Installation Guide
Follow these steps for flawless instalation:
Download the script from your keymaster.
Place the script into your server resource folder:
Write the script into your server.cfg:
ensure fivecode_camping
Setup your inventory:
Add the following into:
local campingItems = {'campfire', 'campingchair', 'campingtent', 'campingsleepingbag', 'campingshower', 'campingcooler', 'campingbeerbarrel'}
for _, item in pairs(campingItems) do
Item(item, function(data, slot)
local usableFoodItems = {'fullbeercup', 'cookedsmores', 'cookedmeat'}
for _, item in pairs(usableFoodItems) do
Item(item, function(data, slot)
and this into:
['campfire'] = {
label = 'Campfire',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Campfire in witch you can cook.'
['campingchair'] = {
label = 'Chair',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Camping chair in which you can sit.'
['campingtent'] = {
label = 'Tent',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Camping tent in which you can store items or hide.'
['campingsleepingbag'] = {
label = 'Sleeping Bag',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Camping sleeping bag in which you can sleep.'
['campingshower'] = {
label = 'Shower',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Camping shower in which you can clean yourself.'
['campingcooler'] = {
label = 'Cooler',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Camping cooler in which you can keep your drinks cold.'
['campingbeerbarrel'] = {
label = 'Beer Barrel',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Camping beer barrel from which you can fill your cup.'
-- Optional Items (If you decide to not use them change them in config.lua)
['codelock'] = {
label = 'Codelock',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Codelock for locking your tent or cooler.'
['rawmeat'] = {
label = 'Raw Meat',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Raw meat that you can cook on an campfire.'
['cookedmeat'] = {
label = 'Cooked Meat',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Cooked meat.'
['smores'] = {
label = 'Smores',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Smores.'
['cookedsmores'] = {
label = 'Cooked Smores',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Cooked smores.'
['emptybeercup'] = {
label = 'Empty Cup',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Empty beer cup.'
['fullbeercup'] = {
label = 'Full Cup',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Full beer cup.'
['matches'] = {
label = 'Matches',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Matches for lighting up an campfire.'
['lighter'] = {
label = 'Lighter',
weight = 1,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = 'Lighter for lighting up an campfire.'
Add the following into:
campfire = {name = 'campfire', label = 'Campfire', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campfire.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Campfire in which you can cook.'},
campingchair = {name = 'campingchair', label = 'Chair', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingchair.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping chair in which you can sit.'},
campingtent = {name = 'campingtent', label = 'Tent', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingtent.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping tent in which you can store items or hide.'},
campingsleepingbag = {name = 'campingsleepingbag', label = 'Sleeping Bag', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingsleepingbag.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping sleeping bag in which you can sleep.'},
campingshower = {name = 'campingshower', label = 'Shower', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingshower.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping shower in which you can clean yourself.'},
campingcooler = {name = 'campingcooler', label = 'Cooler', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingcooler.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping cooler in which you can keep your drinks cold.'},
campingbeerbarrel = {name = 'campingbeerbarrel', label = 'Beer Barrel', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingbeerbarrel.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping beer barrel from which you can fill your cup.'},
codelock = {name = 'codelock', label = 'Codelock', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'rawmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Codelock for locking your tent or cooler.'},
rawmeat = {name = 'rawmeat', label = 'Raw Meat', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'rawmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Raw meat that you can cook on a campfire.'},
cookedmeat = {name = 'cookedmeat', label = 'Cooked Meat', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'cookedmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Cooked meat.'},
smores = {name = 'smores', label = 'Smores', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'smores.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Smores.'},
cookedsmores = {name = 'cookedsmores', label = 'Cooked Smores', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'cookedsmores.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Cooked smores.'},
emptybeercup = {name = 'emptybeercup', label = 'Empty Cup', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'emptybeercup.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Empty Beer Cup.'},
fullbeercup = {name = 'fullbeercup', label = 'Full Cup', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'fullbeercup.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Full Beer Cup.'},
matches = {name = 'matches', label = 'Matches', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'matches.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Matches for lighting up a campfire.'},
lighter = {name = 'lighter', label = 'Lighter', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'lighter.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Lighter for lighting up a campfire.'},
Add the following into:
['campfire'] = {name = 'campfire', label = 'Campfire', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campfire.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Campfire in which you can cook.'},
['campingchair'] = {name = 'campingchair', label = 'Chair', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingchair.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping chair in which you can sit.'},
['campingtent'] = {name = 'campingtent', label = 'Tent', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingtent.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping tent in which you can store items or hide.'},
['campingsleepingbag'] = {name = 'campingsleepingbag', label = 'Sleeping Bag', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingsleepingbag.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping sleeping bag in which you can sleep.'},
['campingshower'] = {name = 'campingshower', label = 'Shower', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingshower.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping shower in which you can clean yourself.'},
['campingcooler'] = {name = 'campingcooler', label = 'Cooler', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingcooler.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping cooler in which you can keep your drinks cold.'},
['campingbeerbarrel'] = {name = 'campingbeerbarrel', label = 'Beer Barrel', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingbeerbarrel.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping beer barrel from which you can fill your cup.'},
['codelock'] = {name = 'codelock', label = 'Codelock', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'rawmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Codelock for locking your tent or cooler.'},
['rawmeat'] = {name = 'rawmeat', label = 'Raw Meat', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'rawmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Raw meat that you can cook on a campfire.'},
['cookedmeat'] = {name = 'cookedmeat', label = 'Cooked Meat', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'cookedmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Cooked meat.'},
['smores'] = {name = 'smores', label = 'Smores', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'smores.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Smores.'},
['cookedsmores'] = {name = 'cookedsmores', label = 'Cooked Smores', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'cookedsmores.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Cooked smores.'},
['emptybeercup'] = {name = 'emptybeercup', label = 'Empty Cup', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'emptybeercup.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Empty Beer Cup.'},
['fullbeercup'] = {name = 'fullbeercup', label = 'Full Cup', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'fullbeercup.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Full Beer Cup.'},
['matches'] = {name = 'matches', label = 'Matches', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'matches.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Matches for lighting up a campfire.'},
['lighter'] = {name = 'lighter', label = 'Lighter', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'lighter.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Lighter for lighting up a campfire.'},
Add the following into:
campfire = {name = 'campfire', label = 'Campfire', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campfire.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Campfire in which you can cook.'},
campingchair = {name = 'campingchair', label = 'Chair', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingchair.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping chair in which you can sit.'},
campingtent = {name = 'campingtent', label = 'Tent', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingtent.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping tent in which you can store items or hide.'},
campingsleepingbag = {name = 'campingsleepingbag', label = 'Sleeping Bag', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingsleepingbag.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping sleeping bag in which you can sleep.'},
campingshower = {name = 'campingshower', label = 'Shower', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingshower.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping shower in which you can clean yourself.'},
campingcooler = {name = 'campingcooler', label = 'Cooler', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingcooler.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping cooler in which you can keep your drinks cold.'},
campingbeerbarrel = {name = 'campingbeerbarrel', label = 'Beer Barrel', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingbeerbarrel.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping beer barrel from which you can fill your cup.'},
codelock = {name = 'codelock', label = 'Codelock', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'rawmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Codelock for locking your tent or cooler.'},
rawmeat = {name = 'rawmeat', label = 'Raw Meat', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'rawmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Raw meat that you can cook on a campfire.'},
cookedmeat = {name = 'cookedmeat', label = 'Cooked Meat', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'cookedmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Cooked meat.'},
smores = {name = 'smores', label = 'Smores', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'smores.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Smores.'},
cookedsmores = {name = 'cookedsmores', label = 'Cooked Smores', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'cookedsmores.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Cooked smores.'},
emptybeercup = {name = 'emptybeercup', label = 'Empty Cup', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'emptybeercup.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Empty Beer Cup.'},
fullbeercup = {name = 'fullbeercup', label = 'Full Cup', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'fullbeercup.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Full Beer Cup.'},
matches = {name = 'matches', label = 'Matches', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'matches.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Matches for lighting up a campfire.'},
lighter = {name = 'lighter', label = 'Lighter', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'lighter.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Lighter for lighting up a campfire.'},
Add the following into:
campfire = {name = 'campfire', label = 'Campfire', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campfire.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Campfire in which you can cook.'},
campingchair = {name = 'campingchair', label = 'Chair', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingchair.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping chair in which you can sit.'},
campingtent = {name = 'campingtent', label = 'Tent', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingtent.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping tent in which you can store items or hide.'},
campingsleepingbag = {name = 'campingsleepingbag', label = 'Sleeping Bag', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingsleepingbag.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping sleeping bag in which you can sleep.'},
campingshower = {name = 'campingshower', label = 'Shower', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingshower.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping shower in which you can clean yourself.'},
campingcooler = {name = 'campingcooler', label = 'Cooler', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingcooler.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping cooler in which you can keep your drinks cold.'},
campingbeerbarrel = {name = 'campingbeerbarrel', label = 'Beer Barrel', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingbeerbarrel.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping beer barrel from which you can fill your cup.'},
codelock = {name = 'codelock', label = 'Codelock', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'rawmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Codelock for locking your tent or cooler.'},
rawmeat = {name = 'rawmeat', label = 'Raw Meat', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'rawmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Raw meat that you can cook on a campfire.'},
cookedmeat = {name = 'cookedmeat', label = 'Cooked Meat', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'cookedmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Cooked meat.'},
smores = {name = 'smores', label = 'Smores', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'smores.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Smores.'},
cookedsmores = {name = 'cookedsmores', label = 'Cooked Smores', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'cookedsmores.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Cooked smores.'},
emptybeercup = {name = 'emptybeercup', label = 'Empty Cup', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'emptybeercup.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Empty Beer Cup.'},
fullbeercup = {name = 'fullbeercup', label = 'Full Cup', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'fullbeercup.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Full Beer Cup.'},
matches = {name = 'matches', label = 'Matches', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'matches.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Matches for lighting up a campfire.'},
lighter = {name = 'lighter', label = 'Lighter', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'lighter.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Lighter for lighting up a campfire.'},
Add the following into your database:
INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`, `weight`, `rare`, `can_remove`, `desc`) VALUES
('campfire', 'Campfire', 1, 0, 1, NULL),
('campingchair', 'Chair', 1, 0, 1, NULL),
('campingtent', 'Tent', 1, 0, 1, NULL),
('campingsleepingbag', 'Sleeping Bag', 1, 0, 1, NULL),
('campingshower', 'Shower', 1, 0, 1, NULL),
('campingcooler', 'Cooler', 1, 0, 1, NULL),
('campingbeerbarrel', 'Beer Barrel', 1, 0, 1, NULL);
-- Optional Items (If you decide to not use them change them in config.lua)
INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`, `weight`, `rare`, `can_remove`, `desc`) VALUES
('codelock', 'Codelock', 1, 0, 1, NULL),
('rawmeat', 'Raw Meat', 1, 0, 1, NULL),
('cookedmeat', 'Cooked Meat', 1, 0, 1, NULL),
('smores', 'Smores', 1, 0, 1, NULL),
('cookedsmores', 'Cooked Smores', 1, 0, 1, NULL),
('emptybeercup', 'Empty Cup', 1, 0, 1, NULL),
('fullbeercup', 'Full Cup', 1, 0, 1, NULL),
('matches', 'Matches', 1, 0, 1, NULL),
('lighter', 'Lighter', 1, 0, 1, NULL);
Add the following into:
['campfire'] = {name = 'campfire', label = 'Campfire', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campfire.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Campfire in which you can cook.'},
['campingchair'] = {name = 'campingchair', label = 'Chair', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingchair.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping chair in which you can sit.'},
['campingtent'] = {name = 'campingtent', label = 'Tent', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingtent.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping tent in which you can store items or hide.'},
['campingsleepingbag'] = {name = 'campingsleepingbag', label = 'Sleeping Bag', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingsleepingbag.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping sleeping bag in which you can sleep.'},
['campingshower'] = {name = 'campingshower', label = 'Shower', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingshower.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping shower in which you can clean yourself.'},
['campingcooler'] = {name = 'campingcooler', label = 'Cooler', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingcooler.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping cooler in which you can keep your drinks cold.'},
['campingbeerbarrel'] = {name = 'campingbeerbarrel', label = 'Beer Barrel', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingbeerbarrel.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping beer barrel from which you can fill your cup.'},
['codelock'] = {name = 'codelock', label = 'Codelock', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'rawmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Codelock for locking your tent or cooler.'},
['rawmeat'] = {name = 'rawmeat', label = 'Raw Meat', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'rawmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Raw meat that you can cook on a campfire.'},
['cookedmeat'] = {name = 'cookedmeat', label = 'Cooked Meat', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'cookedmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Cooked meat.'},
['smores'] = {name = 'smores', label = 'Smores', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'smores.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Smores.'},
['cookedsmores'] = {name = 'cookedsmores', label = 'Cooked Smores', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'cookedsmores.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Cooked smores.'},
['emptybeercup'] = {name = 'emptybeercup', label = 'Empty Cup', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'emptybeercup.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Empty Beer Cup.'},
['fullbeercup'] = {name = 'fullbeercup', label = 'Full Cup', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'fullbeercup.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Full Beer Cup.'},
['matches'] = {name = 'matches', label = 'Matches', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'matches.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Matches for lighting up a campfire.'},
['lighter'] = {name = 'lighter', label = 'Lighter', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'lighter.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Lighter for lighting up a campfire.'},
Add the following into:
items.lua in your framework script
campfire = {name = 'campfire', label = 'Campfire', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campfire.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Campfire in which you can cook.'},
campingchair = {name = 'campingchair', label = 'Chair', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingchair.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping chair in which you can sit.'},
campingtent = {name = 'campingtent', label = 'Tent', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingtent.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping tent in which you can store items or hide.'},
campingsleepingbag = {name = 'campingsleepingbag', label = 'Sleeping Bag', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingsleepingbag.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping sleeping bag in which you can sleep.'},
campingshower = {name = 'campingshower', label = 'Shower', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingshower.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping shower in which you can clean yourself.'},
campingcooler = {name = 'campingcooler', label = 'Cooler', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingcooler.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping cooler in which you can keep your drinks cold.'},
campingbeerbarrel = {name = 'campingbeerbarrel', label = 'Beer Barrel', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'campingbeerbarrel.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Camping beer barrel from which you can fill your cup.'},
codelock = {name = 'codelock', label = 'Codelock', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'rawmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Codelock for locking your tent or cooler.'},
rawmeat = {name = 'rawmeat', label = 'Raw Meat', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'rawmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Raw meat that you can cook on a campfire.'},
cookedmeat = {name = 'cookedmeat', label = 'Cooked Meat', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'cookedmeat.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Cooked meat.'},
smores = {name = 'smores', label = 'Smores', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'smores.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Smores.'},
cookedsmores = {name = 'cookedsmores', label = 'Cooked Smores', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'cookedsmores.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Cooked smores.'},
emptybeercup = {name = 'emptybeercup', label = 'Empty Cup', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'emptybeercup.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Empty Beer Cup.'},
fullbeercup = {name = 'fullbeercup', label = 'Full Cup', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'fullbeercup.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Full Beer Cup.'},
matches = {name = 'matches', label = 'Matches', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'matches.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Matches for lighting up a campfire.'},
lighter = {name = 'lighter', label = 'Lighter', weight = 1, type = 'item', image = 'lighter.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Lighter for lighting up a campfire.'},
Configure everything to your liking in Config.lua.
Add the following into your database:
Restart your inventory script and start fivecode_camping, or restart your server.
Enjoy the script!
[Optional] If you want to have item images in your inventory, go into the folder bellow and copy the images into your inventory:
fivecode_camping/Installation #9 - Images
If you need help with anything else, do not hesitate and open a support ticket in our discord.
Last updated