Config file
Config = {}
--[[ Language ]]--
Config.Locale = 'en' -- en, de, es, cs.
--[[ Framework ]]--
Config.Framework = {
autoDetect = true, -- Automatically finds and sets supported framework on your server.
type = 'esx', -- ESX = 'esx' / QBCore = 'qbcore'
export = 'es_extended', -- ESX = 'es_extended' / QBCore = 'qb-core'
--[[ Inventory ]]--
Config.Inventory = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported inventory on your server.
-- ox -
-- qb/qb-new -
-- qs -
-- ps -
-- codem -
-- core -
-- origen -
-- tgiann -
Config.Images = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported inventory images on your server.
-- ox - ox_inventory/web/images/.
-- qb/qb-new - qb-inventory/html/images/.
-- qs - qs-inventory/html/images/.
-- ps - ps-inventory/html/images/.
-- codem - codem-inventory/html/itemimages/.
-- core - core_inventory/html/img/.
-- origen - origen_inventory/html/images.
-- tgiann - tgiann-inventory/inventory_images/images/.
--[[ Menu ]]--
Config.Menu = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported menu on your server.
-- ox -
-- esx -
-- qb -
Config.DialogMenu = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported dialog menu on your server.
-- ox -
-- esx -
-- qb -
--[[ Action Menu ]]--
Config.ActionMenu = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported action menu on your server.
-- ox -
-- qb -
-- q -
-- helpox -
-- helpqb -
-- helpesx -
--[[ ProgressBar ]]--
Config.ProgressBar = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported progressbar on your server.
-- none - No ProgressBar.
-- ox -
-- qb -
-- qs -
-- progressBars -
--[[ Notifications ]]--
Config.HelpNotify = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect - Automatically finds and sets supported help notify on your server.
-- esx -
-- ox -
-- qb -
Config.Notify = 'auto_detect' -- auto_detect, ox, esx, qb.
Config.NotifyType = {success = 'success', info = 'info', error = 'error'}
Config.Sounds = true
--[[ Logs ]]--
Config.TimeFormat = '%H:%M' -- Time format used in discord logs -
Config.DiscordLogs = {
Icon = '', -- Icon that will appear in discord logs.
ServerName = 'Fivecode Scripts', -- Name that will appear in discord logs.
-- You can set discord webhooks in sv_utils.lua.
--[[ Main ]]--
Config.ObjectSpawnDistance = 85 -- The distance at which objects will spawn around each player.
Config.AdminMenuCommand = 'adminobjects'
Config.AdminGroups = {'admin', 'superadmin', 'god'}
Config.BeerBarrelItems = {empty = 'emptybeercup', full = 'fullbeercup'}
Config.MaxPeopleInTent = 2
Config.MaxPeopleShowering = 1
Config.MaxPeopleCooking = 5
Config.Keys = {
exit = 38, -- [E] Exit chair and tent key.
openStash = 58, -- [G] Open stash.
placingObject = {
place = 38, -- [E] Place object on the ground.
exit = 348, -- [SCROLLPRESS] Exit placing objects.
rotateL = 181, -- [SCROLLUP] Rotate position of the object to left side.
rotateR = 180, -- [SCROLLDOWN] Rotate position of the object to right side.
Config.Stashes = {
tent = {slots = 40, weight = 100000},
cooler = {slots = 10, weight = 25000},
Config.Codelock = {
use = true, -- Enable this setting to allow locking and unlocking of tents and coolers.
item = 'codelock', -- The item required to lock or unlock, which will be added to or removed from the player's inventory.
Config.CampfireHealthRegeneration = {
use = true, -- Enable or disable the campfire health regeneration feature.
maxHealth = 180, -- The maximum health a player can regenerate to when using the campfire.
Config.UseBlacklistedZones = true
Config.BlacklistedZones = {
{coords = vec3(446.92, -982.53, 30.68), radius = 50}, -- Mission Row Police Department.
{coords = vec3(299.18, -584.84, 43.26), radius = 75}, -- Pillbox Hospital.
Config.UseLightItems = true -- Enable this setting if you want players to use specific items to light the fire.
Config.LightItems = {
item = 'matches', -- Item name.
remove = true, -- If true item will be removed from player inventory upon use.
amount = 1, -- Amount needed.
changeOfBreaking = 10, -- Chance your item will break - (100 = 100%).
{item = 'lighter', remove = false, amount = 1, changeOfBreaking = 0},
Config.DefaultObjects = { -- Props for default objects.
campfire = {on = 'fivecode_campfire', off = 'fivecode_campfire_onfire'},
shower = {on = 'fivecode_showeron', off = 'fivecode_shower'},
chair = 'prop_skid_chair_01',
tent = 'prop_skid_tent_cloth',
sleepingBag = 'prop_skid_sleepbag_1',
cooler = 'v_ret_fh_coolbox',
beerBarrel = 'fivecode_keg',
--[[ Campfire ]]--
Config.Campfire = { -- Items displayed in the campfire cooking menu.
label = 'Raw Meat', -- The name of the item as it appears in the menu.
item = {
rawIngredients = { -- Items required to start cooking. These will be removed from the player's inventory.
{item = 'rawmeat', label = 'Raw Meat', amount = 1},
cookedIngredients = { -- Items received after cooking is complete. These will be added to the player's inventory.
{item = 'cookedmeat', amount = 1},
props = {raw = 'fivecode_rawmeat', cooked = 'fivecode_cookedmeat'}, -- Visual props displayed on the stick during cooking.
cookTime = 25, -- Time it will take to cook this item [In seconds].
label = 'Smores',
item = {
rawIngredients = {
{item = 'smores', label = 'Packaged Smores', amount = 1},
cookedIngredients = {
{item = 'cookedsmores', amount = 1},
props = {raw = 'fivecode_smores', cooked = 'fivecode_cookedsmores'},
cookTime = 5,
--[[ Npc Shop ]]--
Config.NpcShop = {
use = true, -- If false this npc will be disabled.
payment = {cash = true, bank = true},
coords = vec4(-679.33, 5834.14, 17.31, 133.22), -- Position of the npc.
npc = {
ped = 'cs_hunter', -- Npc model -
anim = 'WORLD_HUMAN_GUARD_STAND', -- Npc animation -
blip = {
use = true, -- If false this blip for this npc wont be disabled.
info = {id = 141, color = 56, size = 0.8},
title = 'Camping Shop',
target = {
label = 'Open Shop',
icon = 'fas fa-hand', -- Target icon -
Config.ShopItems = {
{item = 'campfire', label = 'Campfire', icon = 'campfire.png', price = 20},
{item = 'campingchair', label = 'Camping Char', icon = 'campingchair.png', price = 50},
{item = 'campingtent', label = 'Camping Tent', icon = 'campingtent.png', price = 125},
{item = 'campingsleepingbag', label = 'Sleeping Bag', icon = 'campingsleepingbag.png', price = 75},
{item = 'campingshower', label = 'Camping Shower', icon = 'campingshower.png', price = 250},
{item = 'campingcooler', label = 'Camping Cooler', icon = 'campingcooler.png', price = 20},
{item = 'campingbeerbarrel', label = 'Beer Barrel', icon = 'campingbeerbarrel.png', price = 50},
{item = 'lighter', label = 'Lighter', icon = 'lighter.png', price = 10},
{item = 'matches', label = 'Matches', icon = 'matches.png', price = 5},
{item = 'emptybeercup', label = 'Beer Cup', icon = 'emptybeercup.png', price = 2},
{item = 'codelock', label = 'Codelock', icon = 'codelock.png', price = 25},
-- You can add any item in this shop.
--[[ Custom Objects ]]--
Config.CustomObjects = {
label = 'Example Item',
item = 'exampleitem',
prop = 'exampleprop',
target = 'Interact with this example object',
distance = 2.5,
offset = 0.50,
menu = {
title = 'Test Label',
description = 'Test Text',
icon = 'fas fa-circle-dot',
event = 'fivecode_camping:testtest',
title = 'Test Label 2',
description = 'Test Text 2',
icon = 'fas fa-circle-dot',
event = 'fivecode_camping:testEvent2'
Locales['en'] = {
-- [[ Object Interactions ]]--
['interact_campfire'] = 'Interact with this campfire',
['interact_chair'] = 'Interact with this chair',
['interact_tent'] = 'Interact with this tent',
['interact_sleepingbag'] = 'Interact with this sleeping bag',
['interact_shower'] = 'Interact with this shower',
['interact_cooler'] = 'Interact with this cooler',
['interact_barrel'] = 'Interact with this barrel',
--[[ Admin Ojects Menu ]]--
['admin_menu_header'] = 'Admin Object Menu',
['admin_menu_title'] = 'Object Id - %s',
['admin_menu_description'] = 'Item: %s\nDistance: %sm\nOutline: %s',
['admin_menu_description_codelock'] = '\nCodelock: %s',
['admin_menu_teleport'] = 'Teleport',
['admin_menu_teleport_description'] = 'Teleport to this object.',
['admin_menu_destroy'] = 'Destroy',
['admin_menu_destroy_description'] = 'Destroy this object.',
['admin_menu_outline'] = 'Draw Outline',
['admin_menu_outline_description'] = 'Draw an outline around this object for yourself.',
['admin_menu_outlineremove'] = 'Remove Outline',
['admin_menu_outlineremove_description'] = 'Remove outline from this object.',
-- (notifications)
['admin_nopermissions'] = 'You don\'t have enough permissions to use this command!',
--[[ Campfire ]]--
['campfire'] = 'campfire',
['campfire_menu_header'] = 'Campfire',
['campfire_menu_light'] = 'Light campfire',
['campfire_menu_lightup'] = 'Light up',
['campfire_menu_light_description'] = 'Light this campfire.',
['campfire_lighting'] = 'Lighting campfire...',
['campfire_menu_cooking'] = 'Cook',
['campfire_menu_cooking_description'] = 'Cook in this campfire.',
['campfire_menu_cooking_ingredients_description'] = 'Cooking time: %ss\n\n Ingredients Needed:\n%s',
['campfire_cooking'] = 'Cooking %s...',
['campfire_menu_destroy'] = 'Destroy',
['campfire_menu_destroy_description'] = 'Destroy this campfire.',
['campfire_destroying'] = 'Destroying campfire...',
-- (notifications)
['campfire_full'] = 'This campfire is full!',
['campfire_playeralreadylighting'] = 'Someone is already lighting up this campfire!',
['campfire_somebodycooking'] = 'You cannot destroy a campfire somebody is cooking on!',
['campfire_noitem'] = 'You don\'t have the right item to light this campfire with!',
--[[ Camping Chair ]]--
['chair'] = 'chair',
['chair_control_exit'] = '[E] - Exit Chair',
['chair_menu_header'] = 'Camping Chair',
['chair_menu_sitdown'] = 'Sit down',
['chair_menu_sitdown_description'] = 'Sit down on the chair.',
-- (notifications)
['chair_playeralreadysitting'] = 'You cannot pick up a chair someone is sitting on!',
--[[ Sleeping Bag ]]--
['sleepingbag'] = 'sleeping bag',
['sleepingbag_control_exit'] = '[E] - Exit Sleeping Bag',
['sleepingbag_menu_header'] = 'Sleeping Bag',
['sleepingbag_menu_laydown'] = 'Lay down',
['sleepingbag_menu_laydown_description'] = 'Lay down on this sleeping bag.',
-- (notifications)
['sleepingbag_somebodylayingin'] = 'You cannot pick up a sleeping bag someone is laying in!',
--[[ Camping Shower ]]--
['shower'] = 'shower',
['shower_control_exit'] = '[E] - Exit Shower',
['shower_menu_header'] = 'Camping Shower',
['shower_menu_turnon'] = 'Turn on',
['shower_menu_turnon_description'] = 'Turn on this shower.',
['shower_menu_turnoff'] = 'Turn off',
['shower_menu_turnoff_description'] = 'Turn off this shower.',
['shower_menu_showeryourself'] = 'Shower',
['shower_menu_showeryourself_description'] = 'Take a shower and clean yourself.',
-- (notifications)
['shower_turnedon'] = 'You cannot pick up a shower that is turned on!',
['shower_full'] = 'There is no space for you in this shower!',
['shower_toofar'] = 'You are too far away from the shower!',
['shower_somebodyshowering'] = 'You cannot turn off a shower somebody is showering with!',
--[[ Camping Tent ]]--
['tent_controls'] = '[E] - Exit Tent, [G] - Open Stash',
['tent'] = 'tent',
['tent_menu_header'] = 'Camping Tent',
['tent_menu_getinside'] = 'Get inside',
['tent_menu_getinside_description'] = 'Get inside this tent.',
-- (notifications)
['tent_full'] = 'This tent is full!',
['tent_somebodyin'] = 'You cannot pick up a tent someone is in!',
--[[ Camping Cooler ]]--
['cooler'] = 'cooler',
['cooler_menu_header'] = 'Camping Cooler',
['cooler_menu_open'] = 'Open',
['cooler_menu_open_description'] = 'Open this cooler.',
--[[ Camping Beer Barrel ]]--
['beerbarrel'] = 'beer barrel',
['beerbarrel_menu_header'] = 'Camping Beer Barrel',
['beerbarrel_menu_fill'] = 'Fill',
['beerbarrel_menu_fill_description'] = 'Fill your cup with beer.',
--[[ Camping Beer Barrel ]]--
['beerbarrel_donthavecup'] = 'You dont have a cup to fill!',
['beerbarrel_somebodyfilling'] = 'You cannout take a beer barrel somebody is filling their cup from!',
['beerbarrel_empty'] = 'This barrel is empty!',
--[[ Npc Store ]]--
['npcstore_menu_header'] = 'Shop',
['npcstore_menu_description'] = 'Purchase %s for $%s.',
['npcstore_menu_paymentchoise'] = 'Shop - Payment Choice',
['npcstore_payment_no_method'] = 'No payment method available',
['npcstore_menu_amount'] = 'Amount to buy',
['npcstore_menu_bank'] = 'Bank',
['npcstore_menu_bank_description'] = 'Pay $%s with your bank.',
['npcstore_menu_cash'] = 'Cash',
['npcstore_menu_cash_description'] = 'Pay $%s with your cash.',
['npcstore_menu_confirm'] = 'Confirm your purchase of $%s',
['npcstore_menu_confirm_description'] = 'Payment: %s. \n Basket: %s - %sx.',
['npcstore_menu_purchase_title'] = 'Shop - %s',
-- (notifications)
['npcstore_amount_too_low'] = 'Amount needs to be more than 0!',
['npcstore_purchased'] = 'You just purchased %s for $%s.',
['npcstore_npcenough'] = 'You dont have enough money, you are missing $%s.',
--[[ Codelock ]]--
['codelock_menu_lock'] = 'Add codelock',
['codelock_menu_lock_description'] = 'Add codelock.',
['codelock_menu_unlock'] = 'Remove codelock',
['codelock_menu_unlock_description'] = 'Remove codelock.',
['codelock_menu_locked'] = ' - (locked)',
['codelock_menu_unlocked'] = ' - (unlocked)',
['codelock_menu_add_lock'] = 'Add codelock',
['codelock_menu_add_lock_description'] = 'Code',
['codelock_menu_remove_lock'] = 'Unlock Codelock',
['codelock_menu_remove_lock_description'] = 'Code',
-- (notifications)
['codelock_menu_wrong_code'] = 'Wrong code!',
['codelock_menu_pick_locked'] = 'You cannot pick up a locked tent!',
['codelock_menu_4digits'] = 'Number must have 4 digits!',
['codelock_menu_already_locked'] = 'This tent already has a codelock!',
['codelock_menu_already_unlocked'] = 'This tent does not have a codelock!',
['codelock_menu_not_ablt_to_lock'] = 'You are not able to lock this tent!',
['codelock_menu_no_codelock'] = 'You dont have a code lock!',
--[[ Usable Food Items ]]--
['usableitem_progressbar_eating'] = 'Eating',
['usableitem_progressbar_drinking'] = 'Drinking',
--[[ Discord Logs ]]--
['discord_logs_player_name'] = 'Player Name:',
['discord_logs_player_discord'] = 'Player Discord:',
['discord_logs_player_char'] = 'Player Char:',
-- Npc shop
['discord_logs_supply_shop'] = 'Npc shop purchase',
['discord_logs_supply_shop_desc'] = 'Item: **%s** \n Amount: **%s** \n Price **$%s** \n Payment type: **%s**',
-- Admin menu
['discord_logs_admin_menu_destroyed'] = 'Destroyed object',
['discord_logs_admin_menu_destroyed_desc'] = 'Admin destroyed an object(**#%s**).',
['discord_logs_admin_menu_teleport'] = 'Object teleport',
['discord_logs_admin_menu_teleport_desc'] = 'Admin teleported to an object(**#%s**).',
-- Locks
['discord_logs_locks_used'] = 'Player used a codelock',
['discord_logs_locks_used_desc'] = 'Player used a codelock on an object(**#%s**).',
['discord_logs_locks_removed'] = 'Player removed a codelock',
['discord_logs_locks_removed_desc'] = 'Player removed a codelock on an object(**#%s**).',
--[[ Other ]]--
['pickup'] = 'Pick up',
['pickup_description'] = 'Pick up this %s.',
['pickingobject'] = 'Picking up %s...',
['placingobject'] = 'Placing %s...',
['fillingbeercup'] = 'Filling cup...',
['objectpacing_controls'] = '[E] - Place object, [SCROLLPRESS] - Cancel, [SCROLLUP/SCROLLDOWN] - Rotate',
-- (notifications)
['cannottake'] = 'You cannot take this item.',
['missingitem'] = 'You are missing: %s.',
['itembroke'] = 'Your item broke!',
['donthaveitem'] = 'You don\'t have the selected item.',
['actioncanceled'] = 'Action was canceled!',
['itemcannotbeplaced'] = 'Item cannot be placed here!',
['cannotwhileinvehicle'] = 'You cannot do this while you are in a vehicle!',
['player_busy'] = 'You cannot do this right now!',
['occupied'] = 'This %s is occupied!',
['blacklistedzone'] = 'You are not allowed to place objects in your current location!',
Locales['de'] = {
-- [[ Object Interactions ]]--
['interact_campfire'] = 'Interagiere mit diesem Lagerfeuer',
['interact_chair'] = 'Interagiere mit diesem Stuhl',
['interact_tent'] = 'Interagiere mit diesem Zelt',
['interact_sleepingbag'] = 'Interagiere mit diesem Schlafsack',
['interact_shower'] = 'Interagiere mit dieser Dusche',
['interact_cooler'] = 'Interagiere mit diesem Kühler',
['interact_barrel'] = 'Interagiere mit diesem Fass',
--[[ Admin Ojects Menu ]]--
['admin_menu_header'] = 'Admin Objekt Menü',
['admin_menu_title'] = 'Objekt Id - %s',
['admin_menu_description'] = 'Gegenstand: %s\nEntfernung: %sm\nUmriss: %s',
['admin_menu_description_codelock'] = '\nCode-Schloss: %s',
['admin_menu_teleport'] = 'Teleportieren',
['admin_menu_teleport_description'] = 'Zu diesem Objekt teleportieren.',
['admin_menu_destroy'] = 'Zerstören',
['admin_menu_destroy_description'] = 'Dieses Objekt zerstören.',
['admin_menu_outline'] = 'Umriss zeichnen',
['admin_menu_outline_description'] = 'Zeichne einen Umriss um dieses Objekt für dich selbst.',
['admin_menu_outlineremove'] = 'Umriss entfernen',
['admin_menu_outlineremove_description'] = 'Entferne den Umriss von diesem Objekt.',
-- (notifications)
['admin_nopermissions'] = 'Du hast nicht genügend Berechtigungen, um diesen Befehl zu verwenden!',
--[[ Campfire ]]--
['campfire'] = 'Lagerfeuer',
['campfire_menu_header'] = 'Lagerfeuer',
['campfire_menu_light'] = 'Lagerfeuer anzünden',
['campfire_menu_lightup'] = 'Anzünden',
['campfire_menu_light_description'] = 'Zünde dieses Lagerfeuer an.',
['campfire_lighting'] = 'Lagerfeuer wird angezündet...',
['campfire_menu_cooking'] = 'Kochen',
['campfire_menu_cooking_description'] = 'Koche in diesem Lagerfeuer.',
['campfire_menu_cooking_ingredients_description'] = 'Kochzeit: %ss\n\n Benötigte Zutaten:\n%s',
['campfire_cooking'] = 'Koche %s...',
['campfire_menu_destroy'] = 'Zerstören',
['campfire_menu_destroy_description'] = 'Zerstöre dieses Lagerfeuer.',
['campfire_destroying'] = 'Lagerfeuer wird zerstört...',
-- (notifications)
['campfire_full'] = 'Dieses Lagerfeuer ist voll!',
['campfire_playeralreadylighting'] = 'Jemand zündet bereits dieses Lagerfeuer an!',
['campfire_somebodycooking'] = 'Du kannst kein Lagerfeuer zerstören, auf dem jemand kocht!',
['campfire_noitem'] = 'Du hast nicht den richtigen Gegenstand, um dieses Lagerfeuer anzuzünden!',
--[[ Camping Chair ]]--
['chair'] = 'Stuhl',
['chair_control_exit'] = '[E] - Stuhl verlassen',
['chair_menu_header'] = 'Camping-Stuhl',
['chair_menu_sitdown'] = 'Hinsetzen',
['chair_menu_sitdown_description'] = 'Setze dich auf den Stuhl.',
-- (notifications)
['chair_playeralreadysitting'] = 'Du kannst keinen Stuhl aufheben, auf dem jemand sitzt!',
--[[ Sleeping Bag ]]--
['sleepingbag'] = 'Schlafsack',
['sleepingbag_control_exit'] = '[E] - Schlafsack verlassen',
['sleepingbag_menu_header'] = 'Schlafsack',
['sleepingbag_menu_laydown'] = 'Hinlegen',
['sleepingbag_menu_laydown_description'] = 'Lege dich in diesen Schlafsack.',
-- (notifications)
['sleepingbag_somebodylayingin'] = 'Du kannst keinen Schlafsack aufheben, in dem jemand liegt!',
--[[ Camping Shower ]]--
['shower'] = 'Dusche',
['shower_control_exit'] = '[E] - Dusche verlassen',
['shower_menu_header'] = 'Camping-Dusche',
['shower_menu_turnon'] = 'Einschalten',
['shower_menu_turnon_description'] = 'Schalte diese Dusche ein.',
['shower_menu_turnoff'] = 'Ausschalten',
['shower_menu_turnoff_description'] = 'Schalte diese Dusche aus.',
['shower_menu_showeryourself'] = 'Duschen',
['shower_menu_showeryourself_description'] = 'Dusche dich und reinige dich.',
-- (notifications)
['shower_turnedon'] = 'Du kannst keine Dusche aufheben, die eingeschaltet ist!',
['shower_full'] = 'Es ist kein Platz für dich in dieser Dusche!',
['shower_toofar'] = 'Du bist zu weit von der Dusche entfernt!',
['shower_somebodyshowering'] = 'Du kannst keine Dusche ausschalten, in der jemand duscht!',
--[[ Camping Tent ]]--
['tent_controls'] = '[E] - Zelt verlassen, [G] - Vorrat öffnen',
['tent'] = 'Zelt',
['tent_menu_header'] = 'Camping-Zelt',
['tent_menu_getinside'] = 'Hineingehen',
['tent_menu_getinside_description'] = 'Gehe in dieses Zelt.',
-- (notifications)
['tent_full'] = 'Dieses Zelt ist voll!',
['tent_somebodyin'] = 'Du kannst kein Zelt aufheben, in dem jemand ist!',
--[[ Camping Cooler ]]--
['cooler'] = 'Kühler',
['cooler_menu_header'] = 'Camping-Kühler',
['cooler_menu_open'] = 'Öffnen',
['cooler_menu_open_description'] = 'Öffne diesen Kühler.',
--[[ Camping Beer Barrel ]]--
['beerbarrel'] = 'Bierfass',
['beerbarrel_menu_header'] = 'Camping-Bierfass',
['beerbarrel_menu_fill'] = 'Füllen',
['beerbarrel_menu_fill_description'] = 'Fülle deinen Becher mit Bier.',
--[[ Camping Beer Barrel ]]--
['beerbarrel_donthavecup'] = 'Du hast keinen Becher zum Füllen!',
['beerbarrel_somebodyfilling'] = 'Du kannst kein Bierfass aufheben, aus dem jemand seinen Becher füllt!',
['beerbarrel_empty'] = 'Dieses Fass ist leer!',
--[[ Npc Store ]]--
['npcstore_menu_header'] = 'Shop',
['npcstore_menu_description'] = 'Kaufe %s für $%s.',
['npcstore_menu_paymentchoise'] = 'Shop - Zahlungsmethode',
['npcstore_payment_no_method'] = 'Keine Zahlungsmethode verfügbar',
['npcstore_menu_amount'] = 'Menge zum Kaufen',
['npcstore_menu_bank'] = 'Bank',
['npcstore_menu_bank_description'] = 'Bezahle $%s mit deiner Bank.',
['npcstore_menu_cash'] = 'Bargeld',
['npcstore_menu_cash_description'] = 'Bezahle $%s mit deinem Bargeld.',
['npcstore_menu_confirm'] = 'Bestätige deinen Kauf von $%s',
['npcstore_menu_confirm_description'] = 'Zahlung: %s. \n Warenkorb: %s - %sx.',
['npcstore_menu_purchase_title'] = 'Shop - %s',
-- (notifications)
['npcstore_amount_too_low'] = 'Die Menge muss größer als 0 sein!',
['npcstore_purchased'] = 'Du hast gerade %s für $%s gekauft.',
['npcstore_npcenough'] = 'Du hast nicht genug Geld, dir fehlen $%s.',
--[[ Codelock ]]--
['codelock_menu_lock'] = 'Code-Schloss hinzufügen',
['codelock_menu_lock_description'] = 'Code-Schloss hinzufügen.',
['codelock_menu_unlock'] = 'Code-Schloss entfernen',
['codelock_menu_unlock_description'] = 'Code-Schloss entfernen.',
['codelock_menu_locked'] = ' - (gesperrt)',
['codelock_menu_unlocked'] = ' - (entsperrt)',
['codelock_menu_add_lock'] = 'Code-Schloss hinzufügen',
['codelock_menu_add_lock_description'] = 'Code',
['codelock_menu_remove_lock'] = 'Code-Schloss entsperren',
['codelock_menu_remove_lock_description'] = 'Code',
-- (notifications)
['codelock_menu_wrong_code'] = 'Falscher Code!',
['codelock_menu_pick_locked'] = 'Du kannst kein gesperrtes Zelt aufheben!',
['codelock_menu_4digits'] = 'Die Zahl muss 4 Stellen haben!',
['codelock_menu_already_locked'] = 'Dieses Zelt hat bereits ein Code-Schloss!',
['codelock_menu_already_unlocked'] = 'Dieses Zelt hat kein Code-Schloss!',
['codelock_menu_not_ablt_to_lock'] = 'Du kannst dieses Zelt nicht sperren!',
['codelock_menu_no_codelock'] = 'Du hast kein Code-Schloss!',
--[[ Usable Food Items ]]--
['usableitem_progressbar_eating'] = 'Essen',
['usableitem_progressbar_drinking'] = 'Trinken',
--[[ Discord Logs ]]--
['discord_logs_player_name'] = 'Spielername:',
['discord_logs_player_discord'] = 'Spieler Discord:',
['discord_logs_player_char'] = 'Spieler Char:',
-- Npc shop
['discord_logs_supply_shop'] = 'Npc-Shop-Kauf',
['discord_logs_supply_shop_desc'] = 'Gegenstand: **%s** \n Menge: **%s** \n Preis **$%s** \n Zahlungsart: **%s**',
-- Admin menu
['discord_logs_admin_menu_destroyed'] = 'Objekt zerstört',
['discord_logs_admin_menu_destroyed_desc'] = 'Admin hat ein Objekt zerstört(**#%s**).',
['discord_logs_admin_menu_teleport'] = 'Objekt-Teleport',
['discord_logs_admin_menu_teleport_desc'] = 'Admin hat sich zu einem Objekt teleportiert(**#%s**).',
-- Locks
['discord_logs_locks_used'] = 'Spieler hat ein Code-Schloss verwendet',
['discord_logs_locks_used_desc'] = 'Spieler hat ein Code-Schloss an einem Objekt verwendet(**#%s**).',
['discord_logs_locks_removed'] = 'Spieler hat ein Code-Schloss entfernt',
['discord_logs_locks_removed_desc'] = 'Spieler hat ein Code-Schloss von einem Objekt entfernt(**#%s**).',
--[[ Other ]]--
['pickup'] = 'Aufheben',
['pickup_description'] = 'Hebe dieses %s auf.',
['pickingobject'] = 'Hebe %s auf...',
['placingobject'] = 'Platziere %s...',
['fillingbeercup'] = 'Fülle Becher...',
['objectpacing_controls'] = '[E] - Objekt platzieren, [SCROLLPRESS] - Abbrechen, [SCROLLUP/SCROLLDOWN] - Drehen',
-- (notifications)
['cannottake'] = 'Du kannst diesen Gegenstand nicht nehmen.',
['missingitem'] = 'Dir fehlt: %s.',
['itembroke'] = 'Dein Gegenstand ist kaputt gegangen!',
['donthaveitem'] = 'Du hast den ausgewählten Gegenstand nicht.',
['actioncanceled'] = 'Aktion wurde abgebrochen!',
['itemcannotbeplaced'] = 'Gegenstand kann hier nicht platziert werden!',
['cannotwhileinvehicle'] = 'Du kannst das nicht tun, während du in einem Fahrzeug bist!',
['player_busy'] = 'Du kannst das gerade nicht tun!',
['occupied'] = 'Dieses %s ist besetzt!',
['blacklistedzone'] = 'Du darfst keine Gegenstände an deinem aktuellen Standort platzieren!',
Locales['es'] = {
-- [[ Object Interactions ]]--
['interact_campfire'] = 'Interactuar con esta fogata',
['interact_chair'] = 'Interactuar con esta silla',
['interact_tent'] = 'Interactuar con esta tienda',
['interact_sleepingbag'] = 'Interactuar con este saco de dormir',
['interact_shower'] = 'Interactuar con esta ducha',
['interact_cooler'] = 'Interactuar con esta hielera',
['interact_barrel'] = 'Interactuar con este barril',
--[[ Admin Ojects Menu ]]--
['admin_menu_header'] = 'Menú de Objetos de Admin',
['admin_menu_title'] = 'ID de Objeto - %s',
['admin_menu_description'] = 'Objeto: %s\nDistancia: %sm\nContorno: %s',
['admin_menu_description_codelock'] = '\nCandado: %s',
['admin_menu_teleport'] = 'Teletransportar',
['admin_menu_teleport_description'] = 'Teletransportarse a este objeto.',
['admin_menu_destroy'] = 'Destruir',
['admin_menu_destroy_description'] = 'Destruir este objeto.',
['admin_menu_outline'] = 'Dibujar Contorno',
['admin_menu_outline_description'] = 'Dibujar un contorno alrededor de este objeto para ti.',
['admin_menu_outlineremove'] = 'Remover Contorno',
['admin_menu_outlineremove_description'] = 'Remover el contorno de este objeto.',
-- (notifications)
['admin_nopermissions'] = '¡No tienes permisos suficientes para usar este comando!',
--[[ Campfire ]]--
['campfire'] = 'fogata',
['campfire_menu_header'] = 'Fogata',
['campfire_menu_light'] = 'Encender fogata',
['campfire_menu_lightup'] = 'Encender',
['campfire_menu_light_description'] = 'Encender esta fogata.',
['campfire_lighting'] = 'Encendiendo fogata...',
['campfire_menu_cooking'] = 'Cocinar',
['campfire_menu_cooking_description'] = 'Cocinar en esta fogata.',
['campfire_menu_cooking_ingredients_description'] = 'Tiempo de cocción: %ss\n\n Ingredientes Necesarios:\n%s',
['campfire_cooking'] = 'Cocinando %s...',
['campfire_menu_destroy'] = 'Destruir',
['campfire_menu_destroy_description'] = 'Destruir esta fogata.',
['campfire_destroying'] = 'Destruyendo fogata...',
-- (notifications)
['campfire_full'] = '¡Esta fogata está llena!',
['campfire_playeralreadylighting'] = '¡Alguien ya está encendiendo esta fogata!',
['campfire_somebodycooking'] = '¡No puedes destruir una fogata en la que alguien está cocinando!',
['campfire_noitem'] = '¡No tienes el objeto correcto para encender esta fogata!',
--[[ Camping Chair ]]--
['chair'] = 'silla',
['chair_control_exit'] = '[E] - Salir de la silla',
['chair_menu_header'] = 'Silla de Camping',
['chair_menu_sitdown'] = 'Sentarse',
['chair_menu_sitdown_description'] = 'Sentarse en la silla.',
-- (notifications)
['chair_playeralreadysitting'] = '¡No puedes recoger una silla en la que alguien está sentado!',
--[[ Sleeping Bag ]]--
['sleepingbag'] = 'saco de dormir',
['sleepingbag_control_exit'] = '[E] - Salir del saco de dormir',
['sleepingbag_menu_header'] = 'Saco de Dormir',
['sleepingbag_menu_laydown'] = 'Acostarse',
['sleepingbag_menu_laydown_description'] = 'Acostarse en este saco de dormir.',
-- (notifications)
['sleepingbag_somebodylayingin'] = '¡No puedes recoger un saco de dormir en el que alguien está acostado!',
--[[ Camping Shower ]]--
['shower'] = 'ducha',
['shower_control_exit'] = '[E] - Salir de la ducha',
['shower_menu_header'] = 'Ducha de Camping',
['shower_menu_turnon'] = 'Encender',
['shower_menu_turnon_description'] = 'Encender esta ducha.',
['shower_menu_turnoff'] = 'Apagar',
['shower_menu_turnoff_description'] = 'Apagar esta ducha.',
['shower_menu_showeryourself'] = 'Ducharse',
['shower_menu_showeryourself_description'] = 'Ducharse y limpiarse.',
-- (notifications)
['shower_turnedon'] = '¡No puedes recoger una ducha que está encendida!',
['shower_full'] = '¡No hay espacio para ti en esta ducha!',
['shower_toofar'] = '¡Estás demasiado lejos de la ducha!',
['shower_somebodyshowering'] = '¡No puedes apagar una ducha que alguien está usando!',
--[[ Camping Tent ]]--
['tent_controls'] = '[E] - Salir de la tienda, [G] - Abrir alacena',
['tent'] = 'tienda',
['tent_menu_header'] = 'Tienda de Camping',
['tent_menu_getinside'] = 'Entrar',
['tent_menu_getinside_description'] = 'Entrar a esta tienda.',
-- (notifications)
['tent_full'] = '¡Esta tienda está llena!',
['tent_somebodyin'] = '¡No puedes recoger una tienda en la que alguien está dentro!',
--[[ Camping Cooler ]]--
['cooler'] = 'hielera',
['cooler_menu_header'] = 'Hielera de Camping',
['cooler_menu_open'] = 'Abrir',
['cooler_menu_open_description'] = 'Abrir esta hielera.',
--[[ Camping Beer Barrel ]]--
['beerbarrel'] = 'barril de cerveza',
['beerbarrel_menu_header'] = 'Barril de Cerveza de Camping',
['beerbarrel_menu_fill'] = 'Llenar',
['beerbarrel_menu_fill_description'] = 'Llenar tu vaso con cerveza.',
--[[ Camping Beer Barrel ]]--
['beerbarrel_donthavecup'] = '¡No tienes un vaso para llenar!',
['beerbarrel_somebodyfilling'] = '¡No puedes tomar un barril de cerveza del que alguien está llenando su vaso!',
['beerbarrel_empty'] = '¡Este barril está vacío!',
--[[ Npc Store ]]--
['npcstore_menu_header'] = 'Tienda',
['npcstore_menu_description'] = 'Comprar %s por $%s.',
['npcstore_menu_paymentchoise'] = 'Tienda - Método de Pago',
['npcstore_payment_no_method'] = 'No hay método de pago disponible',
['npcstore_menu_amount'] = 'Cantidad a comprar',
['npcstore_menu_bank'] = 'Banco',
['npcstore_menu_bank_description'] = 'Pagar $%s con tu banco.',
['npcstore_menu_cash'] = 'Efectivo',
['npcstore_menu_cash_description'] = 'Pagar $%s con tu efectivo.',
['npcstore_menu_confirm'] = 'Confirmar tu compra de $%s',
['npcstore_menu_confirm_description'] = 'Pago: %s. \n Canasta: %s - %sx.',
['npcstore_menu_purchase_title'] = 'Tienda - %s',
-- (notifications)
['npcstore_amount_too_low'] = '¡La cantidad debe ser mayor que 0!',
['npcstore_purchased'] = 'Acabas de comprar %s por $%s.',
['npcstore_npcenough'] = 'No tienes suficiente dinero, te faltan $%s.',
--[[ Codelock ]]--
['codelock_menu_lock'] = 'Añadir candado',
['codelock_menu_lock_description'] = 'Añadir candado.',
['codelock_menu_unlock'] = 'Remover candado',
['codelock_menu_unlock_description'] = 'Remover candado.',
['codelock_menu_locked'] = ' - (bloqueado)',
['codelock_menu_unlocked'] = ' - (desbloqueado)',
['codelock_menu_add_lock'] = 'Añadir candado',
['codelock_menu_add_lock_description'] = 'Código',
['codelock_menu_remove_lock'] = 'Desbloquear candado',
['codelock_menu_remove_lock_description'] = 'Código',
-- (notifications)
['codelock_menu_wrong_code'] = '¡Código incorrecto!',
['codelock_menu_pick_locked'] = '¡No puedes recoger una tienda bloqueada!',
['codelock_menu_4digits'] = '¡El número debe tener 4 dígitos!',
['codelock_menu_already_locked'] = '¡Esta tienda ya tiene un candado!',
['codelock_menu_already_unlocked'] = '¡Esta tienda no tiene un candado!',
['codelock_menu_not_ablt_to_lock'] = '¡No puedes bloquear esta tienda!',
['codelock_menu_no_codelock'] = '¡No tienes un candado!',
--[[ Usable Food Items ]]--
['usableitem_progressbar_eating'] = 'Comiendo',
['usableitem_progressbar_drinking'] = 'Bebiendo',
--[[ Discord Logs ]]--
['discord_logs_player_name'] = 'Nombre del Jugador:',
['discord_logs_player_discord'] = 'Discord del Jugador:',
['discord_logs_player_char'] = 'Personaje del Jugador:',
-- Npc shop
['discord_logs_supply_shop'] = 'Compra en tienda NPC',
['discord_logs_supply_shop_desc'] = 'Objeto: **%s** \n Cantidad: **%s** \n Precio **$%s** \n Tipo de pago: **%s**',
-- Admin menu
['discord_logs_admin_menu_destroyed'] = 'Objeto destruido',
['discord_logs_admin_menu_destroyed_desc'] = 'Un admin destruyó un objeto(**#%s**).',
['discord_logs_admin_menu_teleport'] = 'Teletransporte de objeto',
['discord_logs_admin_menu_teleport_desc'] = 'Un admin se teletransportó a un objeto(**#%s**).',
-- Locks
['discord_logs_locks_used'] = 'Un jugador usó un candado',
['discord_logs_locks_used_desc'] = 'Un jugador usó un candado en un objeto(**#%s**).',
['discord_logs_locks_removed'] = 'Un jugador removió un candado',
['discord_logs_locks_removed_desc'] = 'Un jugador removió un candado de un objeto(**#%s**).',
--[[ Other ]]--
['pickup'] = 'Recoger',
['pickup_description'] = 'Recoger este %s.',
['pickingobject'] = 'Recogiendo %s...',
['placingobject'] = 'Colocando %s...',
['fillingbeercup'] = 'Llenando vaso...',
['objectpacing_controls'] = '[E] - Colocar objeto, [SCROLLPRESS] - Cancelar, [SCROLLUP/SCROLLDOWN] - Rotar',
-- (notifications)
['cannottake'] = 'No puedes tomar este objeto.',
['missingitem'] = 'Te falta: %s.',
['itembroke'] = '¡Tu objeto se rompió!',
['donthaveitem'] = 'No tienes el objeto seleccionado.',
['actioncanceled'] = '¡La acción fue cancelada!',
['itemcannotbeplaced'] = '¡El objeto no puede ser colocado aquí!',
['cannotwhileinvehicle'] = '¡No puedes hacer esto mientras estás en un vehículo!',
['player_busy'] = '¡No puedes hacer esto ahora!',
['occupied'] = '¡Este %s está ocupado!',
['blacklistedzone'] = '¡No tienes permitido colocar objetos en tu ubicación actual!',
Locales['cs'] = {
-- [[ Object Interactions ]]--
['interact_campfire'] = 'Interakce s tímto ohněm',
['interact_chair'] = 'Interakce s touto židlí',
['interact_tent'] = 'Interakce s tímto stanem',
['interact_sleepingbag'] = 'Interakce s tímto spacákem',
['interact_shower'] = 'Interakce s touto sprchou',
['interact_cooler'] = 'Interakce s tímto chladičem',
['interact_barrel'] = 'Interakce s tímto barelem',
--[[ Admin Ojects Menu ]]--
['admin_menu_header'] = 'Admin Menu Objektů',
['admin_menu_title'] = 'ID Objektu - %s',
['admin_menu_description'] = 'Položka: %s\nVzdálenost: %sm\nObrys: %s',
['admin_menu_description_codelock'] = '\nZámek: %s',
['admin_menu_teleport'] = 'Teleportovat',
['admin_menu_teleport_description'] = 'Teleportovat se k tomuto objektu.',
['admin_menu_destroy'] = 'Zničit',
['admin_menu_destroy_description'] = 'Zničit tento objekt.',
['admin_menu_outline'] = 'Nakreslit obrys',
['admin_menu_outline_description'] = 'Nakreslit obrys kolem tohoto objektu pro sebe.',
['admin_menu_outlineremove'] = 'Odstranit obrys',
['admin_menu_outlineremove_description'] = 'Odstranit obrys z tohoto objektu.',
-- (notifications)
['admin_nopermissions'] = 'Nemáte dostatečná oprávnění k použití tohoto příkazu!',
--[[ Campfire ]]--
['campfire'] = 'ohniště',
['campfire_menu_header'] = 'Ohniště',
['campfire_menu_light'] = 'Zapálit oheň',
['campfire_menu_lightup'] = 'Zapálit',
['campfire_menu_light_description'] = 'Zapálit toto ohniště.',
['campfire_lighting'] = 'Zapalování ohniště...',
['campfire_menu_cooking'] = 'Vařit',
['campfire_menu_cooking_description'] = 'Vařit na tomto ohništi.',
['campfire_menu_cooking_ingredients_description'] = 'Doba vaření: %ss\n\n Potřebné ingredience:\n%s',
['campfire_cooking'] = 'Vaření %s...',
['campfire_menu_destroy'] = 'Zničit',
['campfire_menu_destroy_description'] = 'Zničit toto ohniště.',
['campfire_destroying'] = 'Ničení ohniště...',
-- (notifications)
['campfire_full'] = 'Toto ohniště je plné!',
['campfire_playeralreadylighting'] = 'Někdo již zapaluje toto ohniště!',
['campfire_somebodycooking'] = 'Nemůžete zničit ohniště, na kterém někdo vaří!',
['campfire_noitem'] = 'Nemáte správnou položku k zapálení tohoto ohniště!',
--[[ Camping Chair ]]--
['chair'] = 'židle',
['chair_control_exit'] = '[E] - Opustit židli',
['chair_menu_header'] = 'Kempinková židle',
['chair_menu_sitdown'] = 'Sednout si',
['chair_menu_sitdown_description'] = 'Sednout si na tuto židli.',
-- (notifications)
['chair_playeralreadysitting'] = 'Nemůžete zvednout židli, na které někdo sedí!',
--[[ Sleeping Bag ]]--
['sleepingbag'] = 'spacák',
['sleepingbag_control_exit'] = '[E] - Opustit spacák',
['sleepingbag_menu_header'] = 'Spacák',
['sleepingbag_menu_laydown'] = 'Lehnout si',
['sleepingbag_menu_laydown_description'] = 'Lehnout si do tohoto spacáku.',
-- (notifications)
['sleepingbag_somebodylayingin'] = 'Nemůžete zvednout spacák, ve kterém někdo leží!',
--[[ Camping Shower ]]--
['shower'] = 'sprcha',
['shower_control_exit'] = '[E] - Opustit sprchu',
['shower_menu_header'] = 'Kempinková sprcha',
['shower_menu_turnon'] = 'Zapnout',
['shower_menu_turnon_description'] = 'Zapnout tuto sprchu.',
['shower_menu_turnoff'] = 'Vypnout',
['shower_menu_turnoff_description'] = 'Vypnout tuto sprchu.',
['shower_menu_showeryourself'] = 'Osprchovat se',
['shower_menu_showeryourself_description'] = 'Osprchovat se a očistit se.',
-- (notifications)
['shower_turnedon'] = 'Nemůžete zvednout sprchu, která je zapnutá!',
['shower_full'] = 'V této sprše není pro vás místo!',
['shower_toofar'] = 'Jste příliš daleko od sprchy!',
['shower_somebodyshowering'] = 'Nemůžete vypnout sprchu, kterou někdo používá!',
--[[ Camping Tent ]]--
['tent_controls'] = '[E] - Opustit stan, [G] - Otevřít úložiště',
['tent'] = 'stan',
['tent_menu_header'] = 'Kempinkový stan',
['tent_menu_getinside'] = 'Vstoupit dovnitř',
['tent_menu_getinside_description'] = 'Vstoupit do tohoto stanu.',
-- (notifications)
['tent_full'] = 'Tento stan je plný!',
['tent_somebodyin'] = 'Nemůžete zvednout stan, ve kterém někdo je!',
--[[ Camping Cooler ]]--
['cooler'] = 'chladič',
['cooler_menu_header'] = 'Kempinkový chladič',
['cooler_menu_open'] = 'Otevřít',
['cooler_menu_open_description'] = 'Otevřít tento chladič.',
--[[ Camping Beer Barrel ]]--
['beerbarrel'] = 'pivní sud',
['beerbarrel_menu_header'] = 'Kempinkový pivní sud',
['beerbarrel_menu_fill'] = 'Naplnit',
['beerbarrel_menu_fill_description'] = 'Naplnit svůj pohár pivem.',
--[[ Camping Beer Barrel ]]--
['beerbarrel_donthavecup'] = 'Nemáte pohár k naplnění!',
['beerbarrel_somebodyfilling'] = 'Nemůžete vzít pivní sud, ze kterého někdo plní svůj pohár!',
['beerbarrel_empty'] = 'Tento sud je prázdný!',
--[[ Npc Store ]]--
['npcstore_menu_header'] = 'Obchod',
['npcstore_menu_description'] = 'Koupit %s za $%s.',
['npcstore_menu_paymentchoise'] = 'Obchod - Výběr platby',
['npcstore_payment_no_method'] = 'Není k dispozici žádná platební metoda',
['npcstore_menu_amount'] = 'Množství k nákupu',
['npcstore_menu_bank'] = 'Banka',
['npcstore_menu_bank_description'] = 'Zaplatit $%s z vašeho bankovního účtu.',
['npcstore_menu_cash'] = 'Hotovost',
['npcstore_menu_cash_description'] = 'Zaplatit $%s v hotovosti.',
['npcstore_menu_confirm'] = 'Potvrdit nákup za $%s',
['npcstore_menu_confirm_description'] = 'Platba: %s. \n Košík: %s - %sx.',
['npcstore_menu_purchase_title'] = 'Obchod - %s',
-- (notifications)
['npcstore_amount_too_low'] = 'Množství musí být větší než 0!',
['npcstore_purchased'] = 'Právě jste zakoupili %s za $%s.',
['npcstore_npcenough'] = 'Nemáte dostatek peněz, chybí vám $%s.',
--[[ Codelock ]]--
['codelock_menu_lock'] = 'Přidat zámek',
['codelock_menu_lock_description'] = 'Přidat zámek.',
['codelock_menu_unlock'] = 'Odemknout zámek',
['codelock_menu_unlock_description'] = 'Odemknout zámek.',
['codelock_menu_locked'] = ' - (zamčeno)',
['codelock_menu_unlocked'] = ' - (odemčeno)',
['codelock_menu_add_lock'] = 'Přidat zámek',
['codelock_menu_add_lock_description'] = 'Kód',
['codelock_menu_remove_lock'] = 'Odemknout zámek',
['codelock_menu_remove_lock_description'] = 'Kód',
-- (notifications)
['codelock_menu_wrong_code'] = 'Špatný kód!',
['codelock_menu_pick_locked'] = 'Nemůžete zvednout zamčený stan!',
['codelock_menu_4digits'] = 'Číslo musí mít 4 číslice!',
['codelock_menu_already_locked'] = 'Tento stan již má zámek!',
['codelock_menu_already_unlocked'] = 'Tento stan nemá zámek!',
['codelock_menu_not_ablt_to_lock'] = 'Nemůžete zamknout tento stan!',
['codelock_menu_no_codelock'] = 'Nemáte zámek!',
--[[ Usable Food Items ]]--
['usableitem_progressbar_eating'] = 'Jídlo',
['usableitem_progressbar_drinking'] = 'Pití',
--[[ Discord Logs ]]--
['discord_logs_player_name'] = 'Jméno hráče:',
['discord_logs_player_discord'] = 'Discord hráče:',
['discord_logs_player_char'] = 'Postava hráče:',
-- Npc shop
['discord_logs_supply_shop'] = 'Nákup v NPC obchodě',
['discord_logs_supply_shop_desc'] = 'Položka: **%s** \n Množství: **%s** \n Cena **$%s** \n Typ platby: **%s**',
-- Admin menu
['discord_logs_admin_menu_destroyed'] = 'Zničený objekt',
['discord_logs_admin_menu_destroyed_desc'] = 'Admin zničil objekt(**#%s**).',
['discord_logs_admin_menu_teleport'] = 'Teleport objektu',
['discord_logs_admin_menu_teleport_desc'] = 'Admin se teleportoval k objektu(**#%s**).',
-- Locks
['discord_logs_locks_used'] = 'Hráč použil zámek',
['discord_logs_locks_used_desc'] = 'Hráč použil zámek na objektu(**#%s**).',
['discord_logs_locks_removed'] = 'Hráč odstranil zámek',
['discord_logs_locks_removed_desc'] = 'Hráč odstranil zámek z objektu(**#%s**).',
--[[ Other ]]--
['pickup'] = 'Zvednout',
['pickup_description'] = 'Zvednout tento %s.',
['pickingobject'] = 'Zvedání %s...',
['placingobject'] = 'Umísťování %s...',
['fillingbeercup'] = 'Plnění poháru...',
['objectpacing_controls'] = '[E] - Umístit objekt, [SCROLLPRESS] - Zrušit, [SCROLLUP/SCROLLDOWN] - Otočit',
-- (notifications)
['cannottake'] = 'Nemůžete vzít tuto položku.',
['missingitem'] = 'Chybí vám: %s.',
['itembroke'] = 'Vaše položka se rozbila!',
['donthaveitem'] = 'Nemáte vybranou položku.',
['actioncanceled'] = 'Akce byla zrušena!',
['itemcannotbeplaced'] = 'Položku nelze umístit zde!',
['cannotwhileinvehicle'] = 'Nemůžete to udělat, když jste ve vozidle!',
['player_busy'] = 'Nemůžete to udělat právě teď!',
['occupied'] = 'Tento %s je obsazen!',
['blacklistedzone'] = 'Nemůžete umísťovat objekty na vaší aktuální pozici!',
Last updated
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