Config file

Config = {}

--[[ Language ]]--
Config.Locale = 'en' -- en, de, es, cs.

-- [[ Framework ]] --
Config.Framework = {
    Type = 'esx', -- esx, qbcore.
    Export = 'es_extended', -- Default exports - esx: [es_extended], qbcore: [qb-core].

--[[ Chat Style ]]--
Config.ChatStyle = 'styleModern2' -- styleNormal, styleModern, styleModern2.
Config.ShowTime = true -- Do you want to see time when the message was posted ?.

--[[ Other ]]--
Config.Sounds = true -- Sound effects [if true player will hear a sound upon sending a message].
Config.TimeFormat = '%H:%M' -- Time format used in discord logs and styleModern2 -

--[[ Floating Text When Typing ]]--
Config.TextWhenTyping = { -- Custom font -
    Enable = false,
    Text = 'Typing...',
    Use3dText = {
        Hight = 0.95, -- Hight of 3d text.
        Background = false, -- If true there will be background behind 3d text.
        Duration = 1,
        Color = {
            Text = {255, 255, 255, 215}, -- Color of the 3d text [r, g, b, opacity].
            Background = {25, 25, 25, 68}, -- Color of the 3d text background [r, g, b, opacity].

--[[ Logs ]]--
Config.DiscordLogs = {
    Icon = '', -- Icon that will appear in discord logs.
    ServerName = 'Fivecode Scripts', -- Name that will appear in discord logs.
    -- You can set discord webhook in sv_utils.lua.

Config.IngameLogs = {
    Enabled = true, -- If false you will disable the menu.
    Command = 'chatlog', -- Command that will open the menu.
    MenuType = 'ox', -- ox -
                     -- qb -

--[[ Discord Roles ]]--

-- !! Dont forget to add BotToken and ServerId in utils.lua !! --

Config.DiscordRolesSettings = {
    Enable = false, -- If false discord roles in chat will be disabled.
    UpdateInterval = 60, -- How often are discord roles going to be updated [in seconds].
Config.DiscordRoles = {
    -- Chat will display player role that is the highest in this table.
        id = '825125680165801681',  -- Discord role id.
        use = true,                 -- Use this discord role.
        name = '👑Owner',           -- Name that will display before player name in chat.
        color = '255, 255, 0',      -- Color of the display name in chat.
        id = '82833294482874398',
        use = true,
        name = 'VIP',
        color = '255, 215, 0',
        id = '825722055984524372',
        use = true,
        name = 'Whitelisted',
        color = '0, 185, 0',

--[[ 3D Text ]]--
Config.Position3dText = 2.3 -- Change the default position of the 3d text [2.3 - On Player torso, +3 - Above Player Hear].
Config.Custom3dTextFont = { -- Custom font -
    Enable = false,
    FileName = 'firesans',
    FontId = 'Fire Sans',

--[[ Anti Spam ]]--
Config.AntiSpam = {
    Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off spam detection.
    Timeout = 5, -- For how long will player be unable to send new message after caught spaming ? [in seconds].
    RepeatedTimeout = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off repeated timeouts.
        Timeout = 20, -- If player is caught 3 or more times spamming in 30seconds mute him for [in seconds].
    DiscordLogs = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this discord log.
        Label = 'PLAYER WAS CAUGHT SPAMMING', -- Discord log label.
        Color = '11730944', -- Discord embeded message color - Discord embeded message color -

--[[ Blacklisted Words ]]--
Config.BlackListedWords = {
    Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off blacklisted words detection.
    Words = { -- Put here blacklisted words [Use only lowercase].
    DiscordLogs = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this discord log.
        Label = 'PLAYER USED BLACKLISTED WORD', -- Discord log label.
        Color = '11730944', -- Discord embeded message color - Discord embeded message color -

--[[ Report System ]]--
Config.ReportSystem = {
    Enable = true,  -- If false you will turn off this job chat.
    UseDiscordRoles = true, -- If true player discord role will display before his name in the message label.
    Command = 'report', -- Command name.
    Label = 'New Report', -- Label of the message in chat.
    Icon = 'fas fa-shield-halved', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
    WaitTime = 2, -- Time in whitch player can send reports apart of each other [in minutes].
    Color = {
        Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
        Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
        TextStyleNormal = '158, 0, 0', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
        Background = '158, 0, 0, 0.9', -- Color of the message background.
    Suggestion = {
        Enable = true,  -- If false you will turn off suggestions for this command.
        Text = 'Send report to active admins.',
        Help = 'Message',
        Info = 'Every admin on the server will see this message.',
    -- Permissions [Who will see player reports]
    StaffCommand = true,
    StaffGroups = {
    SpecifiedPlayers = false,
    SpecifiedPlayersLicenses = {
    -- Logs
    DiscordLogs = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this discord log.
        Label = 'NEW REPORT', -- Discord log label.
        Color = '10354688', -- Discord embeded message color -

--[[ Admin Chat System ]]--
Config.AdminChatSystem = {
    Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this command.
    UseDiscordRoles = true, -- If true player discord role will display before his name in the message label.
    Command = 'a', -- Command name.
    Label = 'ADMINCHAT', -- Label of the message in chat.
    Name = 'steamname', -- Name that will be shown in chat [steamname, icname, icfirstname, icinitials, icsurname, playerid, playerjob].
    Icon = 'fas fa-square-envelope', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
    Color = {
        Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
        Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
        TextStyleNormal = '255, 0, 0', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
        Background = '255, 0, 0, 0.9' -- Color of the message background.
    Suggestion = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off suggestions for this command.
        Text = 'Admin chat that only admins can see/use.',
        Help = 'Message',
        Info = 'for example - Hello guys.',
    -- Permissions [Who will see admin chat]
    StaffCommand = true,
    StaffGroups = {
    SpecifiedPlayers = false,
    SpecifiedPlayersLicenses = {
    DiscordLogs = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this discord log.
        Label = '/ADMINCHAT', -- Discord log label.
        Color = '10354688', -- Discord embeded message color -

--[[ Private Message System ]]--
Config.PrivateMsgSystem = {
    Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this command.
    UseDiscordRoles = true, -- If true player discord role will display before his name in the message label.
    Command = 'pm', -- Command name.
    Label = 'PRIVATE MESSAGE', -- Label of the message in chat.
    Name = 'steamname', -- Name that will be shown in chat [steamname, icname, icfirstname, icinitials, icsurname, playerid, playerjob].
    Icon = 'fas fa-square-envelope', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
    Color = {
        Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
        Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
        TextStyleNormal = '215, 174, 38', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
        Background = '215, 174, 38, 0.9' -- Color of the message background.
    Suggestion = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off suggestions for this command.
        Text = 'Send someone a private message.',
        Help = 'Message',
        Info = 'for example - Hello bro.',
        Help_Id = 'Id',
        Info_Id = 'Id of the player you want to send the message to.',
    -- Permissions [Who will be able to use private messages]
    StaffCommand = false,
    StaffGroups = {
    SpecifiedPlayers = false,
    SpecifiedPlayersLicenses = {
    DiscordLogs = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this discord log.
        Label = '/PM', -- Discord log label.
        Color = '11690631', -- Discord embeded message color -

--[[ Notify Messages ]]--
Config.SuccessMessage = {
    Label = 'SUCCESS:', -- Label of the message in chat.
    Icon = 'fas fa-circle-check', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
    Color = {
        Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
        Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
        TextStyleNormal = '75, 206, 18', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
        Background = '75, 206, 18, 0.9' -- Color of the message background.

Config.InfoMessage = {
    Label = 'INFO:', -- Label of the message in chat.
    Icon = 'fas fa-circle-info', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
    Color = {
        Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
        Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
        TextStyleNormal = '4, 128, 236', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
        Background = '4, 128, 236, 0.9' -- Color of the message background.

Config.ErrorMessage = {
    Label = 'ERROR:', -- Label of the message in chat.
    Icon = 'fas fa-triangle-exclamation', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
    Color = {
        Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
        Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
        TextStyleNormal = '255, 0, 0', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
        Background = '255, 0, 0, 0.9' -- Color of the message background.

--[[ Join/Leave Message ]]--
Config.JoinMessage = {
    Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this message.
    UseDiscordRoles = true, -- If true player discord role will display before his name in the message label.
    Label = 'JOIN:', -- Label of the message in chat.
    Message = 'is connecting to the server!', -- Message that will appear in chat upon player connecting.
    Icon = 'fas fa-arrow-right-to-bracket', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
    Color = {
        Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
        Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
        TextStyleNormal = '21, 169, 60', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
        Background = '21, 169, 60, 0.9' -- Color of the message background.
    StaffCommand = false, -- If true only people with groups in StaffGroups will be able to see this message.
    StaffGroups = {

Config.LeaveMessage = {
    Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this message.
    UseDiscordRoles = true, -- If true player discord role will display before his name in the message label.
    Label = 'LEAVE:', -- Label of the message in chat.
    Message = 'just left the server!', -- Message that will appear in chat upon player leaving.
    Icon = 'fas fa-arrow-right-from-bracket', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
    Color = {
        Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
        Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
        TextStyleNormal = '255, 0, 0', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
        Background = '255, 0, 0, 0.9' -- Color of the message background.
    StaffCommand = false, -- If true only people with groups in StaffGroups will be able to see this message.
    StaffGroups = {

--[[ Special Commands ]]--
Config.DiceCommand = {
    Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this command.
    UseDiscordRoles = true, -- If true player discord role will display before his name in the message label.
    UseChatMessage = true, -- If false and Use3dText.Enable is true then only 3dtext will appear.
    Command = 'dice', -- Command name.
    Label = 'DICE:', -- Label of the message in chat.
    Name = 'steamname', -- Name that will be shown in chat [steamname, icname, icfirstname, icinitials, icsurname, playerid, playerjob].
    Icon = 'fas fa-dice', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
    WaitTime = 2, -- How long does it take to show the dice numbers [in seconds].
    Color = {
        Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
        Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
        TextStyleNormal = '178, 98, 135', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
        Background = '178, 98, 135, 0.9' -- Color of the message background.
    Suggestion = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off suggestions for this command.
        Text = 'You will throw dice and it will land on 1-6.',
    Players = {
        Distance = 15, -- Distance in whitch players will see this message.
    Use3dText = {
        Enable = true, -- If true player message will display on his body with 3dText.
        Duration = 5, -- Duration of how long the 3d text will be visible [in seconds].
        Background = false, -- If true there will be background behind 3d text.
        Color = {
            Text = {255, 255, 255, 215}, -- Color of the 3d text [r, g, b, opacity].
            Background = {25, 25, 25, 68}, -- Color of the 3d text background [r, g, b, opacity].
    DiscordLogs = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this discord log.
        Label = '/DICE', -- Discord log label.
        Color = '11690631', -- Discord embeded message color -

Config.TryCommand = {
    Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this command.
    UseDiscordRoles = true, -- If true player discord role will display before his name in the message label.
    UseChatMessage = true, -- If false and Use3dText.Enable is true then only 3dtext will appear.
    Command = 'try', -- Command name.
    Label = 'TRY', -- Label of the message in chat.
    Name = 'steamname', -- Name that will be shown in chat [steamname, icname, icfirstname, icinitials, icsurname, playerid, playerjob].
    Icon = 'fas fa-random', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
    Color = {
        Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
        Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
        TextStyleNormal = '215, 174, 38', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
        Background = '215, 174, 38, 0.9' -- Color of the message background.
    Suggestion = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off suggestions for this command.
        Text = '50% chance on getting Yes or No.',
    Players = {
        Distance = 15, -- Distance in whitch players will see this message.
    Use3dText = {
        Enable = true, -- If true player message will display on his body with 3dText.
        Duration = 5, -- Duration of how long the 3d text will be visible [in seconds].
        Background = false, -- If true there will be background behind 3d text.
        Color = {
            Text = {255, 255, 255, 215}, -- Color of the 3d text [r, g, b, opacity].
            Background = {25, 25, 25, 68}, -- Color of the 3d text background [r, g, b, opacity].
    DiscordLogs = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this discord log.
        Label = '/TRY', -- Discord log label.
        Color = '11630631', -- Discord embeded message color -

Config.DocCommand = {
    Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this command.
    UseDiscordRoles = true, -- If true player discord role will display before his name in the message label.
    UseChatMessage = true, -- If false and Use3dText.Enable is true then only 3dtext will appear.
    Command = 'doc', -- Command name.
    Label = 'DOC', -- Label of the message in chat.
    Name = 'steamname', -- Name that will be shown in chat [steamname, icname, icfirstname, icinitials, icsurname, playerid, playerjob].
    Icon = 'fas fa-list-ol', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
    MaxNumber = 15, -- Max number player can use.
    Color = {
        Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
        Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
        TextStyleNormal = '29, 153, 198', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
        Background = '29, 153, 198, 0.9' -- Color of the message background.
    Suggestion = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off suggestions for this command.
        Text = 'Type number and the chat will automaticly count to it.',
        Help = 'Message',
        Info = 'Number you want to count to.',
    Players = {
        Distance = 15, -- Distance in whitch players will see this message.
    Use3dText = {
        Enable = true, -- If true player message will display on his body with 3dText.
        Duration = 2, -- Duration of how long each number in the 3d text will be visible [in seconds].
        Background = false, -- If true there will be background behind 3d text.
        Color = {
            Text = {255, 255, 255, 215}, -- Color of the 3d text [r, g, b, opacity].
            Background = {25, 25, 25, 68}, -- Color of the 3d text background [r, g, b, opacity].
    DiscordLogs = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this discord log.
        Label = '/DOC', -- Discord log label.
        Color = '1939910', -- Discord embeded message color -

Config.StatusCommand = {
    Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this command.
    UseDiscordRoles = true, -- If true player discord role will display before his name in the message label.
    UseChatMessage = true, -- If false and Use3dText.Enable is true then only 3dtext will appear.
    Command = 'status', -- Command name.
    CommandStop = 'stopstatus', -- Command name to stop /status.
    Label = 'STATUS', -- Label of the message in chat.
    Name = 'steamname', -- Name that will be shown in chat [steamname, icname, icfirstname, icinitials, icsurname, playerid, playerjob].
    Icon = 'fas fa-signal', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
    Color = {
        Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
        Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
        TextStyleNormal = '215, 174, 38', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
        Background = '215, 174, 38, 0.9' -- Color of the message background.
    Suggestion = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off suggestions for this command.
        Text = 'Your character status.',
        Help = 'Message',
        Info = 'for example - Broken Leg.',
    Players = {
        Distance = 15, -- Distance in whitch players will see this message.
    Use3dText = {
        Enable = true, -- If true player message will display on his body with 3dText.
        Background = false, -- If true there will be background behind 3d text.
        Color = {
            Text = {255, 255, 255, 215}, -- Color of the 3d text [r, g, b, opacity].
            Background = {25, 25, 25, 68}, -- Color of the 3d text background [r, g, b, opacity].
    DiscordLogs = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this discord log.
        Label = '/STATUS', -- Discord log label.
        Color = '11690631', -- Discord embeded message color -

Config.HereCommand = {
    Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this command.
    UseDiscordRoles = true, -- If true player discord role will display before his name in the message label.
    UseChatMessage = true, -- If false and Use3dText.Enable is true then only 3dtext will appear.
    Command = 'here', -- Command name.
    CommandStop = 'stophere', -- Command name to stop /here.
    Label = 'HERE', -- Label of the message in chat.
    Name = 'steamname', -- Name that will be shown in chat [steamname, icname, icfirstname, icinitials, icsurname, playerid, playerjob].
    Icon = 'fas fa-quote-right', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
    Color = {
        Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
        Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
        TextStyleNormal = '215, 174, 38', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
        Background = '215, 174, 38, 0.9' -- Color of the message background.
    Suggestion = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off suggestions for this command.
        Text = 'Status in your surrounding.',
        Help = 'Message',
        Info = 'for example - Blood on the ground.',
    Players = {
        Distance = 15, -- Distance in whitch players will see this message.
    Use3dText = {
        Enable = true, -- If true player message will display on his body with 3dText.
        Background = true, -- If true there will be background behind 3d text.
        Hight = 0.19, -- Hight of 3d text.
        Color = {
            Text = {255, 255, 255, 215}, -- Color of the 3d text [r, g, b, opacity].
            Background = {25, 25, 25, 68}, -- Color of the 3d text background [r, g, b, opacity].

    DiscordLogs = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this discord log.
        Label = '/HERE', -- Discord log label.
        Color = '16439866', -- Discord embeded message color -

--[[ Local Message ]]--
Config.LocalMessage = {
    Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this message.
    UseDiscordRoles = true, -- If true player discord role will display before his name in the message label.
    Label = 'LOCAL', -- Label of the message in chat.
    Name = 'steamname', -- Name that will be shown in chat [steamname, icname, icfirstname, icinitials, icsurname, playerid, playerjob].
    Icon = 'fas fa-comment-dots', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
    Color = {
        Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
        Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
        TextStyleNormal = '176, 176, 176', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
        Background = '176, 176, 176, 0.9' -- Color of the message background.
    Players = {
        Distance = 15, -- Distance in whitch players will see this message.
    DiscordLogs = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this discord log.
        Label = '/LOCAL', -- Discord log label.
        Color = '11579568', -- Discord embeded message color -

--[[ Custom Commands ]]--
Config.Commands = {
        Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this command.
        UseDiscordRoles = true, -- If true player discord role will display before his name in the message label.
        UseChatMessage = true, -- If false and Use3dText.Enable is true then only 3dtext will appear.
        Command = 'me', -- Command name.
        Name = 'steamname', -- Name that will be shown in chat [steamname, icname, icfirstname, icinitials, icsurname, playerid, playerjob].
        Label = 'ME', -- Label of the command in chat.
        Icon = 'fas fa-user', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
        Color = {
            Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
            Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
            TextStyleNormal = '143, 40, 189', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
            Background = '143, 40, 189, 0.9', -- Color of the message background.
        Suggestion = {
            Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off suggestions for this command.
            Text = 'Command to show specific player action.',
            Help = 'Message',
            Info = 'Write here an action for example - [Player is picking wrench from the ground].',
        Players = {
            Everyone = false, -- Everyone on the server will see this message [turns off - Distance, Use3dText, Name].
            ShowName = false, -- Show player name when Everyone = true.
            Distance = 15, -- Distance in whitch players will see this message.
        Use3dText = {
            Enable = true, -- If true player message will display on his body with 3dText.
            Duration = 5, -- Duration of how long the 3d text will be visible [in seconds].
            Background = false, -- If true there will be background behind 3d text.
            Color = {
                Text = {255, 255, 255, 215}, -- Color of the 3d text [r, g, b, opacity].
                Background = {25, 25, 25, 68}, -- Color of the 3d text background [r, g, b, opacity].
        Money = {
            TakeMoney = false, -- If true player will need to pay to use this command.
            MoneyType = 'cash', -- You can take player money from bank or cash ['cash', 'bank'].
            MoneyAmmount = 250, -- Money ammount that will be removed from player upon posting this message.
        -- Permissions
        Item = false, -- If true you will need an item to use this command.
        Items = { 
        Job = false, -- If true you will need to have a specific job to use this command.
        Jobs = {
        StaffCommand = false, -- If true only people with groups in StaffGroups will be able to use this command.
        StaffGroups = {
        SpecifiedPlayers = false,  -- If true only players whose licenses are in SpecifiedPlayersLicenses can use the command.
        SpecifiedPlayersLicenses = {
        -- Logs
        DiscordLogs = {
            Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this discord log.
            Label = '/ME', -- Discord log label.
            Color = '9382077', -- Discord embeded message color -
        Enable = true,
        UseDiscordRoles = true,
        UseChatMessage = true,
        Command = 'do',
        Name = 'steamname',
        Label = 'DO',
        Icon = 'fas fa-user',
        Color = {
            Label = '255, 255, 255',
            Text = '255, 255, 255',
            TextStyleNormal = '250, 218, 58',
            Background = '250, 218, 58, 0.9',
        Suggestion = {
            Enable = true,
            Text = 'Command to show specific player action.',
            Help = 'Message',
            Info = 'Write here an action for example - [Player is picking wrench from the ground].',
        Players = {
            Everyone = false,
            ShowName = false,
            Distance = 15,
        Use3dText = {
            Enable = true,
            Duration = 5,
            Background = false,
            Color = {
                Text = {255, 255, 255, 215},
                Background = {25, 25, 25, 68},
        Money = {
            TakeMoney = false,
            MoneyType = 'cash',
            MoneyAmmount = 250,
        -- Permissions
        Item = false,
        Items = { 
        Job = false,
        Jobs = {
        StaffCommand = false,
        StaffGroups = {
        SpecifiedPlayers = false,
        SpecifiedPlayersLicenses = {
        -- Logs
        DiscordLogs = {
            Enable = true,
            Label = '/DO',
            Color = '16439866',

        Enable = true,
        UseDiscordRoles = false,
        UseChatMessage = true,
        Command = 'police',
        Name = 'steamname',
        Label = 'POLICE:',
        Icon = 'fas fa-shield-halved',
        Color = {
            Label = '255, 255, 255',
            Text = '255, 255, 255',
            TextStyleNormal = '31, 136, 206',
            Background = '31, 136, 206, 0.9',
        Suggestion = {
            Enable = true,
            Text = 'Everybody in the city will see this police announcement.',
            Help = 'Message',
            Info = 'This is an police announcement command only for police officers.',
        Players = {
            Everyone = true,
            ShowName = false,
            Distance = 15,
        Use3dText = {
            Enable = false,
            Duration = 5,
            Background = false,
            Color = {
                Text = {255, 255, 255, 215},
                Background = {25, 25, 25, 68},
        Money = {
            TakeMoney = false,
            MoneyType = 'cash',
            MoneyAmmount = 250,
        -- Permissions
        Item = false,
        Items = { 
        Job = true,
        Jobs = {
        StaffCommand = false,
        StaffGroups = {
        SpecifiedPlayers = false,
        SpecifiedPlayersLicenses = {
        -- Logs
        DiscordLogs = {
            Enable = true,
            Label = '/POLICE',
            Color = '2066638',

        Enable = true,
        UseDiscordRoles = false,
        UseChatMessage = true,
        Command = 'twt',
        Name = 'icname',
        Label = 'TWITTER',
        Icon = 'fa-brands fa-twitter',
        Color = {
            Label = '255, 255, 255',
            Text = '255, 255, 255',
            TextStyleNormal = '0, 172, 238',
            Background = '0, 172, 238, 0.9',
        Suggestion = {
            Enable = true,
            Text = 'Everybody in the city will see this twitter message.',
            Help = 'Message',
            Info = 'This is an twitter message.',
        Players = {
            Everyone = true,
            ShowName = true,
            Distance = 15,
        Use3dText = {
            Enable = false,
            Duration = 5,
            Background = false,
            Color = {
                Text = {255, 255, 255, 215},
                Background = {25, 25, 25, 68},
        Money = {
            TakeMoney = false,
            MoneyType = 'cash',
            MoneyAmmount = 250,
        -- Permissions
        Item = false,
        Items = { 
        Job = false,
        Jobs = {
        StaffCommand = false,
        StaffGroups = {
        SpecifiedPlayers = false,
        SpecifiedPlayersLicenses = {
        -- Logs
        DiscordLogs = {
            Enable = true,
            Label = '/TWT',
            Color = '44270',

        Enable = true,
        UseDiscordRoles = true,
        UseChatMessage = true,
        Command = 'ad',
        Name = 'steamname',
        Label = 'AD:',
        Icon = 'fas fa-rectangle-ad',
        Color = {
            Label = '255, 255, 255',
            Text = '255, 255, 255',
            TextStyleNormal = '249, 196, 77',
            Background = '249, 196, 77, 0.9',
        Suggestion = {
            Enable = true,
            Text = 'Everybody in the city will see this advertisement.',
            Help = 'Message',
            Info = 'This is an advertisement that costs $250.',
        Players = {
            Everyone = true,
            ShowName = false,
            Distance = 15,
        Use3dText = {
            Enable = false,
            Duration = 5,
            Background = false,
            Color = {
                Text = {255, 255, 255, 215},
                Background = {25, 25, 25, 68},
        Money = {
            TakeMoney = true,
            MoneyType = 'cash',
            MoneyAmmount = 250,
        -- Permissions
        Item = false,
        Items = { 
        Job = false,
        Jobs = {
        StaffCommand = false,
        StaffGroups = {
        SpecifiedPlayers = false,
        SpecifiedPlayersLicenses = {
        -- Logs
        DiscordLogs = {
            Enable = true,
            Label = '/AD',
            Color = '16368717',

        Enable = true,
        UseDiscordRoles = false,
        UseChatMessage = true,
        Command = 'jobad',
        Name = 'playerjob',
        Label = 'AD',
        Icon = 'fas fa-rectangle-ad',
        Color = {
            Label = '255, 255, 255',
            Text = '255, 255, 255',
            TextStyleNormal = '249, 196, 77',
            Background = '249, 196, 77, 0.9',
        Suggestion = {
            Enable = true,
            Text = 'Everybody in the city will see this advertisement.',
            Help = 'Message',
            Info = 'This is an advertisement that costs $250.',
        Players = {
            Everyone = true,
            ShowName = true,
            Distance = 15,
        Use3dText = {
            Enable = true,
            Duration = 5,
            Background = false,
            Color = {
                Text = {255, 255, 255, 215},
                Background = {25, 25, 25, 68},
        Money = {
            TakeMoney = true,
            MoneyType = 'cash',
            MoneyAmmount = 250,
        -- Permissions
        Item = false,
        Items = { 
        Job = false,
        Jobs = {
        StaffCommand = false,
        StaffGroups = {
        SpecifiedPlayers = false,
        SpecifiedPlayersLicenses = {
        -- Logs
        DiscordLogs = {
            Enable = true,
            Label = '/JOBAD',
            Color = '16368717',

        Enable = true,
        UseDiscordRoles = true,
        UseChatMessage = true,
        Command = 'ooc',
        Name = 'steamname',
        Label = 'OOC',
        Icon = 'fas fa-comment-dots',
        Color = {
            Label = '255, 255, 255',
            Text = '255, 255, 255',
            TextStyleNormal = '176, 176, 176',
            Background = '176, 176, 176, 0.9',
        Suggestion = {
            Enable = true,
            Text = 'OOC message.',
            Help = 'Message',
            Info = 'OOC message that everybody in the server will see.',
        Players = {
            Everyone = false,
            ShowName = false,
            Distance = 15,
        Use3dText = {
            Enable = false,
            Duration = 5,
            Background = false,
            Color = {
                Text = {255, 255, 255, 215},
                Background = {25, 25, 25, 68},
        Money = {
            TakeMoney = false,
            MoneyType = 'cash',
            MoneyAmmount = 250,
        -- Permissions
        Item = false,
        Items = { 
        Job = false,
        Jobs = {
        StaffCommand = false,
        StaffGroups = {
        SpecifiedPlayers = false,
        SpecifiedPlayersLicenses = {
        -- Logs
        DiscordLogs = {
            Enable = true,
            Label = '/OOC',
            Color = '11579568',

--[[ Job Chat ]]--
Config.JobChat = {
        Enable = true,  -- If false you will turn off this job chat.
        UseDiscordRoles = true,
        Command = 'pdchat', -- Command name.
        Name = 'steamname', -- Name that will be shown in chat [steamname, icname, icfirstname, icinitials, icsurname, playerid, playerjob].
        Label = 'Police Chat', -- Label of the message in chat.
        Job = 'police', -- Job that will see this message.
        Icon = 'fas fa-shield-halved', -- Icon that will appear in the chat before the text [If you dont want to use it leave it blank ''].
        Color = {
            Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
            Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
            TextStyleNormal = '15, 108, 234', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
            Background = '15, 108, 234, 0.9', -- Color of the message background.
        Suggestion = {
            Enable = true,  -- If false you will turn off suggestions for this command.
            Text = 'Police chat command',
            Help = 'Message',
            Info = 'Only people that have police job will be able to see your message.',
        -- Logs
        DiscordLogs = {
            Enable = true, -- If false you will turn off this discord log.
            Label = 'POLICE CHAT', -- Discord log label.
            Color = '1010922', -- Discord embeded message color -
        Enable = true,
        UseDiscordRoles = true,
        Command = 'emschat',
        Name = 'steamname',
        Label = 'Ambulance Chat',
        Job = 'ambulance',
        Icon = 'fas fa-shield-halved',
        Color = {
            Label = '255, 255, 255',
            Text = '255, 255, 255',
            TextStyleNormal = '177, 0, 0',
            Background = '177, 0, 0, 0.9',
        Suggestion = {
            Enable = true,
            Text = 'Ambulance chat command',
            Help = 'Message',
            Info = 'Only people that have ambulance job will be able to see your message.',
        -- Logs
        DiscordLogs = {
            Enable = true,
            Label = 'AMBULANCE CHAT',
            Color = '16711680',

--[[ Announcements ]]--
Config.Announcements = {
        Enable = false,
        Icon = 'fa-brands fa-discord', -- 
        Label = 'Discord:', -- Label of the announcement.
        Message = 'Join our discord! -', -- Message of the announcement.
        Time = 2, -- How often do you want to send the announcement [in minutes].
        Color = {
            Label = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message label text.
            Text = '255, 255, 255', -- Color of the message text.
            TextStyleNormal = '86, 99, 247', -- Color of the message text for Config.ChatStyle = 'styleNormal'.
            Background = '86, 99, 247, 0.9' -- Color of the message background.
        Enable = false,
        Icon = 'fa-solid fa-circle-exclamation',
        Label = 'Server:',
        Message = 'If you need help with anything create a /report!',
        Time = 5,
        Color = {
            Label = '255, 255, 255',
            Text = '255, 255, 255',
            TextStyleNormal = '255, 0, 0',
            Background = '255, 0, 0, 0.9'

Last updated