taken_out'] = 'Du hast ein Fahrzeug aus der Garage - %s genommen.',
--[[ Hot Table ]]--
['hottable_stash_name'] = '%s heißer Tisch (%s)',
['hottable_stash_label'] = 'Heißer Tisch - (%s)',
--[[ Locker Room ]]--
['lockerroom_menu_title'] = 'Spind - %s',
['lockerroom_menu_civil'] = 'Zivilkleidung',
['lockerroom_menu_civil_desc'] = 'Zieh deine Zivilkleidung an.',
['lockerroom_menu_work_desc'] = 'Kleidungsinfo: \n\n Name: %s \n Rang: %s',
['lockerroom_grade_low'] = 'Du kannst diese Kleidung nicht tragen, da dein Rang zu niedrig ist!',
['lockerroom_progressbar_changing'] = 'Wechsle Kleidung',
--[[ Menu List ]]--
['menulist_menu_title'] = '%s Speisekarte',
['menulist_menu_desc'] = 'Preis: $%s',
--[[ Missions ]]--
['mission_menu_title'] = 'Missionen',
['mission_menu_sweeping_title'] = 'Boden fegen',
['mission_menu_sweeping_title_desc'] = 'Du wirst den Boden mit einem Besen fegen.',
['mission_menu_clean_tables_title'] = 'Tische reinigen',
['mission_menu_clean_tables_title_desc'] = 'Du wirst die Tische mit einem Schwamm reinigen.',
['mission_finish_message'] = 'Beende deine Mission, um die Belohnung zu erhalten',
['mission_store_broom_message'] = 'Stelle deinen Besen ab, um die Belohnung zu erhalten',
['mission_enjoy_reward_message'] = 'Genieße deine Belohnung',
['mission_menu_current_progress_desc'] = 'Aktueller Fortschritt: %s/100 \n\n %s.',
['mission_menu_cancel'] = 'Mission abbrechen',
['mission_menu_cancel_desc'] = 'Du wirst deine aktuelle Mission abbrechen.',
['mission_store_broom'] = 'Gehe und stelle deinen Besen ab.',
['mission_menu_start_mission_message'] = 'Du wirst den Boden fegen.',
['mission_menu_start_mission_message2'] = 'Du wirst die Tische reinigen.',
['mission_menu_start_title'] = 'Missionen - Bestätigen',
['mission_menu_start_disc'] = 'Arbeit beginnen',
['mission_occupied'] = 'Du kannst diese Mission nicht machen, da andere Mitarbeiter sie bereits ausführen!',
['mission_store_take_broon'] = '[E] -',
['mission_store_broon'] = 'Besen abstellen',
['mission_take_broom'] = 'Besen nehmen',
['mission_spots_left'] = 'Gute Arbeit! Nur noch %s schmutzige Stellen übrig!',
['mission_spots_finished'] = 'Gute Arbeit! Alle schmutzigen Stellen sind sauber! Stelle deinen Besen ab, um deine Belohnung zu erhalten.',
['mission_spots_only_left'] = 'Gute Arbeit! Nur noch %s schmutzige Tische übrig!',
['mission_spots_finished_reward'] = 'Gute Arbeit! Alle schmutzigen Tische sind sauber! Du kannst jetzt deine Belohnung erhalten.',
['mission_clean_sponges'] = 'saubere Schwämme',
['mission_start_clean'] = '[E] - Reinigen',
['mission_progressbar_sweeping'] = 'Fegst',
['mission_progressbar_cleaning'] = 'Reinigst',
['mission_progressbar_taking_broom'] = 'Nehme Besen',
['mission_progressbar_storing_broom'] = 'Stelle Besen ab',
['mission_canceled_normal'] = 'Du hast gerade deine Mission abgebrochen!',
['mission_canceled_force'] = 'Deine Mission wurde gerade abgebrochen!',
['mission_can_take_reward'] = 'Du kannst jetzt deine Belohnung erhalten!',
['mission_started_mission'] = 'Du hast gerade eine Mission gestartet!',
['mission_cooldown_need_to_wait'] = 'Du musst %ss warten, bevor du weitere Missionen machen kannst!',
['mission_reward_end'] = 'Du kannst jetzt %s Missionen machen.',
['mission_reward_claimed'] = 'Du hast gerade deine Belohnung erhalten!',
--[[ Npc Employee ]]--
['npcemployee_notify_title'] = 'Mitarbeiter',
['npcemployee_menu_title'] = 'Mitarbeiter',
['npcemployee_menu_order_title'] = 'Essen bestellen',
['npcemployee_menu_order_desc'] = 'Bestelle leckeres Essen.',
['npcemployee_employees_on_duty'] = 'Es gibt andere Mitarbeiter, belästige mich nicht!',
['npcemployee_menu_take_food'] = 'Essen nehmen',
['npcemployee_menu_take_food_desc'] = 'Nimm dein Tablett mit Essen.',
['npcemployee_occupied'] = 'Dieser Mitarbeiter ist beschäftigt!',
['npcemployee_order'] = '%s Bestellung',
['npcemployee_order_ready'] = 'Deine Bestellung ist fertig.',
['npcemployee_taking_food'] = 'Nehme Essen',
['npcemployee_stock_available'] = 'Verfügbar %sx',
['npcemployee_stock_purchase_desc'] = 'Kaufe %s für $%s \n\n Verfügbar: %sx',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_purchase_desc'] = 'Verfügbar: %sx',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_title'] = 'Bestand anpassen',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_desc'] = 'Füge Gegenstände hinzu oder entferne sie aus dem Bestand.',
['npcemployee_stock_title'] = '%s Bestand',
['npcemployee_stock_desc'] = 'Menge hinzufügen oder entfernen',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_add_title'] = 'Hinzufügen',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_add_desc'] = 'Füge %s(%sx) zum Lager hinzu.',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_remove_title'] = 'Nehmen',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_remove_desc'] = 'Nimm %s(%sx) aus dem Lager.',
['npcemployee_stock_not_enough'] = 'Du hast nicht genug %s.',
['npcemployee_stock_not_enough_storage'] = 'Es ist nicht genug %s im Lager!',
['npcemployee_stock_gone'] = 'Die ausgewählte Menge ist nicht mehr auf Lager!',
['npcemployee_stock_not_enough_stock'] = 'Es gibt nicht so viel %s auf Lager!',
--[[ Police Alert ]]--
['policealert_menu_title'] = 'Polizeialarm',
['policealert_menu_activate_title'] = 'Aktivieren',
['policealert_menu_activate_desc'] = 'Polizeialarm aktivieren.',
['policealert_progressbar_activating'] = 'Aktiviere Polizeialarm',
['policealert_just_activated'] = 'Du hast gerade den Polizeialarm #%s aktiviert!',
['policealert_cooldown_need_to_wait'] = 'Du musst %ss warten, bevor du diesen Polizeialarm erneut aktivieren kannst!',
--[[ Shop ]]--
['shop_menu_title'] = '%s Vorratsshop',
['shop_menu_purchase_desc'] = 'Kaufe %s für $%s',
['shop_amount_to_buy'] = 'Menge zum Kaufen',
['shop_amount_too_low'] = 'Die Menge muss größer als 0 sein!',
['shop_payment_choice_title'] = 'Shop - Zahlungsmethode',
['shop_payment_no_method'] = 'Keine Zahlungsmethode verfügbar',
['shop_payment_bank_title'] = 'Bank',
['shop_payment_bank_desc'] = 'Bezahle $%s mit deinem Bankkonto.',
['shop_payment_cash_title'] = 'Bar',
['shop_payment_cash_desc'] = 'Bezahle $%s bar.',
['shop_menu_purchase_title'] = 'Shop - %s',
['shop_menu_purchase_confirm_title'] = 'Bestätige deinen Kauf von $%s',
['shop_menu_purchase_confirm_desc'] = 'Zahlung: %s. \n Warenkorb: %s - %sx.',
['shop_purchased'] = 'Du hast gerade %s(%sx) für $%s gekauft.',
--[[ Storage ]]--
['storage_menu_title'] = '%s - Lagermenü',
['storage_menu_company_title'] = 'Firmenlager',
['storage_menu_company_desc'] = 'Öffne das Firmenlager.',
['storage_menu_personal_title'] = 'Persönliches Lager',
['storage_menu_personal_desc'] = 'Öffne dein persönliches Lager.',
['storage_company_stash_name'] = 'Firma(%s)',
['storage_personal_stash_name'] = 'Persönlich(%s)',
['storage_not_avalible'] = 'Lager nicht verfügbar!',
['storage_progressbar_open'] = 'Öffne %s Lager',
--[[ Tables And Chairs ]]--
['tablechairs_menu_title'] = 'Stuhl',
['tablechairs_menu_chair_title'] = 'Benutzen',
['tablechairs_menu_chair_desc'] = 'Setze dich auf diesen Stuhl.',
['tablechairs_chair_occupied'] = 'Jemand benutzt bereits diesen Stuhl!',
['tablechairs_exit'] = '[E] - Stuhl verlassen',
['tablechairs_exit_table'] = ', [H] - Tisch öffnen',
['tablechairs_exit_tray'] = ', [N] - Tablett öffnen',
['tablechairs_stash_name'] = '%s Tisch (%s)',
['tablechairs_stash_label'] = 'Tisch - (%s)',
--[[ Toilet And Sink ]]--
['toilet_menu_title'] = 'Toilette',
['toilet_menu_use_title'] = 'Benutzen',
['toilet_menu_normal_desc'] = 'Benutze diese Toilette für deine Notdurft.',
['toilet_menu_hard_desc'] = 'Benutze diese Toilette für deine Notdurft (stark drücken).',
['toilet_menu_pee_desc'] = 'Benutze diese Toilette zum Urinieren.',
['toilet_occupied'] = 'Jemand benutzt bereits diese Toilette!',
['toilet_pants_on'] = 'Du kannst deine Notdurft nicht verrichten, während du Hosen trägst!',
['toilet_exit'] = '[E] - Toilette verlassen',
['sink_menu_title'] = 'Waschbecken',
['sink_menu_hands_desc'] = 'Wasche deine Hände.',
['sink_menu_face_desc'] = 'Wasche dein Gesicht.',
['sink_occupied'] = 'Jemand benutzt bereits dieses Waschbecken!',
['sink_stop_cleaning'] = '[E] - Reinigung von %s beenden.',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_title'] = 'Reinigen',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_desc'] = 'Wasche schmutzige Becher, Schwämme...',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_items_title'] = 'Waschbecken - Reinigen',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_cup'] = 'Wasche',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_cup_desc'] = 'Wasche schmutzige Becher.',
['sink_employee_menu_dirty_cup_item_name'] = 'schmutziger Becher',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_sponge'] = 'Wasche',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_sponge_desc'] = 'Wasche schmutzige Schwämme.',
['sink_employee_menu_dirty_sponge_item_name'] = 'schmutziger Schwamm',
['sink_employee_progressbar_cleaning'] = 'Reinige %s',
['sink_finished_cleaning'] = 'Du hast gerade 1x %s gereinigt.',
['sink_item_not_have'] = 'Du hast keine %s zum Reinigen!',
--[[ Trash ]]--
['trash_stash_name'] = '%s Müll (%s)',
['trash_stash_label'] = 'Müll - (%s)',
--[[ Trays ]]--
['trays_placing'] = 'Platziere %s...',
['trays_placing_controls'] = '[E] - Tablett platzieren, [SCROLLPRESS] - Abbrechen, [SCROLLUP/SCROLLDOWN] - Drehen',
['trays_label'] = 'Essenstablett',
['trays_cannot_be_placed'] = 'Tablett kann hier nicht platziert werden!',
['trays_menu_title'] = 'Essenstablett',
['trays_menu_take_title'] = 'Nehmen',
['trays_menu_take_desc'] = 'Nimm dieses Tablett.',
['trays_cannot_take'] = 'Du kannst dieses Tablett nicht nehmen!',
['trays_menu_open_title'] = 'Öffnen',
['trays_menu_open_desc'] = 'Öffne und nimm Burger, Pommes und Soda.',
['trays_cannot_open'] = 'Du kannst dieses Tablett nicht öffnen!',
['trays_progressbar_taking_food'] = 'Nehme Essen',
--[[ Discord Logs ]]--
['discord_logs_message'] = 'Nachricht:',
['discord_logs_player_name'] = 'Spielername:',
['discord_logs_player_discord'] = 'Spieler-Discord:',
['discord_logs_player_char'] = 'Spielercharakter:',
['discord_logs_supply_shop'] = 'Einkauf im Vorratsshop',
['discord_logs_supply_shop_desc'] = 'Artikel: **%s** \n Menge: **%s** \n Preis **$%s** \n Zahlungsart: **%s**',
['discord_logs_delivery'] = 'Lieferbelohnung',
['discord_logs_delivery_desc'] = 'Spielerbelohnung: **$%s** \n Firmenbelohnung: **$%s** \n Trinkgeld: **$%s**',
['discord_logs_cashregister'] = 'Kasse',
['discord_logs_cashregister_desc'] = 'Betrag: **$%s**\nFirma: **%s**',
['discord_logs_crafting'] = 'Herstellung',
['discord_logs_crafting_desc'] = 'Artikel: **%s** \n Menge: **%s**',
['discord_logs_missions'] = 'Mission',
['discord_logs_missions_desc'] = 'Belohnung: **$%s**',
['discord_logs_policealert'] = 'Polizeialarm',
['discord_logs_policealert_desc'] = 'Spieler hat einen Polizeialarm ausgelöst',
--[[ Other ]]--
['busy'] = 'Du kannst das jetzt nicht machen!',
['not_allowed'] = 'Du hast keine Berechtigung, das zu tun!',
['amount_not_number'] = 'Die Menge muss eine Zahl sein!',
['amount_too_low'] = 'Der zu zahlende Betrag muss größer als $0 sein!',
['not_enough_money'] = 'Du hast nicht genug Geld, dir fehlen $%s!',
['not_on_duty'] = 'Du bist nicht im Dienst!',
['canceled'] = 'Die Aktion wurde abgebrochen!',
Locales['es'] = {
-- [[ Interactions ]]--
['interact_control'] = '[E] - ',
['interact_duty'] = 'Servicio',
['interact_bossmenu'] = 'Menú del jefe',
['interact_lockerroom'] = 'Vestuario',
['interact_storage'] = 'Almacén',
['interact_garage'] = 'Garaje',
['interact_fryer'] = 'Usar freidora',
['interact_grill'] = 'Usar parrilla',
['interact_cuttingtable'] = 'Usar mesa de cortar',
['interact_drinks'] = 'Usar máquina de bebidas',
['interact_packingtable'] = 'Usar mesa de empaque',
['interact_icemachine'] = 'Usar máquina de hielo',
['interact_slushymachine'] = 'Usar máquina de granizados',
['interact_toilet'] = 'Usar baño',
['interact_sink'] = 'Usar fregadero',
['interact_table'] = 'Usar mesa',
['interact_chair'] = 'Usar silla',
['interact_cashregister'] = 'Usar caja registradora',
['interact_policealert'] = 'Usar alerta policial',
['interact_delivery'] = 'Recibir entrega',
['interact_delivery_give_order'] = 'Entregar pedido',
['interact_mission'] = 'Recibir misión',
['interact_trash'] = 'Abrir basura',
['interact_hottable'] = 'Abrir mesa caliente',
['interact_shop'] = 'Abrir tienda',
['interact_dog'] = 'Acariciar perro',
['interact_npcemployee'] = 'Hablar con empleado',
['interact_menulist'] = 'Abrir menú de comida',
['interact_foodtray'] = 'Interactuar con bandeja de comida',
--[[ Usable Food Items ]]--
['usableitem_progressbar_eating'] = 'Comiendo',
['usableitem_progressbar_drinking'] = 'Bebiendo',
--[[ Boss Menu ]]--
['bossmenu_notify_title'] = 'Menú del jefe',
['bossmenu_notify_title_jobcenter'] = 'Centro de empleo',
['bossmenu_title'] = '%s - Menú del jefe',
['bossmenu_societyaccount'] = 'Cuenta de la sociedad',
['bossmenu_societyaccount_desc'] = 'Revisar estado o depositar/retirar dinero.',
['bossmenu_employees'] = 'Empleados',
['bossmenu_employees_desc'] = 'Ascender/Descender/Despedir/Contratar personas.',
['bossmenu_society_deposit'] = 'Depositar',
['bossmenu_society_withdraw'] = 'Retirar',
['bossmenu_society_wash'] = 'Lavar dinero',
['bossmenu_society_label'] = 'Sociedad - %s',
['bossmenu_society_balance'] = 'Saldo',
['bossmenu_society_amount'] = 'Cantidad',
['bossmenu_society_status'] = '%s - Cuenta de la sociedad',
['bossmenu_society_status_balance'] = 'Saldo',
['bossmenu_society_status_balance_desc'] = '$%s \n\nNombre: "%s"',
['bossmenu_society_status_deposit'] = 'Depositar',
['bossmenu_society_status_deposit_desc'] = 'Depositar dinero.',
['bossmenu_society_status_withdraw'] = 'Retirar',
['bossmenu_society_status_withdraw_desc'] = 'Retirar dinero.',
['bossmenu_society_status_wash'] = 'Lavar',
['bossmenu_society_status_wash_desc'] = 'Limpiar dinero sucio.',
['bossmenu_society_manage_title'] = '%s - Empleados',
['bossmenu_society_manage'] = 'Gestionar',
['bossmenu_society_manage_desc'] = 'Gestionar empleados - Ascender/Descender/Despedir.',
['bossmenu_society_hire'] = 'Contratar',
['bossmenu_society_hire_desc'] = 'Contratar nuevos empleados.',
['bossmenu_society_manage_employees_title'] = '%s - Empleados',
['bossmenu_society_manage_employees_you'] = '%s(TÚ)',
['bossmenu_society_manage_employees_desc'] = 'Información del empleado: \n\n Nombre: %s \n Grado: %s (%s)',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_title'] = '%s - Empleados - %s',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_promote'] = 'Ascender',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_promote_desc'] = 'Ascender empleado.',
['bossmenu_society_cannot_promote'] = '¡No puedes ascender más a este empleado!',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_demote'] = 'Descender',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_demote_desc'] = 'Descender empleado.',
['bossmenu_society_cannot_demote'] = '¡No puedes descender más a este empleado!',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_fire'] = 'Despedir',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_fire_desc'] = 'Despedir empleado.',
['bossmenu_society_hire_employees_title'] = '%s - Empleados',
['bossmenu_society_hire_employees_desc'] = 'Información de la persona: \n\n Nombre: %s',
['bossmenu_society_hire_employees_nobodynear'] = '¡No hay nadie cerca!',
['bossmenu_society_action_hired'] = 'Has contratado a %s.',
['bossmenu_society_action_promote'] = 'Has ascendido a %s.',
['bossmenu_society_action_demote'] = 'Has descendido a %s.',
['bossmenu_society_action_fired'] = 'Has despedido a %s.',
['bossmenu_society_action_hired_effected_player'] = '¡Has sido contratado para el trabajo %s!',
['bossmenu_society_action_promote_effected_player'] = '¡Has sido ascendido en el trabajo %s a %s (%s)!',
['bossmenu_society_action_demote_effected_player'] = '¡Has sido descendido en el trabajo %s a %s (%s)!',
['bossmenu_society_action_fired_effected_player'] = '¡Has sido despedido del trabajo %s!',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_withdraw_notenough'] = '¡No hay suficiente dinero en la cuenta de la sociedad para retirar la cantidad deseada!',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_deposit_notenough'] = '¡No tienes suficiente dinero para depositar en esta cuenta de la sociedad!',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_deposited'] = 'Acabas de depositar - $%s',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_withdrew'] = 'Acabas de retirar - $%s',
['bossmenu_nottheboss'] = '¡No eres el jefe de esta empresa!',
--[[ Cash Register ]]--
['cashregister_wait_for_employee'] = '¡Espera a que un empleado establezca un precio para pagar!',
['cashregister_title'] = 'Caja registradora #%s',
['cashregister_amount_to_pay'] = 'Cantidad a pagar',
['cashregister_pay_balance'] = 'Tu saldo $%s',
['cashregister_pay_amount'] = 'Cantidad total: $',
['cashregister_pay_bank'] = 'Pagar $%s con tu banco.',
['cashregister_pay_cash'] = 'Pagar $%s en efectivo.',
['cashregister_pay_clear'] = 'Limpiar caja registradora',
['cashregister_paid'] = 'Has pagado $%s.',
['cashregister_paid_employee_message'] = 'El cliente ha pagado $%s en la caja registradora #%s.',
--[[ Crafting ]]--
['crafting_notify_title'] = 'Cocina',
['crafting_fryer_title'] = 'Freidora',
['crafting_grill_title'] = 'Parrilla',
['crafting_cutting_table_title'] = 'Mesa de cortar',
['crafting_drinks_title'] = 'Bebidas',
['crafting_packing_table_title'] = 'Mesa de empaque',
['crafting_ice_machine_title'] = 'Máquina de hielo',
['crafting_desc'] = 'Cantidad: %s \n Tiempo de cocción: %ss \n\n Ingredientes necesarios: \n %s',
['crafting_somebody_using'] = '¡Alguien ya está usando este %s!',
['crafting_progressbar_fryer'] = 'Friendo %s',
['crafting_progressbar_grill'] = 'Asando %s',
['crafting_progressbar_cutting_table_knife'] = 'Tomando cuchillo de cortar',
['crafting_progressbar_cutting_table'] = 'Haciendo %s',
['crafting_progressbar_drink_starting'] = 'Encendiendo máquina',
['crafting_progressbar_drink_filling_cup'] = 'Llenando vaso con %s',
['crafting_progressbar_drink_taking'] = 'Tomando bebida',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_tray'] = 'Colocando bandeja vacía',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_burger'] = 'Colocando hamburguesa',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_soda'] = 'Colocando vaso de soda',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_fries'] = 'Colocando papas fritas',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_taking'] = 'Tomando bandeja llena',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_other'] = 'Empacando %s',
['crafting_progressbat_ice_machine'] = 'Tomando hielo',
['crafting_finished_packing'] = 'Acabas de terminar de empaquetar %s.',
['crafting_finished_cooking'] = 'Acabas de terminar de hacer %s.',
['crafting_amount'] = 'Cantidad a hacer',
['crafting_missing'] = 'Te falta: %s.',
['crafting_limit'] = '¡No puedes cocinar más de %s items a la vez!',
--[[ Slushie Machine ]]--
['crafting_slushie_machine_title'] = 'Máquina de granizados',
--[[ Delivery ]]--
['delivery_menu_header'] = 'Entrega',
['delivery_menu_call_title'] = 'Aceptar llamada',
['delivery_menu_call_desc'] = 'Aceptar llamada de un cliente.',
['delivery_menu_cancel_title'] = 'Cancelar entrega',
['delivery_menu_cancel_desc'] = 'Cancelar tu entrega de pedido.',
['delivery_phone_occupied'] = '¡Alguien ya está usando este teléfono!',
['delivery_canceled_order'] = 'Acabas de cancelar tu entrega de pedido.',
['delivery_progressbar_getting'] = 'Recibiendo pedido de un cliente',
['delivery_progressbar_giving'] = 'Entregando pedido al cliente',
['delivery_reconnect_get_back'] = 'La misión de entrega ha sido devuelta a ti.',
['delivery_location'] = 'Ubicación de entrega',
['delivery_accepted_order'] = 'Acabas de aceptar un pedido.',
['delivery_customer'] = 'Cliente',
['delivery_finished'] = '¡Buen trabajo! Acabas de terminar tu entrega.',
['delivery_customer_angry'] = '¡¿Dónde están mis servilletas?!',
['delivery_customer_happy'] = '¡Muchas gracias!',
['delivery_cooldown_end'] = 'Ahora puedes hacer otra entrega de %s.',
['delivery_got_tip'] = '¡Recibiste una propina de $%s del cliente!',
['delivery_cooldown_need_to_wait'] = '¡Debes esperar %ss antes de hacer otra entrega!',
['delivery_order_info'] = 'Pedido: %s(%sx).',
['delivery_order_missing'] = 'Mi pedido tenía %s(%sx), ¿dónde está?',
--[[ Dog ]]--
['dog_progressbar_petting'] = 'Acariciando perro',
['dog_occupied'] = '¡Este perro está ocupado!',
--[[ Duty ]]--
['duty_notify_title'] = 'Servicio',
['duty_menu_title'] = 'Servicio - %s',
['duty_menu_sign_in'] = 'Firmar entrada',
['duty_menu_sign_in_desc'] = 'Firmar entrada y comenzar a trabajar',
['duty_progressbar_sign_in'] = 'Firmando entrada',
['duty_menu_sign_out'] = 'Firmar salida',
['duty_menu_sign_out_desc'] = 'Firmar salida y dejar de trabajar',
['duty_progressbar_sign_out'] = 'Firmando salida',
['duty_went_on_duty'] = 'Acabas de entrar en servicio.',
['duty_went_off_duty'] = 'Acabas de salir de servicio.',
['duty_on_duty'] = 'Estás en servicio.',
['duty_off_duty'] = 'No estás en servicio.',
--[[ Garage ]]--
['garage_notify_title'] = 'Garaje',
['garage_menu_title_take_out'] = 'Garaje - %s - Sacar',
['garage_menu_disc_take_out'] = 'Información del vehículo: \n\n\n Tipo: %s \n Grado: %s',
['garage_menu_title_store'] = 'Garaje - %s - Guardar',
['garage_menu_disc_store'] = 'Información del vehículo: \n\n\n Tipo: %s',
['garage_vehicle_too_far'] = '¡Tu vehículo está demasiado lejos del garaje - %s!',
['garage_vehicle_stored'] = 'Has guardado un vehículo en el garaje - %s.',
['garage_not_enough_experience'] = '¡No tienes suficiente experiencia para sacar este vehículo - %s!',
['garage_blocked'] = '¡La salida del garaje está bloqueada!',
['garage_car_limit'] = '¡Solo puedes sacar un vehículo!',
['garage_progressbar_vehicle_loading'] = 'Cargando vehículo',
['garage_vehicle_taken_out'] = 'Has sacado un vehículo del garaje - %s.',
--[[ Hot Table ]]--
['hottable_stash_name'] = '%s mesa caliente (%s)',
['hottable_stash_label'] = 'Mesa caliente - (%s)',
--[[ Locker Room ]]--
['lockerroom_menu_title'] = 'Vestuario - %s',
['lockerroom_menu_civil'] = 'Ropa civil',
['lockerroom_menu_civil_desc'] = 'Ponte tu ropa civil.',
['lockerroom_menu_work_desc'] = 'Información del atuendo: \n\n Nombre: %s \n Grado: %s',
['lockerroom_grade_low'] = '¡No puedes usar este atuendo porque tu grado es demasiado bajo!',
['lockerroom_progressbar_changing'] = 'Cambiando de ropa',
--[[ Menu List ]]--
['menulist_menu_title'] = '%s Menú de comida',
['menulist_menu_desc'] = 'Precio: $%s',
--[[ Missions ]]--
['mission_menu_title'] = 'Misiones',
['mission_menu_sweeping_title'] = 'Barrer el suelo',
['mission_menu_sweeping_title_desc'] = 'Barrerás el suelo con una escoba.',
['mission_menu_clean_tables_title'] = 'Limpiar mesas',
['mission_menu_clean_tables_title_desc'] = 'Limpiarás las mesas con una esponja.',
['mission_finish_message'] = 'Termina tu misión para reclamar esta recompensa',
['mission_store_broom_message'] = 'Guarda tu escoba para reclamar esta recompensa',
['mission_enjoy_reward_message'] = 'Disfruta tu recompensa',
['mission_menu_current_progress_desc'] = 'Progreso actual: %s/100 \n\n %s.',
['mission_menu_cancel'] = 'Cancelar misión',
['mission_menu_cancel_desc'] = 'Cancelarás tu misión actual.',
['mission_store_broom'] = 'Ve a guardar tu escoba.',
['mission_menu_start_mission_message'] = 'Comenzarás a barrer el suelo.',
['mission_menu_start_mission_message2'] = 'Comenzarás a limpiar las mesas.',
['mission_menu_start_title'] = 'Misiones - Confirmar',
['mission_menu_start_disc'] = 'Comenzar a trabajar',
['mission_occupied'] = '¡No puedes hacer esta misión porque otros empleados ya la están haciendo!',
['mission_store_take_broon'] = '[E] -',
['mission_store_broon'] = 'Guardar escoba',
['mission_take_broom'] = 'Tomar escoba',
['mission_spots_left'] = '¡Buen trabajo! Solo quedan %s manchas sucias!',
['mission_spots_finished'] = '¡Buen trabajo! ¡Todas las manchas sucias están limpias! Guarda tu escoba para tomar tu recompensa.',
['mission_spots_only_left'] = '¡Buen trabajo! Solo quedan %s mesas sucias!',
['mission_spots_finished_reward'] = '¡Buen trabajo! ¡Todas las mesas sucias están limpias! Ahora puedes tomar tu recompensa.',
['mission_clean_sponges'] = 'esponjas limpias',
['mission_start_clean'] = '[E] - Limpiar',
['mission_progressbar_sweeping'] = 'Barriendo',
['mission_progressbar_cleaning'] = 'Limpiando',
['mission_progressbar_taking_broom'] = 'Tomando escoba',
['mission_progressbar_storing_broom'] = 'Guardando escoba',
['mission_canceled_normal'] = '¡Acabas de cancelar tu misión!',
['mission_canceled_force'] = '¡Tu misión ha sido cancelada!',
['mission_can_take_reward'] = '¡Ahora puedes tomar tu recompensa!',
['mission_started_mission'] = '¡Acabas de comenzar una misión!',
['mission_cooldown_need_to_wait'] = '¡Debes esperar %ss antes de hacer más misiones!',
['mission_reward_end'] = 'Ahora puedes hacer %s misiones.',
['mission_reward_claimed'] = '¡Acabas de reclamar tu recompensa!',
--[[ Npc Employee ]]--
['npcemployee_notify_title'] = 'Empleado',
['npcemployee_menu_title'] = 'Empleado',
['npcemployee_menu_order_title'] = 'Pedir comida',
['npcemployee_menu_order_desc'] = 'Pedir algo de comida deliciosa.',
['npcemployee_employees_on_duty'] = '¡Hay otros empleados, no me molestes!',
['npcemployee_menu_take_food'] = 'Tomar comida',
['npcemployee_menu_take_food_desc'] = 'Toma tu bandeja de comida.',
['npcemployee_occupied'] = '¡Este empleado está ocupado!',
['npcemployee_order'] = '%s Pedido',
['npcemployee_order_ready'] = 'Tu pedido está listo.',
['npcemployee_taking_food'] = 'Tomando comida',
['npcemployee_stock_available'] = 'Disponible %sx',
['npcemployee_stock_purchase_desc'] = 'Comprar %s por $%s \n\n Disponible: %sx',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_purchase_desc'] = 'Disponible: %sx',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_title'] = 'Ajustar stock',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_desc'] = 'Agregar o quitar items del stock.',
['npcemployee_stock_title'] = '%s Stock',
['npcemployee_stock_desc'] = 'Cantidad a agregar o quitar',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_add_title'] = 'Agregar',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_add_desc'] = 'Agregar %s(%sx) al almacén.',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_remove_title'] = 'Tomar',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_remove_desc'] = 'Tomar %s(%sx) del almacén.',
['npcemployee_stock_not_enough'] = 'No tienes suficiente %s.',
['npcemployee_stock_not_enough_storage'] = '¡No hay suficiente %s en el almacén!',
['npcemployee_stock_gone'] = '¡La cantidad que seleccionaste ya no está en stock!',
['npcemployee_stock_not_enough_stock'] = '¡No hay tanto %s en stock!',
--[[ Police Alert ]]--
['policealert_menu_title'] = 'Alerta policial',
['policealert_menu_activate_title'] = 'Activar',
['policealert_menu_activate_desc'] = 'Activar alerta policial.',
['policealert_progressbar_activating'] = 'Activando alerta policial',
['policealert_just_activated'] = '¡Acabas de activar la alerta policial #%s!',
['policealert_cooldown_need_to_wait'] = '¡Debes esperar %ss antes de activar esta alerta policial de nuevo!',
--[[ Shop ]]--
['shop_menu_title'] = 'Tienda de suministros %s',
['shop_menu_purchase_desc'] = 'Comprar %s por $%s',
['shop_amount_to_buy'] = 'Cantidad a comprar',
['shop_amount_too_low'] = '¡La cantidad debe ser mayor que 0!',
['shop_payment_choice_title'] = 'Tienda - Elección de pago',
['shop_payment_no_method'] = 'No hay método de pago disponible',
['shop_payment_bank_title'] = 'Banco',
['shop_payment_bank_desc'] = 'Pagar $%s con tu banco.',
['shop_payment_cash_title'] = 'Efectivo',
['shop_payment_cash_desc'] = 'Pagar $%s en efectivo.',
['shop_menu_purchase_title'] = 'Tienda - %s',
['shop_menu_purchase_confirm_title'] = 'Confirma tu compra de $%s',
['shop_menu_purchase_confirm_desc'] = 'Pago: %s. \n Canasta: %s - %sx.',
['shop_purchased'] = 'Acabas de comprar %s(%sx) por $%s.',
--[[ Storage ]]--
['storage_menu_title'] = '%s - Menú de almacén',
['storage_menu_company_title'] = 'Almacén de la empresa',
['storage_menu_company_desc'] = 'Abrir almacén de la empresa.',
['storage_menu_personal_title'] = 'Almacén personal',
['storage_menu_personal_desc'] = 'Abrir almacén personal.',
['storage_company_stash_name'] = 'Empresa(%s)',
['storage_personal_stash_name'] = 'Personal(%s)',
['storage_not_avalible'] = '¡El almacén no está disponible!',
['storage_progressbar_open'] = 'Abriendo almacén %s',
--[[ Tables And Chairs ]]--
['tablechairs_menu_title'] = 'Silla',
['tablechairs_menu_chair_title'] = 'Usar',
['tablechairs_menu_chair_desc'] = 'Sentarse en esta silla.',
['tablechairs_chair_occupied'] = '¡Alguien ya está usando esta silla!',
['tablechairs_exit'] = '[E] - Salir de la silla',
['tablechairs_exit_table'] = ', [H] - Abrir mesa',
['tablechairs_exit_tray'] = ', [N] - Abrir bandeja',
['tablechairs_stash_name'] = '%s mesa (%s)',
['tablechairs_stash_label'] = 'Mesa - (%s)',
--[[ Toilet And Sink ]]--
['toilet_menu_title'] = 'Baño',
['toilet_menu_use_title'] = 'Usar',
['toilet_menu_normal_desc'] = 'Usar este baño para hacer tus necesidades.',
['toilet_menu_hard_desc'] = 'Usar este baño para hacer tus necesidades (empujar fuerte).',
['toilet_menu_pee_desc'] = 'Usar este baño para orinar.',
['toilet_occupied'] = '¡Alguien ya está usando este baño!',
['toilet_pants_on'] = '¡No puedes hacer tus necesidades mientras llevas pantalones!',
['toilet_exit'] = '[E] - Salir del baño',
['sink_menu_title'] = 'Fregadero',
['sink_menu_hands_desc'] = 'Lavarse las manos.',
['sink_menu_face_desc'] = 'Lavarse la cara.',
['sink_occupied'] = '¡Alguien ya está usando este fregadero!',
['sink_stop_cleaning'] = '[E] - Dejar de limpiar %s.',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_title'] = 'Limpiar',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_desc'] = 'Lavar vasos sucios, esponjas...',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_items_title'] = 'Fregadero - Limpiar',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_cup'] = 'Lavar',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_cup_desc'] = 'Lavar vasos sucios.',
['sink_employee_menu_dirty_cup_item_name'] = 'vaso sucio',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_sponge'] = 'Lavar',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_sponge_desc'] = 'Lavar esponjas sucias.',
['sink_employee_menu_dirty_sponge_item_name'] = 'esponja sucia',
['sink_employee_progressbar_cleaning'] = 'Limpiando %s',
['sink_finished_cleaning'] = 'Acabas de terminar de limpiar 1x %s.',
['sink_item_not_have'] = '¡No tienes ningún %s para limpiar!',
--[[ Trash ]]--
['trash_stash_name'] = '%s basura (%s)',
['trash_stash_label'] = 'Basura - (%s)',
--[[ Trays ]]--
['trays_placing'] = 'Colocando %s...',
['trays_placing_controls'] = '[E] - Colocar bandeja de comida, [SCROLLPRESS] - Cancelar, [SCROLLUP/SCROLLDOWN] - Rotar',
['trays_label'] = 'bandeja de comida',
['trays_cannot_be_placed'] = '¡No se puede colocar la bandeja aquí!',
['trays_menu_title'] = 'Bandeja de comida',
['trays_menu_take_title'] = 'Tomar',
['trays_menu_take_desc'] = 'Tomar esta bandeja de comida.',
['trays_cannot_take'] = '¡No puedes tomar esta bandeja de comida!',
['trays_menu_open_title'] = 'Abrir',
['trays_menu_open_desc'] = 'Abrir y tomar hamburguesa, papas fritas y soda.',
['trays_cannot_open'] = '¡No puedes abrir esta bandeja de comida!',
['trays_progressbar_taking_food'] = 'Tomando comida',
--[[ Discord Logs ]]--
['discord_logs_message'] = 'Mensaje:',
['discord_logs_player_name'] = 'Nombre del jugador:',
['discord_logs_player_discord'] = 'Discord del jugador:',
['discord_logs_player_char'] = 'Personaje del jugador:',
['discord_logs_supply_shop'] = 'Compra en tienda de suministros',
['discord_logs_supply_shop_desc'] = 'Item: **%s** \n Cantidad: **%s** \n Precio **$%s** \n Tipo de pago: **%s**',
['discord_logs_delivery'] = 'Recompensa de entrega',
['discord_logs_delivery_desc'] = 'Recompensa del jugador: **$%s** \n Recompensa de la sociedad: **$%s** \n Propina: **$%s**',
['discord_logs_cashregister'] = 'Caja registradora',
['discord_logs_cashregister_desc'] = 'Cantidad: **$%s**\nSociedad: **%s**',
['discord_logs_crafting'] = 'Fabricación',
['discord_logs_crafting_desc'] = 'Item: **%s** \n Cantidad: **%s**',
['discord_logs_missions'] = 'Misión',
['discord_logs_missions_desc'] = 'Recompensa: **$%s**',
['discord_logs_policealert'] = 'Alerta policial',
['discord_logs_policealert_desc'] = 'El jugador activó una alerta policial',
--[[ Other ]]--
['busy'] = '¡No puedes hacer esto ahora!',
['not_allowed'] = '¡No tienes permiso para hacer esto!',
['amount_not_number'] = '¡La cantidad debe ser un número!',
['amount_too_low'] = '¡La cantidad a pagar debe ser mayor que $0!',
['not_enough_money'] = '¡No tienes suficiente dinero, te faltan $%s!',
['not_on_duty'] = '¡No estás de servicio!',
['canceled'] = '¡La acción fue cancelada!',
Locales['cs'] = {
-- [[ Interactions ]]--
['interact_control'] = '[E] - ',
['interact_duty'] = 'Služba',
['interact_bossmenu'] = 'Menu šéfa',
['interact_lockerroom'] = 'Šatna',
['interact_storage'] = 'Sklad',
['interact_garage'] = 'Garáž',
['interact_fryer'] = 'Použít fritézu',
['interact_grill'] = 'Použít gril',
['interact_cuttingtable'] = 'Použít krájecí stůl',
['interact_drinks'] = 'Použít nápojový stroj',
['interact_packingtable'] = 'Použít balicí stůl',
['interact_icemachine'] = 'Použít stroj na led',
['interact_slushymachine'] = 'Použít stroj na tříšť',
['interact_toilet'] = 'Použít toaletu',
['interact_sink'] = 'Použít umyvadlo',
['interact_table'] = 'Použít stůl',
['interact_chair'] = 'Použít židli',
['interact_cashregister'] = 'Použít pokladnu',
['interact_policealert'] = 'Použít policejní upozornění',
['interact_delivery'] = 'Převzít zásilku',
['interact_delivery_give_order'] = 'Předat objednávku',
['interact_mission'] = 'Převzít misi',
['interact_trash'] = 'Otevřít odpadky',
['interact_hottable'] = 'Otevřít horký stůl',
['interact_shop'] = 'Otevřít obchod',
['interact_dog'] = 'Pohladit psa',
['interact_npcemployee'] = 'Mluvit s zaměstnancem',
['interact_menulist'] = 'Otevřít jídelní lístek',
['interact_foodtray'] = 'Interagovat s podnosem na jídlo',
--[[ Usable Food Items ]]--
['usableitem_progressbar_eating'] = 'Jíte',
['usableitem_progressbar_drinking'] = 'Pijete',
--[[ Boss Menu ]]--
['bossmenu_notify_title'] = 'Menu šéfa',
['bossmenu_notify_title_jobcenter'] = 'Jobcentrum',
['bossmenu_title'] = '%s - Menu šéfa',
['bossmenu_societyaccount'] = 'Účet společnosti',
['bossmenu_societyaccount_desc'] = 'Zkontrolujte stav nebo vložte/vyberte peníze.',
['bossmenu_employees'] = 'Zaměstnanci',
['bossmenu_employees_desc'] = 'Povýšit/degradovat/propustit/najmout lidi.',
['bossmenu_society_deposit'] = 'Vložit',
['bossmenu_society_withdraw'] = 'Vybrat',
['bossmenu_society_wash'] = 'Praní peněz',
['bossmenu_society_label'] = 'Společnost - %s',
['bossmenu_society_balance'] = 'Zůstatek',
['bossmenu_society_amount'] = 'Částka',
['bossmenu_society_status'] = '%s - Účet společnosti',
['bossmenu_society_status_balance'] = 'Zůstatek',
['bossmenu_society_status_balance_desc'] = '$%s \n\nJméno: "%s"',
['bossmenu_society_status_deposit'] = 'Vložit',
['bossmenu_society_status_deposit_desc'] = 'Vložit peníze.',
['bossmenu_society_status_withdraw'] = 'Vybrat',
['bossmenu_society_status_withdraw_desc'] = 'Vybrat peníze.',
['bossmenu_society_status_wash'] = 'Praní',
['bossmenu_society_status_wash_desc'] = 'Vyčistit špinavé peníze.',
['bossmenu_society_manage_title'] = '%s - Zaměstnanci',
['bossmenu_society_manage'] = 'Spravovat',
['bossmenu_society_manage_desc'] = 'Spravovat zaměstnance - Povýšit/degradovat/propustit.',
['bossmenu_society_hire'] = 'Najmout',
['bossmenu_society_hire_desc'] = 'Najmout nové zaměstnance.',
['bossmenu_society_manage_employees_title'] = '%s - Zaměstnanci',
['bossmenu_society_manage_employees_you'] = '%s(TY)',
['bossmenu_society_manage_employees_desc'] = 'Informace o zaměstnanci: \n\n Jméno: %s \n Hodnost: %s (%s)',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_title'] = '%s - Zaměstnanci - %s',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_promote'] = 'Povýšit',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_promote_desc'] = 'Povýšit zaměstnance.',
['bossmenu_society_cannot_promote'] = 'Tohoto zaměstnance již nemůžete povýšit!',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_demote'] = 'Degradovat',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_demote_desc'] = 'Degradovat zaměstnance.',
['bossmenu_society_cannot_demote'] = 'Tohoto zaměstnance již nemůžete degradovat!',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_fire'] = 'Propustit',
['bossmenu_society_employee_options_fire_desc'] = 'Propustit zaměstnance.',
['bossmenu_society_hire_employees_title'] = '%s - Zaměstnanci',
['bossmenu_society_hire_employees_desc'] = 'Informace o osobě: \n\n Jméno: %s',
['bossmenu_society_hire_employees_nobodynear'] = 'Nikdo není poblíž!',
['bossmenu_society_action_hired'] = 'Najali jste %s.',
['bossmenu_society_action_promote'] = 'Povýšili jste %s.',
['bossmenu_society_action_demote'] = 'Degradovali jste %s.',
['bossmenu_society_action_fired'] = 'Propustili jste %s.',
['bossmenu_society_action_hired_effected_player'] = 'Byli jste najati na práci %s!',
['bossmenu_society_action_promote_effected_player'] = 'Byli jste povýšeni v práci %s na %s (%s)!',
['bossmenu_society_action_demote_effected_player'] = 'Byli jste degradováni v práci %s na %s (%s)!',
['bossmenu_society_action_fired_effected_player'] = 'Byli jste propuštěni z práce %s!',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_withdraw_notenough'] = 'Na účtu společnosti není dostatek peněz k výběru požadované částky!',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_deposit_notenough'] = 'Nemáte dostatek peněz k vložení na tento účet společnosti!',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_deposited'] = 'Právě jste vložili - $%s',
['bossmenu_society_action_money_withdrew'] = 'Právě jste vybrali - $%s',
['bossmenu_nottheboss'] = 'Nejste šéfem této společnosti!',
--[[ Cash Register ]]--
['cashregister_wait_for_employee'] = 'Počkejte, až zaměstnanec nastaví cenu k zaplacení!',
['cashregister_title'] = 'Pokladna #%s',
['cashregister_amount_to_pay'] = 'Částka k zaplacení',
['cashregister_pay_balance'] = 'Váš zůstatek $%s',
['cashregister_pay_amount'] = 'Celková částka: $',
['cashregister_pay_bank'] = 'Zaplatit $%s z vašeho bankovního účtu.',
['cashregister_pay_cash'] = 'Zaplatit $%s hotově.',
['cashregister_pay_clear'] = 'Vyčistit pokladnu',
['cashregister_paid'] = 'Zaplatili jste $%s.',
['cashregister_paid_employee_message'] = 'Zákazník zaplatil $%s na pokladně #%s.',
--[[ Crafting ]]--
['crafting_notify_title'] = 'Vaření',
['crafting_fryer_title'] = 'Fritéza',
['crafting_grill_title'] = 'Gril',
['crafting_cutting_table_title'] = 'Krájecí stůl',
['crafting_drinks_title'] = 'Nápoje',
['crafting_packing_table_title'] = 'Baliací stůl',
['crafting_ice_machine_title'] = 'Stroj na led',
['crafting_desc'] = 'Množství: %s \n Čas vaření: %ss \n\n Potřebné ingredience: \n %s',
['crafting_somebody_using'] = 'Někdo již používá tento %s!',
['crafting_progressbar_fryer'] = 'Smažíte %s',
['crafting_progressbar_grill'] = 'Grilujete %s',
['crafting_progressbar_cutting_table_knife'] = 'Berete krájecí nůž',
['crafting_progressbar_cutting_table'] = 'Vyrábíte %s',
['crafting_progressbar_drink_starting'] = 'Spouštíte stroj',
['crafting_progressbar_drink_filling_cup'] = 'Plníte šálek %s',
['crafting_progressbar_drink_taking'] = 'Berete nápoj',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_tray'] = 'Pokládáte prázdný podnos na jídlo',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_burger'] = 'Pokládáte burger',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_soda'] = 'Pokládáte kelímek sody',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_placing_fries'] = 'Pokládáte hranolky',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_taking'] = 'Berete plný podnos',
['crafting_progressbar_tray_other'] = 'Balíte %s',
['crafting_progressbat_ice_machine'] = 'Berete led',
['crafting_finished_packing'] = 'Právě jste dokončili balení %s.',
['crafting_finished_cooking'] = 'Právě jste dokončili výrobu %s.',
['crafting_amount'] = 'Množství k výrobě',
['crafting_missing'] = 'Chybí vám: %s.',
['crafting_limit'] = 'Nemůžete vařit více než %s položek najednou!',
--[[ Slushie Machine ]]--
['crafting_slushie_machine_title'] = 'Stroj na tříšť',
--[[ Delivery ]]--
['delivery_menu_header'] = 'Doručení',
['delivery_menu_call_title'] = 'Přijmout hovor',
['delivery_menu_call_desc'] = 'Přijmout hovor od zákazníka.',
['delivery_menu_cancel_title'] = 'Zrušit doručení',
['delivery_menu_cancel_desc'] = 'Zrušit vaši objednávku na doručení.',
['delivery_phone_occupied'] = 'Někdo již používá tento telefon!',
['delivery_canceled_order'] = 'Právě jste zrušili doručení objednávky.',
['delivery_progressbar_getting'] = 'Přijímáte objednávku od zákazníka',
['delivery_progressbar_giving'] = 'Předáváte objednávku zákazníkovi',
['delivery_reconnect_get_back'] = 'Mise doručení byla vám vrácena.',
['delivery_location'] = 'Místo doručení',
['delivery_accepted_order'] = 'Právě jste přijali objednávku.',
['delivery_customer'] = 'Zákazník',
['delivery_finished'] = 'Dobrá práce! Právě jste dokončili doručení.',
['delivery_customer_angry'] = 'Kde jsou mé ubrousky!!!',
['delivery_customer_happy'] = 'Děkuji mnohokrát!',
['delivery_cooldown_end'] = 'Nyní můžete provést další %s doručení.',
['delivery_got_tip'] = 'Dostali jste spropitné $%s od zákazníka!',
['delivery_cooldown_need_to_wait'] = 'Musíte počkat %ss, než provedete další doručení!',
['delivery_order_info'] = 'Objednávka: %s(%sx).',
['delivery_order_missing'] = 'Moje objednávka měla %s(%sx), kde to je?',
--[[ Dog ]]--
['dog_progressbar_petting'] = 'Hladíte psa',
['dog_occupied'] = 'Tento pes je obsazen!',
--[[ Duty ]]--
['duty_notify_title'] = 'Služba',
['duty_menu_title'] = 'Služba - %s',
['duty_menu_sign_in'] = 'Nastoupit',
['duty_menu_sign_in_desc'] = 'Nastoupit a začít pracovat',
['duty_progressbar_sign_in'] = 'Nastupujete',
['duty_menu_sign_out'] = 'Opustit',
['duty_menu_sign_out_desc'] = 'Opustit a přestat pracovat',
['duty_progressbar_sign_out'] = 'Opouštíte',
['duty_went_on_duty'] = 'Právě jste nastoupili do služby.',
['duty_went_off_duty'] = 'Právě jste opustili službu.',
['duty_on_duty'] = 'Jste ve službě.',
['duty_off_duty'] = 'Nejste ve službě.',
--[[ Garage ]]--
['garage_notify_title'] = 'Garáž',
['garage_menu_title_take_out'] = 'Garáž - %s - Vyjíždět',
['garage_menu_disc_take_out'] = 'Informace o vozidle: \n\n\n Typ: %s \n Hodnost: %s',
['garage_menu_title_store'] = 'Garáž - %s - Uložit',
['garage_menu_disc_store'] = 'Informace o vozidle: \n\n\n Typ: %s',
['garage_vehicle_too_far'] = 'Vaše vozidlo je příliš daleko od garáže - %s!',
['garage_vehicle_stored'] = 'Uložili jste vozidlo do garáže - %s.',
['garage_not_enough_experience'] = 'Nemáte dostatek zkušeností k vyjetí tohoto vozidla - %s!',
['garage_blocked'] = 'Výjezd z garáže je zablokován!',
['garage_car_limit'] = 'Můžete vyjet pouze jedno vozidlo!',
['garage_progressbar_vehicle_loading'] = 'Nakládáte vozidlo',
['garage_vehicle_taken_out'] = 'Vyjeli jste vozidlo z garáže - %s.',
--[[ Hot Table ]]--
['hottable_stash_name'] = '%s horký stůl (%s)',
['hottable_stash_label'] = 'Horký stůl - (%s)',
--[[ Locker Room ]]--
['lockerroom_menu_title'] = 'Šatna - %s',
['lockerroom_menu_civil'] = 'Civilní oblečení',
['lockerroom_menu_civil_desc'] = 'Oblékněte si civilní oblečení.',
['lockerroom_menu_work_desc'] = 'Informace o oblečení: \n\n Jméno: %s \n Hodnost: %s',
['lockerroom_grade_low'] = 'Nemůžete si obléknout toto oblečení, protože vaše hodnost je příliš nízká!',
['lockerroom_progressbar_changing'] = 'Měníte oblečení',
--[[ Menu List ]]--
['menulist_menu_title'] = '%s Jídelní lístek',
['menulist_menu_desc'] = 'Cena: $%s',
--[[ Missions ]]--
['mission_menu_title'] = 'Mise',
['mission_menu_sweeping_title'] = 'Zamést podlahu',
['mission_menu_sweeping_title_desc'] = 'Budete zametat podlahu koštětem.',
['mission_menu_clean_tables_title'] = 'Uklidit stoly',
['mission_menu_clean_tables_title_desc'] = 'Budete čistit stoly houbou.',
['mission_finish_message'] = 'Dokončete svou misi, abyste získali odměnu',
['mission_store_broom_message'] = 'Uložte své koště, abyste získali odměnu',
['mission_enjoy_reward_message'] = 'Užijte si odměnu',
['mission_menu_current_progress_desc'] = 'Aktuální pokrok: %s/100 \n\n %s.',
['mission_menu_cancel'] = 'Zrušit misi',
['mission_menu_cancel_desc'] = 'Zrušíte aktuální misi.',
['mission_store_broom'] = 'Jděte uložit své koště.',
['mission_menu_start_mission_message'] = 'Začnete zametat podlahu.',
['mission_menu_start_mission_message2'] = 'Začnete čistit stoly.',
['mission_menu_start_title'] = 'Mise - Potvrdit',
['mission_menu_start_disc'] = 'Začít pracovat',
['mission_occupied'] = 'Nemůžete provést tuto misi, protože ji již provádějí jiní zaměstnanci!',
['mission_store_take_broon'] = '[E] -',
['mission_store_broon'] = 'Uložit koště',
['mission_take_broom'] = 'Vzít koště',
['mission_spots_left'] = 'Dobrá práce! Zbývá pouze %s špinavých míst!',
['mission_spots_finished'] = 'Dobrá práce! Všechna špinavá místa jsou vyčištěna! Uložte své koště, abyste získali odměnu.',
['mission_spots_only_left'] = 'Dobrá práce! Zbývá pouze %s špinavých stolů!',
['mission_spots_finished_reward'] = 'Dobrá práce! Všechny špinavé stoly jsou vyčištěny! Nyní můžete získat odměnu.',
['mission_clean_sponges'] = 'čisté houby',
['mission_start_clean'] = '[E] - Čistit',
['mission_progressbar_sweeping'] = 'Zametáte',
['mission_progressbar_cleaning'] = 'Čistíte',
['mission_progressbar_taking_broom'] = 'Berete koště',
['mission_progressbar_storing_broom'] = 'Ukládáte koště',
['mission_canceled_normal'] = 'Právě jste zrušili svou misi!',
['mission_canceled_force'] = 'Vaše mise byla právě zrušena!',
['mission_can_take_reward'] = 'Nyní můžete získat odměnu!',
['mission_started_mission'] = 'Právě jste začali misi!',
['mission_cooldown_need_to_wait'] = 'Musíte počkat %ss, než budete moci provést další mise!',
['mission_reward_end'] = 'Nyní můžete provést %s mise.',
['mission_reward_claimed'] = 'Právě jste získali odměnu!',
--[[ Npc Employee ]]--
['npcemployee_notify_title'] = 'Zaměstnanec',
['npcemployee_menu_title'] = 'Zaměstnanec',
['npcemployee_menu_order_title'] = 'Objednat jídlo',
['npcemployee_menu_order_desc'] = 'Objednat si chutné jídlo.',
['npcemployee_employees_on_duty'] = 'Jsou zde jiní zaměstnanci, neobtěžujte mě!',
['npcemployee_menu_take_food'] = 'Vzít jídlo',
['npcemployee_menu_take_food_desc'] = 'Vezměte si podnos s jídlem.',
['npcemployee_occupied'] = 'Tento zaměstnanec je obsazen!',
['npcemployee_order'] = '%s Objednávka',
['npcemployee_order_ready'] = 'Vaše objednávka je připravena.',
['npcemployee_taking_food'] = 'Berete jídlo',
['npcemployee_stock_available'] = 'Dostupné %sx',
['npcemployee_stock_purchase_desc'] = 'Koupit %s za $%s \n\n Dostupné: %sx',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_purchase_desc'] = 'Dostupné: %sx',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_title'] = 'Upravit zásoby',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_desc'] = 'Přidat nebo odebrat položky ze zásob.',
['npcemployee_stock_title'] = '%s Zásoby',
['npcemployee_stock_desc'] = 'Množství k přidání nebo odebrání',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_add_title'] = 'Přidat',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_add_desc'] = 'Přidat %s(%sx) do skladu.',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_remove_title'] = 'Vzít',
['npcemployee_stock_adjust_remove_desc'] = 'Vzít %s(%sx) ze skladu.',
['npcemployee_stock_not_enough'] = 'Nemáte dostatek %s.',
['npcemployee_stock_not_enough_storage'] = 'Ve skladu není dostatek %s.',
['npcemployee_stock_gone'] = 'Vybrané množství již není na skladě!',
['npcemployee_stock_not_enough_stock'] = 'Na skladě není tolik %s!',
--[[ Police Alert ]]--
['policealert_menu_title'] = 'Policejní upozornění',
['policealert_menu_activate_title'] = 'Aktivovat',
['policealert_menu_activate_desc'] = 'Aktivovat policejní upozornění.',
['policealert_progressbar_activating'] = 'Aktivujete policejní upozornění',
['policealert_just_activated'] = 'Právě jste aktivovali policejní upozornění #%s.',
['policealert_cooldown_need_to_wait'] = 'Musíte počkat %ss, než budete moci znovu aktivovat toto policejní upozornění!',
--[[ Shop ]]--
['shop_menu_title'] = '%s obchod se zásobami',
['shop_menu_purchase_desc'] = 'Koupit %s za $%s',
['shop_amount_to_buy'] = 'Množství k nákupu',
['shop_amount_too_low'] = 'Množství musí být větší než 0!',
['shop_payment_choice_title'] = 'Obchod - Výběr platby',
['shop_payment_no_method'] = 'Není dostupná žádná platební metoda',
['shop_payment_bank_title'] = 'Banka',
['shop_payment_bank_desc'] = 'Zaplatit $%s z vašeho bankovního účtu.',
['shop_payment_cash_title'] = 'Hotovost',
['shop_payment_cash_desc'] = 'Zaplatit $%s hotově.',
['shop_menu_purchase_title'] = 'Obchod - %s',
['shop_menu_purchase_confirm_title'] = 'Potvrďte svůj nákup $%s',
['shop_menu_purchase_confirm_desc'] = 'Platba: %s. \n Košík: %s - %sx.',
['shop_purchased'] = 'Právě jste zakoupili %s(%sx) za $%s.',
--[[ Storage ]]--
['storage_menu_title'] = '%s - Menu skladu',
['storage_menu_company_title'] = 'Sklad společnosti',
['storage_menu_company_desc'] = 'Otevřít sklad společnosti.',
['storage_menu_personal_title'] = 'Osobní sklad',
['storage_menu_personal_desc'] = 'Otevřít osobní sklad.',
['storage_company_stash_name'] = 'Společnost(%s)',
['storage_personal_stash_name'] = 'Osobní(%s)',
['storage_not_avalible'] = 'Sklad není dostupný!',
['storage_progressbar_open'] = 'Otevíráte %s sklad',
--[[ Tables And Chairs ]]--
['tablechairs_menu_title'] = 'Židle',
['tablechairs_menu_chair_title'] = 'Použít',
['tablechairs_menu_chair_desc'] = 'Sednout si na tuto židli.',
['tablechairs_chair_occupied'] = 'Někdo již používá tuto židli!',
['tablechairs_exit'] = '[E] - Opustit židli',
['tablechairs_exit_table'] = ', [H] - Otevřít stůl',
['tablechairs_exit_tray'] = ', [N] - Otevřít podnos',
['tablechairs_stash_name'] = '%s stůl (%s)',
['tablechairs_stash_label'] = 'Stůl - (%s)',
--[[ Toilet And Sink ]]--
['toilet_menu_title'] = 'Toaleta',
['toilet_menu_use_title'] = 'Použít',
['toilet_menu_normal_desc'] = 'Použít tuto toaletu k vykonání potřeby.',
['toilet_menu_hard_desc'] = 'Použít tuto toaletu k vykonání potřeby (silně tlačit).',
['toilet_menu_pee_desc'] = 'Použít tuto toaletu k močení.',
['toilet_occupied'] = 'Někdo již používá tuto toaletu!',
['toilet_pants_on'] = 'Nemůžete vykonat potřebu, dokud máte kalhoty!',
['toilet_exit'] = '[E] - Opustit toaletu',
['sink_menu_title'] = 'Umyvadlo',
['sink_menu_hands_desc'] = 'Umýt si ruce.',
['sink_menu_face_desc'] = 'Umýt si obličej.',
['sink_occupied'] = 'Někdo již používá toto umyvadlo!',
['sink_stop_cleaning'] = '[E] - Přestat čistit %s.',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_title'] = 'Čistit',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_desc'] = 'Umýt špinavé kelímky, houby...',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_items_title'] = 'Umyvadlo - Čistit',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_cup'] = 'Umýt',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_cup_desc'] = 'Umýt špinavé kelímky.',
['sink_employee_menu_dirty_cup_item_name'] = 'špinavý kelímek',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_sponge'] = 'Umýt',
['sink_employee_menu_clean_sponge_desc'] = 'Umýt špinavé houby.',
['sink_employee_menu_dirty_sponge_item_name'] = 'špinavá houba',
['sink_employee_progressbar_cleaning'] = 'Čistíte %s',
['sink_finished_cleaning'] = 'Právě jste dokončili čištění 1x %s.',
['sink_item_not_have'] = 'Nemáte žádné %s k čištění!',
--[[ Trash ]]--
['trash_stash_name'] = '%s odpadky (%s)',
['trash_stash_label'] = 'Odpadky - (%s)',
--[[ Trays ]]--
['trays_placing'] = 'Pokládáte %s...',
['trays_placing_controls'] = '[E] - Položit podnos na jídlo, [SCROLLPRESS] - Zrušit, [SCROLLUP/SCROLLDOWN] - Otočit',
['trays_label'] = 'podnos na jídlo',
['trays_cannot_be_placed'] = 'Podnos nelze umístit zde!',
['trays_menu_title'] = 'Podnos na jídlo',
['trays_menu_take_title'] = 'Vzít',
['trays_menu_take_desc'] = 'Vzít tento podnos na jídlo.',
['trays_cannot_take'] = 'Nemůžete vzít tento podnos na jídlo!',
['trays_menu_open_title'] = 'Otevřít',
['trays_menu_open_desc'] = 'Otevřít a vzít burger, hranolky a sodu.',
['trays_cannot_open'] = 'Nemůžete otevřít tento podnos na jídlo!',
['trays_progressbar_taking_food'] = 'Berete jídlo',
--[[ Discord Logs ]]--
['discord_logs_message'] = 'Zpráva:',
['discord_logs_player_name'] = 'Jméno hráče:',
['discord_logs_player_discord'] = 'Discord hráče:',
['discord_logs_player_char'] = 'Postava hráče:',
['discord_logs_supply_shop'] = 'Nákup v obchodě se zásobami',
['discord_logs_supply_shop_desc'] = 'Položka: **%s** \n Množství: **%s** \n Cena **$%s** \n Typ platby: **%s**',
['discord_logs_delivery'] = 'Odměna za doručení',
['discord_logs_delivery_desc'] = 'Odměna hráče: **$%s** \n Odměna společnosti: **$%s** \n Spropitné: **$%s**',
['discord_logs_cashregister'] = 'Pokladna',
['discord_logs_cashregister_desc'] = 'Částka: **$%s**\nSpolečnost: **%s**',
['discord_logs_crafting'] = 'Výroba',
['discord_logs_crafting_desc'] = 'Položka: **%s** \n Množství: **%s**',
['discord_logs_missions'] = 'Mise',
['discord_logs_missions_desc'] = 'Odměna: **$%s**',
['discord_logs_policealert'] = 'Policejní upozornění',
['discord_logs_policealert_desc'] = 'Hráč aktivoval policejní upozornění',
--[[ Other ]]--
['busy'] = 'Nemůžete to teď udělat!',
['not_allowed'] = 'Nemáte povolení to udělat!',
['amount_not_number'] = 'Množství musí být číslo!',
['amount_too_low'] = 'Částka k zaplacení musí být větší než $0!',
['not_enough_money'] = 'Nemáte dostatek peněz, chybí vám $%s.',
['not_on_duty'] = 'Nejste ve službě!',
['canceled'] = 'Akce byla zrušena!',
Last updated
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